In order to define databases and computer tools supporting the planning and spatial management process, analysis of various conditions is needed. The paper, focusing on the most important ones, presents the following elements: 1.analysis of development of the spatial planning process, of requirements of progressing e-administration and evolution of information society, 2 consequences of the past . problems resulting from the necessity of operating on plans processed in different technologies, 3 requirements resulting from different ways of using the local plan (as a legal document and as basic instrument of spatial management in the commune). In consequence, alternative methods of recording plans and techniques of making their content accessible to different groups of users were proposed. The list of GIS-based computer tools assisting various tasks of spatial management related to the instrument of local plan was formulated. Some of the tools deal with monitoring and management of plan elaboration, others support the process of plan elaboration (analyses, modelling and plan recording) or the process of plan realization. The paper presents examples of such instruments implemented in Wroclaw, their functionality and basic technical solutions. Among them, there are solutions which have been developed for several years, as well as new ones being implemented at present. All of them are integrated with Wroclaw Urban Spatial Information System (WPSIP). The need to support planning and spatial management has basic influence on planned directions of evolution of the urban spatial information systems. We can observe again the double character of supported tasks: these connected with administrative procedures and those related with planning, analyses and decision making. The requirement to conduct reliable analyses influences detailed requirements concerning particular data resources., These data resources include, among others: 4 municipal registers (and related databases): register of local plans, registers of decisions and applications, 5 reference datasets received from outside or collected by the city (address database), 6 systematically updated data of the state of the city and environment (orthophoto, 3D model), 7 registers of objects and areas protected, other registers and thematic bases run by external organizations or in cooperation with the city, 8 information about different urban systems, their current condition and plans of future development. Some of these requirements and attempts to cope with them are presented on examples of WPSIP data.
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Spatial management at present has the opportunities to obtain support by information in the unusual scale. One of the ways is to use the tools of urban spatial information systems and possibility of linking the reference data with new sources of information emerging in the development of e-administration, and among them registers of facilities, the services they provide, and their customers. As the examples of establishing such a link, and of the variety of analysis made available consequently, two cases of processing data from thematic databases based on Wrocław urban spatial information system are presented. In the first case registers of inhabitants accommodation and migration are used. Geocoding this data as well as examining the spatial relationships with other characteristics of the place (e.g. distance from the city center, type of housing), provided new information on the demographic and spatial structure of population, trends and dynamics of migration processes within the city and beyond its borders. The information received provides the characteristics of individual sites, as well as allows for specification the quantitative parameters, constitute a basis for predictions. Analysis and demographic projections are of interest to most departments of the municipal authority, as the basis for determining the need for public services (health, social care, education) as well as the demand for utilities (water, heat, gas, internet). The second example concerns the use of electronic system of recruitment in schools via the Internet, which provided a comprehensive basis for planning the modernization of Wrocław schools network. Geocoding of objects was the starting point for a series of visual and quantitative analysis, including, among others: different image of the deployment of objects and their spatial relationships, the flow rate and intensity of these phenomena, the study of diversification of service indicators (spatial accessibility, distribution of commuting distances to the schools of different levels, the number of schools' attendants). In this way, characteristics of both schools and of zones of different type of residential area and socio-economic inhabitants profile were build. Juxtaposition of data has allowed also to investigate the compliance of school districts ranges with areas of the allocation found with assistance of GIS tools and with the real spatial distribution of living places of each school's students. The analysis provided the rationale for both planning a network of schools and the arguments for specific decisions concerning the maintenance or elimination of individual schools. It allows also to identify under-served areas and to plan the routes of school-bus. Although the address databases are crucial for referencing thematic data in the urban system, it is important to see other options, related to other reference data and to the new technical possibilities, such as obtaining data for transport modeling from navigation systems. The efficiency of operation depends on provided cooperation in the databases and information processing instruments building. Both the investment in the quality of the reference databases, and in ensuring of their compatibility with the other data require a major effort, but it can give synergistic effects of unusually rich source of information supporting planning, spatial management, decision-making and related research.
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Rozwój GIS w zakresie technik obliczeniowych operujących na rastrowej strukturze danych przestrzennych, z włączeniem do analiz w tym środowisku obiektów wektorowych, ich charakterystyk przestrzennych i opisowych, stwarza możliwości wzbogacenia niektórych metod stosowanych w analizach zjawisk transportowych. Przedstawione propozycje dotyczą dwóch pól tematycznych: modelowania w środowisku danych rastrowych dostępności komunikacyjnej oraz mapowania gęstości przemieszczeń. W modelowaniu dostępności możliwość charakteryzowania terenu ze względu na koszt przemieszczania się wykorzystano do budowy map dystansu oraz map "nałożenia drogi". Techniki badania gęstości przemieszczeń rozwijają koncepcję planów selekcyjno-wiązkowych - prostą i efektywną metodę wizualizacji przestrzennego obrazu potrzeb transportowych, a także pola oddziaływań przestrzennych. Nowa wersja operacyjna metody jest łatwiejsza w użyciu, bardziej efektywna, pozwala na wzbogacenie ilości przetwarzanych i obrazowanych zjawisk oraz badanie ich związków.
The operations on the raster (GRID) data structure, where the subject of analysis are phenomena represented in both raster and vector data structures, enable new possibilities of transportation problems analysis. The proposed methods concern two areas of investigation mainly. The first comprises application of spatial accessibility modelling, where the contact cost defined for each cell is taken into account in the process of raster costdistance mapping, The comparison of calculated raster costdistance maps with Euclidean-distance map provides with image of connections effectiveness evaluation. The second area of investigation comprises the new analysis possibilities of well-known method such us the trip-directional plans, placed in the new operating version in GIS environment. Trip-directional plans are the visualization method of matrix O-D (flow tables) in shape of "ideal" network of straight paths. In this version the method becomes easier in use and more effective. It allows to increase the amount of data processed and visualized, as well as to investigate its relationships.
Określenie zawartości komputerowego opracowania studium i planu miejscowego i zaprojektowanie właściwych dla nich struktur danych wymaga analizy różnorodnych uwarunkowań. Odnosząc się do najistotniejszych z nich w referacie przedstawiono: - Zakres tematyczny ustaleń planu (jako podstawę przyjęto określone ustawowo wymagania co do tekstu, rysunku oraz prognoz wymaganych przez procedurę sporządzania planu), - Analizę rozwoju procesu planowania, w tym: wyróżniono grupy uczestników procesu planowania, scharakteryzowano wymagania grupowego systemu planowania, zidentyfikowano grupy opartych na GIS narzędzi wspomagających proces planowania, przedstawiono przykłady takich narzędzi oraz nowe (fakultatywne) formy zapisu elementów opracowania planu, - Wymagania w stosunku do postaci planu wynikające ze sposobów jego wykorzystywania (jako dokumentu prawnego i jako podstawowego instrumentu prowadzenia gospodarki przestrzennej gminy) i zróżnicowania technik udostępniania różnym grupom użytkowników, - Kierunki rozwoju systemów informacji przestrzennej, w tym: pojawianie się nowych struktur danych, przechodzenie od wymiany danych do bezpośredniego dostępu do nich w środowiskach rozproszonych. W kontekście przedstawionych problemów zaproponowano i przedyskutowano pewne rozwiązania szczegółowe dotyczące alternatywnych sposobów zapisu planu i struktur danych.
In order to define the contents of a computer-based local plan and the relevant data structure analysis of various conditions are needed. The paper, focusing on the most important conditions, presents the following: - Analysis of development of the planning process, including: identifying groups of stakeholders of the planning process, characterising requirements for the group-based planning system, identifying groups of GIS-based tools assisting the planning process, presenting examples of such tools, - Requirements regarding the format of the plan, depending on its role (as a legal document and as a fundamental instrument of spatial management in the commune) and on various techniques of making it available to different groups of users, - Directions of development of spatial information systems, including: emerging new data structures, transforming from exchange of data to direct access to data in distributed systems. In this context certain detailed solutions related to alternative ways for the plans formats and data structures have been presented and discussed. The analysis also results in formulating a list of GIS-based computer tools assisting various tasks of spatial management related to the instrument of local plan. The paper presents examples of such solutions implemented in Wrocław, their functionality and basic technical solutions. Presentation of Wrocław experience is supplemented with a description of the methodology used in the „Study .... of Wrocław" and its consequences for development of tools that are useful in spatial management.
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Mimo widocznej ewolucji pojawiających się w Polsce komputerowych narzędzi wspomagających opracowywanie miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego, rozwiązania te nie nadążają za przewidywanymi potrzebami. Rozwój procesu planowania, w tym potrzeby efektywnej współpracy uczestników tego procesu, wymagają nowych funkcji systemów GIS i narzędzi komunikacji. Interesujące przykłady takich narzędzi i ich zastosowań są prezentowane w internecie. Również w sytuacji, gdy brak miejskiego zintegrowanego SIP, a podstawy prawne planowania przestrzennego podlegają zmianom, istnieje potrzeba i możliwość wspomagania planowania i gospodarki przestrzennej miasta technikami GIS. Prace takie są prowadzone w Biurze Rozwoju Wrocławia. Najnowsza aplikacja, oparta na intranetowym serwerze map, powstała w odpowiedzi na potrzebę bezpośredniego dostępu w ramach Urzędu Miejskiego Wrocławia do aktualnej bazy opracowań planistycznych.
In spite of visible evolution of computerised tools supporting the process of drawing up local spatial development plans in Poland, these solutions do not keep up with the expected needs. Further development of planning process, including the need of effective cooperation among the participants of the process, require new functions of GIS systems and communication tools. Interesting examples of such solutions and their applications are presented in Internet. As there is no integrated urban spatial information system and legal basis for spatial planning undergo transformation, there is a strong need and an opportunity to support planning and spatial development of the city by GIS techniques. Such works are carried out in the Wrocław Development Office. The latest application, based on Intranet Server Map, was developed in response to the need of the Municipality of Wroc3aw for direct access to the database of physical plans.
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Many simple and complex models for simulation of processes at local as well as regional scale were constructed and successfully applied. By means of these models it is possible to forecast, the course these processes in future, and the impact on them of such actions of the authorities as public investments, local tax policies, local law regulations. Besides, these models provide basis for methods of optimization of urban structure development as well as transportation system. Among models, two groups can be distinguished by type of the process simulated. Allocation models belong to the first group. They are used for forecasting or optimization of allocation of various activities, like housing, industry, services, education, tourism. There are the following factors determining allocation in the models: cooperation links between various forms of development, nuisance of some forms for others, terrain features, competition for land. The second group constitute transportation models widely used for forecasting of traffic flows between various activities allocated in a given area as well as changes in distribution of these flows in the effect of new road construction. Furthermore, methods of automatic new road planning are developed. In another group we find real estate market models used for forecasting changes in land cost in the effect of local policies. Many models combine elements of both allocation and transportation models. One of the most serious barriers in implementation of simulation and optimization models in urban and transportation planning practice is shortage of properly prepared data. Sometimes data collection and preparation consumes more time than the simulation processing. Still, this work has the character of accidental actions, instead of permanent process of database updating and development. The change of this state is even more urgent as new tasks of local government appear, which require the support by transport modeling (e.g. assessment of impact of investments on environment, economic financial analysis of investment projects financed by EU funds). Possible advantages are considerable, but the task is extensive and requires coordination of expectations of many users of data. The proposed actions include: 1. agreement on the model of referential data, the construction and maintenance of proper databases (addresses, transport networks) 2 implementation of referential data the data collected in computer systems of the local administration and cooperating units 3 agreement on the structure and procedures of collecting different data (both own and acquired from outside), concerning monitoring of urban systems as well as standards of planning and forecasting records. The data are supposed to be shared by a lot of municipal units, including, though not exclusively, the units conducting modeling or exploiting their results. Several-year experience in construction of the urban spatial information system in Wrocław allows to identify different categories of problems related to construction of such a database. We have been struggling with some of them with rather poor effect for years. But it is worthwhile also to note the chances and challenges connected with new technical solutions. In this paper, different kinds of modelsand the tasks of geoinformation systems are presented, as far as provision of the data necessary for their implementation is concerned.
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