The Archdiocesan Archive in Gniezno has a number of archival materials connected with Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, the Primate of Poland. Some of them, produced during primate’s management of the Archdiocese of Gniezno as an ordinary bishop, were included many years ago into the archival fonds called the Archive of the Metropolitan Curia. In addition, many years ago, the albums with photos showing the Primate’s work in many parts of Poland were included into the records. However, the description and cataloguing of the proper legacy of the Primate of the Millenium began in 2014. In the beginning, the documentation was divided into three series: notes ‘Pro memoria’ (original manuscripts and typed copies), ‘The Primate of Poland’s Sermons’ (typescripts with different kinds of public speeches) and Varia (three units have been included into this series so far). Inventory work on the sermons was halted due to the gaps which we hope to fill with the copies coming from the fonds of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Institute. When we receive the copies, we will include them into the series ‘The Primate of Poland’s Sermons’, then we will begin describing and cataloguing 6,5 linear metres of wishes as well as visitors’ books and material relating to the funeral. The loose photos will be included in the collection of the albums. Some archival materials, 1,5 linear metres of documents, which were produced as a result of Primate’s powers in spirutualibus and a few folders entitled ‘The correspondence to which His Eminence responded with pictures’ will be included in the fonds ‘The Primate of Poland Archive’ as soon as the work on the archival materials related to Primate Hlond is completed. The inventory work resulted in the contacts with Dr Hab. Paweł Skibiński from Warsaw and the Primate Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Institute. The exchange of information and experiences gives hope that Wyszynsciany (material related to Cardinal Wyszyński) will be better known. The beatification of the Primate of the Millenium is approaching, and the work of these three teams is homage paid to the Man whose work and personality should be better known and esteemed.
Archiwum Archidiecezjalne w Gnieźnie posiada sporo materiałów archiwalnych po Stefanie kard. Wyszyńskim, Prymasie Polski. Część z nich, wytworzonych w wyniku zarządu archidiecezją gnieźnieńską przez prymasa jako ordynariusza, została już wiele lat temu włączona do zespołu archiwalnego pn. Archiwum Kurii Metropolitalnej. Wiele lat temu zostały również włączone do ewidencji albumy ze zdjęciami, obrazujące posługę Prymasa w różnych miejscach Polski. W roku 2014 rozpoczęło się opracowanie właściwej spuścizny po Prymasie Tysiąclecia. Wstępnie wyodrębniono trzy serie dokumentacji: zapiski „Pro memoria” (oryginalne rękopisy i kopie maszynopisowe), „Kazania Prymasa Polski” (maszynopisy z wszelkiego rodzaju wystąpieniami publicznymi) oraz varia (dotychczas zaliczono do tej serii trzy jednostki). Prace inwentaryzacyjne nad kazaniami zostały wstrzymane ze względu na zauważone braki, które mamy nadzieję uzupełnić kopiami z zasobu Instytutu Stefana Kardynała Wyszyńskiego. Po uzyskaniu kopii włączymy je do serii „Kazania Prymasa Polski” i rozpoczniemy opracowanie 6,5 mb życzeń a także ksiąg pamiątkowych i materiałów, odnoszących się do pogrzebu. Zdjęcia, przechowywane luzem, zostaną włączone do kolekcji albumów. Część archiwaliów, a mianowicie 1, 5 mb dokumentów, wynikających z uprawnień Prymasa in spirutualibus oraz kilka teczek, zatytułowanych: „Korespondencja, na którą J. E. odpowiedział obrazkami” zostanie w przyszłości włączona do zespołu „Archiwum Prymasa Polski”. Stanie się to jednak dopiero po zamknięciu prac nad archiwaliami po prymasie Hlondzie. Prace inwentaryzacyjne zaowocowały kontaktami z zespołem dr hab. Pawła Skibińskiego z Warszawy oraz Instytutem Prymasowskim Stefana Kardynała Wyszyńskiego. Wymiana informacji i doświadczeń daje nadzieję na coraz pełniejsze poznanie „Wyszynscianów”. Wobec spodziewanej beatyfikacji Prymasa Tysiąclecia prace tych trzech środowisk stanowią swoisty hołd wobec Człowieka, którego dzieło i osoba winny być coraz lepiej znane i poważane.
The paper gives a general view of the handwritten books and of the old printed books of Italian provenance, stored in the Gniezno Archdiocese archives (Poland). Gniezno is the seat of the Primates of Poland and its archbishop was through centuries a very important person in the Kingdom of Poland (than in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), right after the king. The ecclesiastical and political significance of this archbishopric explains the centuries-old connections of the Gniezno clergy to Italy as a destination of the peregrinations, of the journeys to the Papal Curia and of the academic studies. The paper emphasizes, among the manuscript books, the Latin codices containing the university course books (in this number they are four codices from Padova), the lecture notes made by the students and a travel journal written in the Polish language during a trip to Rome in the 18th century. The incunabula of the Italian provenance, due to their amount, should be an object of a separate study and are not considered in this paper. Among the old prints from the 16th century the author presents the books considered both “italica” and “polonica.” Regarding the posterior printed books of the Italian provenance stored at Gniezno, the paper refers to the private library of a chapter canon, which in the years 1834–1835 undertook a study trip in Italy. At the end the author makes a mention of some “librarian trace” of the Polish-Italian relationships concerning the Protestant Reformation.
L’articolo offre una visione generale dei libri manoscritti e degli antichi libri stampati di provennienza italiana, conservati nell’Archivio dell’Arcidiocesi di Gniezno. Gniezno è la sede del Primate di Polonia e per secoli il suo arcivescovo è stato una personalità assai importante nel Regno di Polonia (allora Confederazione Polacco-Lituana), subito dopo il re. Il significato ecclesiastico e politico di questo arcivescovado spiega i secolari legami del clero di Gniezno con l’Italia come meta dei pellegrinaggi, dei viaggi alla curia pontificia e degli studi universitari. L’articolo mette in evidenza, tra i libri manoscritti, i codici latini contenenti i libri dei corsi universitari (in questo numero vi sono quattro codici provenienti da Padova), gli appunti delle lezioni presi dagli studenti e un giornale di viaggio scritto in polacco durante un viaggio a Roma nel XVIII secolo. Gli incunaboli di provenienza italiana, per la loro quantità, dovrebbero costituire un oggetto di studio separato e non sono presi in considerazione in questo contributo. Tra le antiche stampe del XVI secolo, l’autore presenta i libri considerati sia “italica” sia “polonica”. Per quanto riguarda i libri stampati successivamente di provenienza italiana conservati a Gniezno, l’articolo si riferisce alla biblioteca privata di un canonico capitolare, che negli anni 1834–1835 intraprese un viaggio di studio in Italia. Infine, l’Autore menziona alcune “tracce bibliotecarie” delle relazioni polacco-italiane riguardanti la Riforma protestante.
The history of the parish in Kaława is connected with the history of the Cistercian monastery in Paradyż. In the second half of the 13th century, the church dedicated to St Nicolaus was built in this village; for the first time this church is mentioned in Liber beneficiorum of 1510. It is probable that it was then that the parish was established. In the Reformation period, the church along with the parish was taken over by Protestants; however, in 1596 it was returned to Catholics. From then onwards, the Cistercians from Paradyż were parish priests in this parish. During the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), the Brandenburg and Swedish armies invaded the abbey and its villages. During the Swedish Deluge in 1655, the church in Kaława was looted and burnt. At the request of the then Paradyż Abbot Edmund Zagorow, the church was rebuilt and opened for the faithful in 1660. However, this church was also destroyed in a fire in 1733. It was rebuilt again by Abbot Józef Gorczyński. The presented Liber Copulatorum of the years 1689-1759 is the oldest surviving parish book in the archive of the parish in Kaława; it is included in the folder ‘The fragments of the old registers of the parish of Kaława’. The publishers hope this edition will contribute to further research on the history of the Catholic parishes in the deanery of Pszczew in the early modern times and the history of the Cistercian abbey in Paradyż.
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