Introduction: In elderly patients the dizziness and balance disorders may be elicited by the central nervous system dysfunction on various levels, caused be aging process and the coexisting diseases. The aim of the study was to assess the efficiency of rehabilitation in elderly patients with dizziness and balance unsteadiness.Material and methods: Out of the 84 patients over 65 years, with central vestibular impairment diagnosed in videonystagmography VNG, 31 with dizziness and balance unsteadiness, were enrolled to the study. Otolaryngological examination, Tinetti test, Time and Go test (TUG) and Functional Reach (FR) tests were conducted in all patients. They were assessed twice before and after 2 weeks of vestibular rehabilitation (VR). Training sessions took place five times a week.Results: Statistically significant improvement in total DHI and 3 subscale were observed after therapy. As many as 70% of patients presented better outcome in the gait and stability tests - in Time and Go test (TUG) an average score of 15.3 seconds, in Tinetti test an average of 22 points (low chance to fall) and in the FR test 27 cm were observed.Conclusion: In elderly patients, vestibular rehabilitation is a method that significantly improves posture and gait stability. In ageing patients with dizziness and unsteadiness clinical, functional and objective tests could confirm diagnosis and monitor VR therapy.
Introduction. Results of studies analyzing the role of immunocompetent cells in tumor environment and whole peripheral blood indicate their responsibility for aggressiveness of neoplasm, prognosis and therapeutic effect. Atcivation of lymhocytes T is connected with expression the markers (antigens) on their surface. The aim of this study was the analysis of activation antigens expression on lymphocytes T in patients with laryngeal carcinoma and the connection with clinicomorphological features. Material and methods. Analysis of activation antigens expression CD69, CD71 and CD25, CD26, HLA/DR on lymphocytes T CD4+ i CD8+ in 33 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx was performed. Flow cytometry-based analysis of activation antigens in T cell cultures with and without PHA stimulation was used. The connection of these molecules and clinicomorphological features was examined (pT, pN, G, Anneroth, Batsakis and Lunas’ classifi cation). Results. The significant correlation between chosen markers of activation and tumor features were noted: pT with HLA/DR/CD4, CD69CD8, CD71CD8, pN with CD26CD8, G with CD25CD8, CD71CD8, ABL score with CD25CD4. Conclusion. Our data indicated the connection of immunocompetent cell activity and spread of neoplasm in patients with laryngeal carcinoma.
Wstęp: Posturografia mobilna, oparta o czujniki sensoryczne montowane na tułowiu, pozwala na badanie stabilności statycznej (posturografia statyczna), a także na rejestracje zaburzeń podczas chodu. Cel: Celem tej pracy było przedstawienie wyników badań z zastosowaniem nowatorskiego systemu MEDIPOST, wykorzystanego do diagnostyki i rehabilitacji zaburzeń układu równowagi. Materiał i metody: Przedstawiono i omówiono 14 artykułów opublikowanych w zagranicznych czasopismach. Opracowanie i skonstruowanie urządzenia poprzedził przegląd literatury oraz prace metodyczne. Przetłumaczono i zwalidowano kwestionariusz niepełnosprawności Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI). Opracowano również metodykę posturografii z ruchami głowy o częstotliwości 0,3 Hz w grupie osób z przewlekłymi zawrotami głowy. Przeprowadzono jednoczasowo pomiary przy użyciu posturografii mobilnej ME-DIPOT i postruografii statycznej w teście MCTSIB (ang. Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction in Balance) u osób zdrowych i chorych z jednostronną dysfunkcją obwodową układu równowagi. Wyniki: W badaniu posturografii z ruchami głowy stwierdzono poprawę czułości (z 67 do 74%) oraz swoistości (z 65 do 71%). W teście MCTSIB współczynniki korelacji wewnątrzklasowej dla obu metod (posturografia mobilna MEDIPOST vs statyczna) wynosiły 0,9. Największe różnice między badaniami zaobserwowano dla średniej prędkości kątowej środka ciężkości w próbach na piance (próba 3. i 4.), w szczególności zaś w próbach na piance z oczami zamkniętymi (próba 4. – czułość 86,4%, swoistość 87,7%). Dwa testy funkcjonalne poddano szczegółowej analizie: test przesiadania się między krzesłami (ang. Swap Seats) oraz test obrotu o 360 stopni. W pierwszym wyniki odczytywane są z 6 czujników – 86% wyników prawdziwie dodatnich i 73% wyników prawdziwie ujemnych dla klasyfikacji grup upadający/nieupadający. Drugi test pozwala różnicować osoby z uszkodzeniami przedsionkowymi i zdrowymi. Wynik może być analizowany z 1 (czułość 80%) i 6 czujników (czułość 86%, swoistość 84%). Aktualnie urządzenie MEDIPOST jest w fazie opracowywania i certyfikacji.
Introduction: Mobile posturography is based on wearable inertial sensors; it allows to test static stability (static posturography) and gait disturbances. Aim: The aim of this work was to present the results of research on the innovative MEDIPOST system used for diagnosis and rehabilitation of balance disorders. Material and methods: Fourteen articles published in influenced foreign journals were presented and discussed. The deve-lopment and construction of the device was preceded by a literature review and methodological work. The Dizziness Handi-cap Inventory (DHI) questionnaire was translated and validated. The methodology of posturography with head movements with a frequency of 0.3 Hz was also developed in the group with chronic vestibular disorders. Simultaneous measurements were performed (static posturogrphy vs. MEDIPOST) in the CTSIB-M (Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction in Balance) test in healthy subjects and patients with unilateral peripheral dysfunction. Results: In the posturography with head movements the improvement of sensitivity (67 to 74%) and specificity (65 to 71%) was noted. In the CTSIB-M test the intraclass correlation coefficients for both methods were 0.9. The greatest differences between examinations were observed for the mean angular velocity in the tests on the foam (trials no. 3 and 4), in particular on the foam with eyes closed (trial no. 4 – sensitivity 86.4%, specificity 87.7%). Two functional tests were analyzed: the Swap Seats test and the 360 degree turn test. In the former, the results are studied from 6 sensors – 86% of the true positives and 73% of the true negatives for the fall/ no-fall group classification. The second test differentiates people with vestibular impairment and healthy people. It can be analyzed with 1 (sensitivity 80%) and 6 sensors (sensitivity 86%, specificity 84%). Currently, the MEDIPOST device is in the development and certification phase
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