Przeprowadzono ocenę spożycia składników odżywczych i energetycznych, zawartych w żywności pochodzenia rynkowego, przez ludność 49 województw w kraju w latach 1983-1987. Wykazano różnice w spożyciu regionalnym tych składników, ukazano kierunki zmian wielkości i struktury spożycia w badanym okresie oraz porównano analizowane dane z istniejącymi w tym zakresie normami.
The consumption of nutrients and energy-yielding food products on the market was evaluated in 49 provinces in Poland in the years 1983-1987. Differences were demonstrated in the consumption of these products, trends were outlined in the changing values and consumption patterns in this time period, and the analysed data were compared with the accepted standards.
Zbadano zawartość Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb i Cd w świeżych warzywach pochodzących z centralnych magazynów WSO w Katowicach i przeznaczonych na rynek woj. katowickiego oraz w mleku pochodzącym z zakupów rynkowych i wybranych Okręgowych Spółdzielni Mleczarskich w tym województwie. Ponadto w produktach tych oznaczono kaloryczność, suchą masę, popiół, a w mleku także zawartość białka. Oceniono wzajemne relacje pomiędzy poszczególnymi składnikami w badanych produktach w oparciu o wyliczone współczynniki korelacji.
The levels of Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb and Cd were determined in fresh vegetables obtained from central storerooms of the WSO in Katowice which were intended for market in that Province. Vegetable samples were taken from the stores twice in the months from September to March in the yeras 1986-1987. At the same time similar analyses were done of raw milk and milk for consumption from the market and from certain dairy cooperatives in the Province. Besides the above metals, in the samples dry mass, ash, protein (by Kjeldahl method), calorie values (by burning in calorimetric bomb ZKL-4) were determined. The study included these mineral components which are necessary in human physiological requirements, and those which can be toxic if consumed in excess, and also those which cumulate selectively in plants and in animal and human organisms. The mutual relationships were evaluated of these components in the analysed food products based on calculated correlation coefficients. After the chemical analysis of these products it was found that the levels of Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and Cd and Pb varied depending on the product and site of origin of the sample. The levels of heavy metals, such as Cd and Pb, were exceeding the acceptable values in the edible parts of vegetables grown in the Province of Katowice and intended for the market in that Province. The lowest levels of toxic metals and the highest content of mineral components indispensable for physiological functions were found in the vegetables brought from the neighbouring Province of Kielce. A highly significant positive correlation was demonstrated between the mutual proportions of certain mineral components in the studied products. In the vegetables this was observed in the case of Pb level and the levels of Cd, Zn, Cu and also between Pb level and ash content.
Biological invasions are one of the most important problems of nature conservation, which affect several branches of forestry and game management. In case of recent invasions, there is a problem with assessment of invasion intensity due to insufficient quantity of data. In Poland, eight of 31 game species are alien and three small predators are serious threat to biological diversity. The most recent of them is raccoon (Procyon lotor L.). Similarly to studies about rodents and flu, we tested potential of Google search engine to assess whether it may be used as a proxy for species abundance, by downloading search index of phrase 'szop pracz' (i.e. raccoon). We decomposed time series of search intensity in weak intervals into trend, seasonal and remainder, and identified sources of variability within these elements. We also proved, that this time series may be modeled using four moving average model, according to ARIMA technique. Seasonal element was connected with species biology – raccoon was recorded less frequently in winter, due to its lower activity in this time. Remainder was connected with entertainment and law regulation news in most popular websites, which resulted the peak of search index in 2009, when there was a change in length of hunting season for raccoon. Moreover, we proved that annual sums of search indices were positively correlated with hunting gain of raccoon (p<0.05; R²=0.34), thus studied time series is connected with biological phenomena of raccoon invasion. Our results show that search engine queries may be useful in predicting and reconstruction of biological invasions.
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