The studies were performed to determine the possibility of application of potassium carbonate and calcium chloride to dry a stream of atmospheric air before enriching analytes of monoterpens group. It was found out that 80 to 90% of water vapour content can be removed from air nearly completely saturated with water vapour. The losses of monoterpene analytes does not exceed 10% and are independent of gas humidity. The recovery of analytes decreases with analyt concentration and temperature drop of dried air stream.
Przeprowadzono porównawcze, modelowe badania możliwości wykorzystania złoża węglanu potasu oraz chlorku wapnia do osuszania strumienia powietrza atmosferycznego przed etapem wzbogacania analitów z grupy monoterpenów. W trakcie tych badań stwierdzono, że jest możliwe usunięcie w ten sposób od 80 do 90% wilgoci ze strumienia powietrza o wilgotności bliskiej nasycenia. Straty analitów z grupy monoterpenów związane z etapem osuszania nie przekraczają 10% i nie zależą od wilgotności gazu natomiast wzrastają ze wzrostem stężenia analitów w gazie oraz ze spadkiem temperatury osuszonego strumienia gazu.
This work presents basic information on preparing previously handled samples of soils and sediments in order to determine low concentrations of different organic contaminants (Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), Polychlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesticides, and Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCDD/F), etc.). Solid environmental samples such as soils and sediments are subjected to different pretreatment processes, including: - isolation and preconcentration of analytes from the sample matrix, - clean-up of extracts, and - preconcentration of analytes from a secondary matrix (solvent, gas). The literature described here is closely related to these analytical operations. A separate chapter focuses on the application of Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) in analytics of organic pollutants in solid environmental matrices. Today SFE is becoming the most often used technique in these areas.
In this review the most well-known examples of secondary effects and pollutants which occur in the particular elements of the environment (atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil and food products) are described. Very often pollution of the environment is characterized only by quantities of primary pollutants emitted to the particular elements of the environment. However, it is much more difficult to find any information on certain secondary effects and pollutants which can have a considerably higher influence on environmental degradation than the respective primary pollutants. This does not concern such well-known phenomena as acid rains, the greenhouse effect, depletion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere and smog. This paper also presents some less well-known secondary effects and pollutants such as sick building syndrome, dioxins formation during waste incineration, secondary pollution of water during water treatment, eutrophication of waters, food contamination during processing, and occurrence of PCB's in the environment.
We recorded the echolocation behavior of the molossid bat Mormopterus minutus, a species that uses a plastic call inventory. During its foraging activity, M. minutus searches for insects emitting rather long and narrow-band echolocation calls. Search call design however, can vary noticeably even in a continuous foraging pass. While echolocating in different flying conditions M. minutus uses several other call designs such as short CF, QCF, FM/QCF, FM and multi-harmonic FM, with or without harmonic overlap, and QCF/FM. Call plasticity characterizes most echolocation sequences, particularly in bats flying in open spaces. Call variation was also influenced by the presence of conspecifics. In those sequences containing echolocation calls from more than one bat, signals from different individuals were reliably identified. In contrast to other small molossids, the call designs in the echolocation inventory of M. minutus show a high level of plasticity. Our results suggest that M. minutus has combined the advantages of emitting several call designs, as shown by molossids, with the advantages of manipulating one signal design as shown by vespertilionids within the same sonar inventory.