The objective of the EU regional policy is to increase the economic and social cohesion in all its regions by providing assistance to less developed regions and sectors of the economies of the member states. All activities undertaken in the framework of EU regional policy are designed to promote sustainable economic development. The economic crisis of recent years in the euro zone forced the development of new prudential standards in the conduct of fi scal policy. This paper presents the relationship between macroeconomic heightening introduced in the euro area (including pressure on compliance with the provisions of the budgetary framework binding all the member states), the effects posed by non-compliance with the new rules and the possibility of implementing regional policy in Poland.
The present study concerns the issue of financing the budget of the European Union. The article presents selected factors in the evolution of EU finances and delineates the attempts at replacing the sources of financing taken up in 2011 and pertaining to the financial perspective of 2014–2020. Scenarios for EU development have been indicated, with particular emphasis on their implications for the future shape of the EU budget. The article also presents the main priorities and assumptions of EU financing after 2020 in the context of accepted multiannual financial framework.
The aim of the article is to show the problems of trust. Article explains the concept of „trusteeship”, presents its genesis and the entities and institutions associated with it. It also shows the types of activities and so-called trust „Fiduciary reservation”. This article contains a discussion on the types of.
Artykuł dotyczy problematyki związanej ze stosowaniem instrumentów finansowych w realizacji polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju w Unii Europejskiej. W artykule przedstawiono główne modele wdrażania zwrotnych instrumentów finansowych w Unii Europejskiej. Przedstawiono analizę efektywności wykorzystania instrumentów finansowych oraz wybrane bariery w ich wdrażaniu.
The article concerns the problems associated with the use of financial instruments in the implementation of sustainable development policy in the European Union. The article presents the main deployment models repayable financial instruments in the Member States of the European Union. An analysis of the efficiency of use of financial instruments and selected barriers to their implementation.
The paper explores the issue of funding the operational programmes effectuated in Poland based on the financial frameworks of the European Union for 2000-2006 and 2007-2013. The membership of Poland in the European Union provides an opportunity to receive additional funds, however the funds absorption also brings about costs. The author's aim is to evaluate the influence of the Polish systems of funding the operational programmes co-financed by the EU structural funds on the public finance. The systemic solutions implemented in Poland affect two basic macroeconomic parameters: public debt and budget deficit.
Unikalna społeczność "Książki za kratę", oparta na dobrej woli i darach książkowych, pozwala spojrzeć bardzo szeroko na problem komunikacji różnych środowisk w warunkach wolności i więzienia.
The unique community of "Books for the plaid", based on goodwill and book gifts, allows you to look very broadly at the problem of communication between different environments in the conditions of freedom and imprisonment.
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The EU and the USA are presently negotiating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership that aims at increasing cooperation between the two continents. However, the effects of the Partnership for both parties remain unknown. Yet, undoubtedly the agreement will seriously influence foreign, social and economic policies of the EU and the USA and in effect the policies of third parties and thus infl uence the global situation. The paper aims at describing the genesis of political and economic cooperation between the EU and the USA, including the negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Na przełomie lat 2019–2020 gospodarka światowa doświadczyła spowolnienia, będącego efektem pandemii COVID-19. Negatywne reperkusje podjętych działań, związane ze spowolnieniem aktywności gospodarczej, doświadczyły wszystkie państwa członkowskie Unii Europejskiej (UE). Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie skutków pandemii dla gospodarki UE oraz identyfikacja wybranych działań podjętych przez UE i wdrażanych instrumentów na rzecz przeciwdziałania implikacjom COVID-19 w roku 2020 oraz zaplanowanych na lata 2021–2027. Autorki starają się odpowiedzieć na pytania: (1) Czy podjęte przez Komisję Europejską (KE) działania oraz tymczasowe środki pomocy państwa będą oddziaływać pozytywnie na ograniczenie negatywnych implikacji kryzysu gospodarczego i społecznego wywołanego pandemią? (2) Czy zaproponowane instrumenty i źródła ich finansowania przygotowane w celu zapewnienia odbudowy gospodarki UE są wystarczające? W artykule stawiana jest hipoteza, że planowane instrumenty finansowe, wdrażane na poziomie UE, powinny do pewnego stopnia ograniczyć negatywne implikacje pandemii, jednakże konieczne jest prowadzenie ścisłej współpracy państw członkowskich i instytucji europejskich w zakresie koordynacji podejmowanych działań i realizowanych instrumentów, warunkującej większą ich skuteczność. W artykule wykorzystano metodę opisową, normatywną i diachroniczną. Analiza wprowadzonych działań zaradczych na poziomie UE oraz na poziomie państwa członkowskiego (Polski) prowadzi do sformułowania wniosku, że mimo wprowadzonych przez KE działań zapobiegawczych kryzysowi gospodarczemu, ciężar przeciwdziałania skutkom epidemii spoczywa głównie na państwach, których rządy wprowadziły pakiety antykryzysowe.
At the turn of 2019 and 2020 the world economy experienced a slowdown resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Negative repercussions of the measures taken, related to the slowdown in economic activity, have been experienced by all EU Member States. The article aims to present the influence of the pandemic on the EU economy and to identify the selected EU measures and instruments implemented to counteract the implications of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021–2027. The authors attempt to answer the following questions: (1) Will the actions taken by the European Commission and temporary state aid measures positively impact reducing the negative implications of the economic and social crisis caused by the pandemic? (2) Are the proposed instruments and their financing sources ensuring the recovery of the EU economy sufficient? The article puts forward a hypothesis that the prepared financial instruments implemented at the EU level should reduce the negative implications of the pandemic to some extent; however, close cooperation between the Member States and European institutions in terms of coordination of the implemented measures and instruments is necessary to render them more effectively. The authors utilise the descriptive, normative and diachronic methods. The analysis of the implemented remedial actions at the EU level and at the level of a Member State (Poland) leads to the conclusion that despite the economic crisis prevention measures introduced by the European Commission, the burden of counteracting the consequences of the epidemic rests mainly with the countries whose governments have introduced anti-crisis packages.
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The Eastern Partnership program was established in May of 2009 and became a part of EU external policy. It contains a complex concept addressed to all countries participating in the Program. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine have established a wide range of close political and economic cooperation with the European Union. Under Eastern Partnership cooperation the benefi ciary countries can count on financial and organizational support in the implementation of the wide range reforms in their economies. This article aims to present the main sources of fi nancial support addressed to the Eastern Partnership countries and the current state of implementation of the Eastern Partnership objectives. The article shows the nature and purpose of the establishment of the Eastern Partnership, presents the specificity of programs addressed to the Partnership countries by the European Union, the European Investment Bank and the Visegrad Group countries.
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