W artykule scharakteryzowano współczesne budownictwo przemysłowe z betonu prefabrykowanego. Przedstawiono asortyment wyrobów prefabrykowanych stosowanych w tej gałęzi budownictwa, na przykładzie krajowych realizacji.
In the paper the modern precast concrete industrial structures were characterized. The variety of precast elements available in this branch of industry was presented and described, on the basis of domestic realizations.
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DST technique is a popular and inexpensive solution to improve concrete surface properties. It is widely used for car parks and industrial buildings due to the effectiveness and law cost of application. Case study of damage of an outdoor car park DST pavement is described. Reasons for cracks and delaminations in that pavement are discussed. Results of field tests are presented. Conclusions from the analysis of main reasons of the pavement failure are summed up and the method for repair was discussed.
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W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję samozaleczania i samonaprawy betonu. Omówiono mechanizmy samozaleczania autogenicznego oraz sposoby sterowania tym zjawiskiem, tzn. nadawania betonowi zdolności do samonaprawy. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono zastosowaniu rozproszonych nośników substancji naprawczej, w tym zwłaszcza możliwości wykorzystania żywicy epoksydowej bez utwardzacza jako modyfikatora kompozytu cementowego. Wskazano dotychczasowe osiągnięcia oraz problemy do rozwiązania, wytyczające niezbędne kierunki dalszych badań w tym zakresie.
The paper deals with the idea of self-healing and self-repair of cement concrete. The mechanisms of autogenous self-healing have been described together with the methods of controlling this phenomenon, i. e. granting to the concrete the ability to self-repair. The particular attention has been paid to the use of dispersed carriers of the repairmean, including the possibility of application of epoxy resin without a hardener as themodifier for the cement composite. The present achievements have been pointed out aswell as the problems to resolve, showing the necessary directions of the further researches in this area.
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DST technique is a popular and inxpensive solution to improve concrete surface properties. It is widely used for car parks and industrial buildings due to the effectiveness and low cost of application. Case study of damage of an outdoor car park DST pavement is described. Reasons for cracks and delaminations in that pavement are discussed. Results of field tests are presented. Conclusions from the analysis of main reasons of the pavement failure are summed up and the method for repair was discussed.
Przedstawiono koncepcję samozaleczania i samonaprawy betonu. Omówiono mechanizmy oraz sposoby sterowania tymi zjawiskami. Zwrócono uwagę na zastosowanie rozproszonych nośników substancji naprawczej, w tym możliwość wykorzystania żywicy epoksydowej bez utwardzacza. Wskazano dotychczasowe osiągnięcia oraz problemy do rozwiązania, wytyczające niezbędne kierunki dalszych badań w tym zakresie.
The paper deals with the idea of self-healing and self-repair of cement concrete. The mechanisms of these phenomena have been described together with the methods of their controlling. The particular attention has been paid to the use of dispersed carriers of the repair mean, including the possibility of application of epoxy resin without a hardener. The present achievements have been pointed out as well as the problems to resolve.
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The paper deals with the issue of the self-repairability of epoxy-cement building composites. The methods of obtaining such material have been presented, including the modification of a cement composite using an epoxy resin without a hardener. The methodology of testing the self-repairability of the building composite has been described. Selected results of investigations have also been presented.
W artykule omówiono zagadnienie samonaprawialności kompozytu betonopodobnego oraz koncepcję uzyskania takiego materiału. Przedstawiono aktualnie wdrażane metody uzyskania samonaprawialnego kompozytu betonowego, w tym modyfikację kompozytu cementowego dodatkiem żywicy epoksydowej bez utwardzacza. Omówiona została metodyka badań samonaprawialnego kompozytu epoksydowo-cementowego, a także przedstawiono wyniki badań takiego materiału w zakresie samonaprawialności oraz niektórych innych podstawowych cech mechanicznych.
Self-repairing means ability to the total or partial recovering of the properties which were worsened as a consequence of damage of the material. The subject of the paper is evaluation of ability to self-repair of a cement composite modified with epoxy resin without a hardener. The methodology of investigation of self-repairing building materials, developed by the authors, has been described, with controllable enforcing of the limited weakening of the material. Also, the self-repair degree has been defined as the measure of self-repairing ability of the building composites. The material model of the epoxy-cement composite has been developed on the basis of the tests results. The material optimization of the composite towards the maximum self-repairing ability has also been carried out. The results of investigation have confirmed the possibility of self-repairing of the cement composite modified with the epoxy resin without hardener. The conclusion and further research needs in the range of the self-repairing epoxy-cement composites have been pointed out.
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Wytrzymałość na ściskanie kompozytu konopno-wapiennego wynosi od ok. 0,2 do ponad 2 MPa, przy czym jest ona uznawana często za cechę drugorzędną, ponieważ materiał zazwyczaj nie ma zastosowania konstrukcyjnego. W prezentowanych badaniach analizowano wytrzymałość kompozytów: wytworzonych na bazie różnego spoiwa, o różnej gęstości będącej efektem różnego zagęszczenia mieszanki, różnego jej przygotowania i różniących się warunkami sezonowania próbek. Wyniki badań są zbieżne z wynikami z porównywalnych badań i dostarczają informacji na temat właściwości kompozytu oraz wniosków z procedury badania.
Compressive strength of the composite oscillates in the range from about 0.2 to more than 2 MPa. However, it is often considered as a secondary feature because the material usually has no structural applications. In the presented tests, the strength of following composites has been verified: made with the use of different composition of the binder, with different densities resulting from varying degrees of compression of the mix, with different procedure of preparation of the mixture, with different curing conditions of samples. The results presented in this study fall within the range of results from comparable studies and provide information on properties of the composite as well as conclusions from the test procedure itself.
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