The issue of values is essential for Amartya Sen’s political philosophy, likewise for the early works of John Rawls. Considering the fundamental political value of social justice, Sen rejects the Rawlsian attitude because of the erroneous concept of human nature, adopted by him, which led him to a „blind” morality. He proposes a diff erent approach, referring to the notion of human capabilities on which his own theory of justice is based and he investigates it in the framework of political philosophy, which takes into account the qualitative dimension of human choices. Martha Nussbaum also builds her theory of justice on this notion, however, she derives it from the Aristotelian concept of man so that it takes on a deeper philosophical meaning. The aim of this paper is to compare and to assess both these concepts of justice, referring to human capabilities, as well as to shed some light on the new path of research in political philosophy opened by them.
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In the philosophy of liberalism, freedom of speech is one of the fundamental rights of the individual, one that is guaranteed by the constitution of a liberal democratic state. Contemporary Western democracies are based on the political culture in which human rights, including the right to free speech, play an important role. This right, however, can be violated by demagogic propaganda both in totalitarian regimes and in democracies. The propaganda mechanism, reaching into the sphere of community values and concepts, presently operates also through the Internet, in which expressions of anger and hatred are disseminated and can lead to the destruction of democracy. I will argue that, in today’s world, restrictions on the freedom of speech through legal norms are necessary, because the threat comes not only in the form of censorship, but also the manipulation techniques used by politicians in democratic regimes. Advances in modern technology can be of service to dictatorship when the media and the Internet are used for propaganda or surveillance purposes, but they also provide a support to freedom and democracy when they serve as the means of the transmission of reliable information, initiating public discussions. As such, they establish a framework for rational debates and peaceful activities that contribute to the maintenance of the democratic political culture. The basic elements of this culture, i.e. legal rules, pluralist media, and education systems are all necessary for the defence of its core value, namely the freedom of speech.
Spór pomiędzy liberałami i komunitarystami w filozofii politycznej końca XX wieku dotyczył zagadnień wolności jednostki oraz indywidualizmu. Komunitaryści krytykowali liberalną koncepcję człowieka, ujmowanego niezależnie od kontekstu społecznego i kulturowego, oraz nieuwzględnianie przez liberałów idei dobra wspólnego. Obecnie przedmiotem debaty stał się problem sprawiedliwości społecznej, analizowany w pracach Amartyi Sena i Michaela Sandela. Liberalne ujęcie Sena opiera się na komparatystycznej procedurze prowadzącej do wyłonienia obiektywnych wartości, komunitarystyczne stanowisko Sandela odwołuje się do pojęcia dobra zakorzenionego w tradycji danego społeczeństwa, przy czym obaj zakładają, że określenie zasad sprawiedliwości dokonuje się w trakcie publicznej dyskusji. W obu tych koncepcjach ponadto idea sprawiedliwości nie sprowadza się wyłącznie do kwestii podziału dóbr w społeczeństwie, lecz odwołuje się do wartości, odpowiedzialności jednostek i do myślenia w kategoriach wspólnotowych. Tezą artykułu jest próba wykazania, że rozwiązanie sporu jest możliwe dzięki rezygnacji jego uczestników ze skrajnie indywidualistycznych założeń dotyczących wolności i podjęciu dyskusji na gruncie teorii sprawiedliwości.
The debate between liberals and communitarians in the political philosophy of the late twentieth century concerned the issues of liberty and individualism. Communitarians criticized the liberal conception of man, defi ned regardless of the social and cultural context, and not taking into account the idea of the common good in liberal philosophy. This discussion has been presently continued, but now the most important issue has become the problem of justice analyzed in the Amartya Sen’s and Michael Sandel’s works. The liberal approach of Sen is based on a comparative procedure and public reasoning to identify the nature of justice whereas communitarian position of Sandel refers to the concept of common good rooted in the tradition of a given society. In both these theories the rules of justice are established in public debate. Moreover, they both do not concentrate solely on distribution of economic goods and social security, but incorporate ethical issues, responsibility and thinking about the others. This article is an attempt to demonstrate that the debate on the idea of justice brings solution to the liberals – communitarians controversy, thanks to the withdrawal of the extreme individualist assumptions and replacing individual liberty by ethics of responsibility.
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This brief “Introduction” to the volume discusses the general idea of the special edition of the journal, which is dedicated to the radicalism of the Enlightenment in the context of Jonathan Israel’s recent work on the Enlightenment, and highlights the topics of the articles contained in the edition.
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