The article presents two units of unclear grammatical classification, both derived from the pronoun phrases: zaś and natomiast. In the first part of the article the units are contrasted with units considered in lexicography as being semantically close: za to, z kolei, ale and a. The first one is equally dubious when it comes to its classification, the second belongs to the class of particles, the last two - to the class of conjunctions. Based on the analysis of the TR structure of sentences with the aforementioned units and their word order, together with observations on their ability to co-occur with other metatextual units, it can be pointed out that zaś and natomiast cannot be seen neither as particles, nor as conjunctions (as identified in modern Polish linguistics). The second part of the article provides a more detailed observation on TR structure of sentences with zaś and natomiast in order to recognise their specificity.
The author discusses Ewa Walusiak's proposal to distinguish three homogenous and synonymous language units belonging to three groups: prepositions, particles and conjunctions. It is argued that the criteria used by Walusiak do not allow for clear differentiation of the three groups. Therefore the author suggests an opposite hypothesis to be true: all of the language units in question belong to one and only one group of particles. The final part of the article is devoted to a preliminary semantic distinction between na dodatek, w dodatku, na dobitkę, na dobitek, na dokładkę and na domiar złego.
The article is devoted to semantic and grammatical description of two of the four strenghtening particles: żeby było_ and co_. These are very interesting language units, not attested in dictionaries, the only ones in the group of particles containing valency positions. Despite the semantic similarity between them and the two other items of the group - tym bardziej and co dopiero - they tend to occur in different sentence structures, i.e. containing joint conjuctions, restrictive or analogy particles. They do not occur in the context of non-assertive sentences. This paper considers the type of structure formed by the examined language units, the possibilities of filling their valency positions and, in result, their meaning.
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Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje przykłady rozwiązań architektonicznych mających na celu pomoc w poprawie warunków życia w miastach nieformalnych powstających w Ameryce Południowej. Przedstawione projekty powstały na podstawie wyników światowych konkursów architektonicznych, analiz badań społecznych i kulturowych, konsultacji społecznych, czy też poprzez wprowadzenie radykalnych rozwiązań urbanistycznych do miast. Każdy z nich miał na celu zmniejszenie poziomu marginalizacji społecznej mieszkańców dzielnic biedoty oraz integrację części formalnej i nieformalnej miasta.
This article presents an overview of architectural solutions aimed at helping to improve living conditions in informal cities emerging in South America. The presented projects are based on the results of global architectural competitions, and based on the analysis of social and cultural research, social consultations and through the introduction of radical urban solutions. Each of these aims to reduce the level of social marginalisation of the residents of poor neighbourhoods and the integration of formal and informal parts of cities.
The article presents three etymologically related units: bo, bowiem i albowiem. Basing on analysis of the contexts of their use (requirement of a weaker / stronger pause, ability to cooperate with an elliptic sentence, possibility of changing position within a sentence), with particular regard to binding between a rheme of the sentence with which these units coocurate and a preceeding rheme, the possibility of including bowiem and albowiem into the classes of particles and conjunctions is discussed.
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The paper discusses the individuality of the phrases niemniej, niemniej jednak, niemniej przeto, and tym niemniej (‘nonetheless’ &c.). It is suggested that niemniej jednak and niemniej przeto are compounds, because the elements niemniej, jednak, and przeto represent in them different groups of inference particles. The phrases niemniej and tym niemniej are considered to be semantically close but, against the lexicographic tradition, not identical. The range of use of the latter is significantly narrower. It is not found, for example, in the so-called confirmative contexts where niemniej occurs naturally; see *Ukazuje on światu Jezusa już nie jako fikcyjną postać z mitu ani jako abstrakcyjną formułę tradycyjnego katolicyzmu, ale jako genialnego człowieka, tym niemniej tylko człowieka ‘He shows Jesus to the world, not as a fictional, mythical character or as the abstract formula of traditional Catholicism, but as a brilliant man, yet only a man’.
Progressive degradation of the environment caused, among others, by the excessive use of chemical pesticides forces us to look for alternative methods of protecting crops against pathogens. Definitely beneficial for the environment, but also, as confirmed by numerous studies, the use of biological control mechanisms can be an effective solution. The bacteria can inhibit the growth of fungi through the production of enzymes that lyse their cell walls, such as chitinases and glucanases, but also by limiting the availability of microelements important to growth, such as iron, by chelating them to siderophores, and finally producing antibiotics and secondary metabolites, like 2,4-DAPG. The present study examined 16 strains of bacteria isolated from Medicago sativa rhizosphere for their suitability for the control of fungal pathogens such as Fusarium culmorum and Phoma medicaginis. Among of bacteria were strains belonging to the family Bacillaceae (genus Bacillus, Lysinibacillus and Paenibacillus), the family Pseudomonadaceae (genus Pseudomonas), the family Xantomonadaceae (genus Stenotrophomonas) of the Enterobacteriaceae family (genus Citrobacter, Leclercia and Raoultella) and of the family Rhizobiaceae (genus Sinorhizobium). In vitro, both on solid and liquid media, all bacterial strains were able to limit the growth of Fusarium culmorum and Phoma medicaginis. The effective inhibitors of Fusarium culmorum Cul-3 were Roultella planticola KK 8a, Pseudomonas corrugata KK 12, and both strains belonging to Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KK 8b and KK 9b. Limiting the development of the second Medicago pathogen, Phoma medicaginis, was the most effective after the use of Pseudomonas corrugata KK 7, Leclercia adecarboxylata KK 6 and Pseudomonas brassicacearum KK 5. By studying the mechanisms that may be potential for bacteria to inhibit the growth of fungi was tested production of lytic enzymes the cell walls, and siderophores. All bacterial strains showed β-1,3-glucanase activity in the range of 2.3 to 72.5 μmol glucose /mg protein/min. Five strains showed chitinolytic activity, with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KK 8b being the most active. Thirteen of the 16 analyzed strains of rhizobacteria were able to produce iron chelating compounds, siderophores. In addition, the presence of the phlD gene was confirmed in Pseudomonas brassicacearum KK 5 and P. corrugata KK 12, which may indicate the production of 2,4-DAPG. The results obtained indicate that the bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere have the potential for biological control of fungal pathogens, which limit the plant cultivation, using various mechanisms. The use of rhizobacteria as biopesticides is an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical plant protection products.
Postępująca degradacja środowiska spowodowana między innymi nadmiernym wykorzystywaniem chemicznych środków ochrony roślin zmusza nas do poszukiwania alternatywnych metod zabezpieczania upraw przed patogenami. Zdecydowanie korzystnym dla środowiska ale również, jak potwierdzają liczne badania, skutecznym rozwiązaniem może być wykorzystanie mechanizmów zwalczania biologicznego. Bakterie mogą ograniczyć rozwój patogenów grzybowych poprzez produkcję enzymów lizujących ich ściany komórkowe, takich jak chitynazy i glukanazy ale także poprzez ograniczenie dostępności ważnych dla ich wzrostu mikroelementów, jak żelazo, chelatując je do sideroforów, czy wreszcie produkując grzybobójcze antybiotyki i metabolity wtórne, jak 2,4-DAPG.W niniejszych badaniach przeanalizowano 16 szczepów bakterii wyizolowanych z ryzosfery Medicago sativa pod kątem ich przydatności do zwalczania patogenów grzybowych takich jak Fusarium culmorum i Phoma medicaginis. Wśród bakterii były szczepy należące do rodziny Bacillaceae (rodzaju Bacillus, Lysinibacillus i Paenibacillus), z rodziny Pseudomonadaceae (rodzaju Pseudomonas), z rodziny Xantomonadaceae (rodzaju Stenotrophomonas), z rodziny Enterobacteriaceae (rodzaju Citrobacter, Leclercia i Raoultella) oraz z rodziny Rhizobiaceae (rodzaju Sinorhizobium). W warunkach in vitro zarówno na pożywkach stałych jak i płynnych wszystkie analizowane szczepy bakterii były zdolne do ograniczenia wzrostu Fusarium culmorum oraz Phoma medicaginis. Do skutecznych inhibitorów rozwoju Fusarium culmorum Cul 3 należy zaliczyć szczepy Roultella planticola KK 8a, Pseudomonas corrugata KK 12, oraz oba szczepy należące do Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KK 8b i KK 9b. Ograniczenie rozwoju drugiego patogena Medicago, tj. grzyba Phoma medicaginis było najskuteczniejsze po zastosowaniu szczepów Pseudomonas corrugata KK 7, Leclercia adecarboxylata KK 6 i Pseudomonas brassicacearum KK 5. Badając mechanizmy, które mogą stać za potencjałem bakterii do hamowania wzrostu grzybów sprawdzono produkcję enzymów lizujących ściany komórkowe oraz sideroforów. Wszystkie szczepy bakterii wykazywały aktywność β-1,3-glukanazy w zakresie od 2,3 do 72,5 μmol glukozy/mg białka/min. Pięć szczepów wykazało aktywność chitynolityczną, największą aktywnością charakteryzował się szczep Stenotrophomonas maltophilia KK 8b. Trzynaście z 16 analizowanych szczepów ryzobakterii było zdolnych do produkcji związków chelatujących żelazo, sideroforów. Ponadto u Pseudomonas brassicacearum KK 5 i P. corrugata KK 12 potwierdzono obecnośc genu phlD, co może świadczyć o produkcji 2,4-DAPG. Jak wynika z przeprowadzonych badań bakterie izolowane z ryzosfery posiadają potencjał do zwalczania patogenów grzybowych ograniczających uprawy, wykorzystując do tego szereg mechanizmów. Zastosowanie ryzobakterii jako biopestycydy jest przyjazną dla środowiska alternatywą dla chemicznych środków ochrony roślin.
The article concerns the basic linguistic notion of "a language unit", in particular the term: "open class" that is essential in the structuralist theory of language units. The authors present possible misinterpretations of this term and their consequences for delimitating language units. A more detailed analysis is devoted to expressions ani (+preposition) + noun and ani + verb. The authors justify the thesis on semantic and functional homogeneity of ani in the expressions of both types. By doing so, they set against the lexicographic tradition of noting multiple idiomatic expressions consisting of the sequence ani.
The paper analyses the issue of providing adequate equivalents in multilingual dictionaries. If equivalents are adequate, it means that: (1) the scope of meaning of one item is identical to its equivalent (cf. drive: drive a nail vs. drive a car); and (2) the collocations of the equivalents overlap. Two significant problems arise when searching for adequate equivalents: the lack of equivalents whose meanings are identical (narrower/wider meanings, partial overlap of meanings, more than equally good equivalent), and equivalents with homographs in a given language. Because such issues are difficult to resolve in a printed dictionary, we put forward some methods of addressing the problems in an electronic dictionary. The paper offers an example entry from such a dictionary, which presents a suggestion of a layout. We also took into consideration the potential problems which may appear if the entry is presented in this manner: first, one must set a limit for the description (a defined number of lexical units); second, one must avoid circularity, but at the same time also strive for an exhaustive description. Electronic dictionaries offer greater possibilities of presenting modern vocabulary and adding new classifiers (e.g. a classifier of politeness).
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