Przeszłość zapisana w pamięci, w słowach, w obrazach, w przestrzeni ulega zacieraniu. Teraźniejszość jest oczywista. Przyszłość nie istnieje, ale jej zapowiedź nęci i wyzywa. Użytkowy aspekt budynku po początkowym okresie wysokiej wartości stale maleje. Wartość emocjonalna w niektórych przypadkach z czasem stale rośnie. Skoro więc materia krąży w ekosystemie, to w imię czego chcemy dźwigać ciężar podtrzymywania przy życiu budynku?
The past written in memory, words, images undergoes the process of deteriorating. The present is obvious. The future does not exist, but its announcement tempts and challenges. Utilitarian aspect of a building after a time of high value constantly decreases. Emotional value in some cases constantly increases. Since the matter circulates in an ecosystem, for the sake of what we want to bear the load of keeping a building alive?
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Architecture is authentic when it is seen and received not only by the creator, but also by it's receiver. To define his position in the creating process the architect must form a view on all the important elements in his work, and the time in which he lives. Otherwise architecture loses it's social sense and purpose which it serves. It is then subject to a relative and inconceivable way of receiving. A question arises, that it we are to speak of architecture should we think of the matter and space that it defines rather than the state in which it is in. The architect tries to work out some freedom - of course as much as the circumstances, his talent, the time he has, the needs of the investor will allow him to - to imbue his work with his own view of the role of architecture and it's rank in space.Architecture is then rather a way to put order in the work, that the will of the creator and the circumstances of the creation allow to make and the sensitivity and preparation of the receivers allows to see and understand.
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Rolą idei jest wyznaczenie ponadczasowego kierunku na drodze poszukiwania prawdy o nas i naturze otaczającego nas świata. Rolą dzieła jest jednoznaczne i skuteczne przeniesienie tego znaczenia w przestrzeni i czasie a rolą kontekstu poddanie weryfikacji jego prawdziwości.
The role of idea is to state the timeless direction on the way of searching for truth about us and the nature of the surrounding world. The role of a work of art is to transform this idea explicitly and effectively in space and time, and the role of the context is to verify its authenticity.
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Beauty undeniably occurs to be an experience of contemporary architecture, when discovered in it becomes the source of pleasure and satisfaction thus realizing its basic role of supplying enjoyment derived from being in contact with a work of art. Considering the relativity of its estimation, it is unprogrammable by definition and merely at mercy of individual perception. Consequently, it no longer is the valid category or, better, the required category of the work. Being more the expression of its author's esthetic inclinations, when discovered in a work of art by its consumers it becomes rather the marker of a group of people having similar predilections than a canon or a trend in architecture.
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