W niniejszej pracy zaproponowano użycie metod stosowanych w teorii niezawodności do oceny horyzontu predykcji szeregów czasowych, czyli do oceny czasu poprawnego przewidywania wybranych systemów przy zadanym dopuszczalnym błędzie. Analizowano niezawodność predykcji szeregów czasowych pochodzących od systemów dynamicznych z chaosem deterministycznym. Do predykcji wykorzystano algorytm liniowej aproksymacji J.J. Sidorowicha i J.D. Farmera.
In this paper we propose to apply methods used in reliability theory to estimation of horizon of time series prediction, that is estimation of the time of the correct prediction for the maximum permissible prediction error. Prediction reliability of time series obtained from dynamical systems with deterministic chaos is analyzed. Local linear approximation algorithm of Sidorowich & Farmer is used for the prediction. The concept of reliable prediction over given time is specified, as well as item's usability at the given moment. Modified form of the error function is proposed in order to get nondecreasing function. All properties of the reliability function for modified error function are proved. Experiments on time series generated from Lorenz system were carried out. The time series with 100,000 items was considered. [N, B, N] plan was used in the investigation, where N items of random sample were analyzed until all of them would be damaged, without substitution of damaged items (B). During investigation the mean time of correct prediction was calculated for the maximum permissible prediction error, as well as the confidence interval for the given confidence level alpha. The confidence interval gives an estimated range of values that with probability alpha includes time of the correct prediction. Calculated values of the mean time of the correct prediction and the confidence interval are designed for estimation of usefulness of the selected prediction method.
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