The author tries to show that Frycz Modrzewski, from his first 'opusculum Lascius, sive de poena homicidii' - thanks to which he appeared on the stage of intellectual life of Poland - until his last pages of 'Sylvae', closing his work as a writer, did not cease to be a political author, even for a while. All his activity, especially as a theologian and the reformer of the Church, was subordinated to his political project, described in 'De Republica emendanda'. According to the author, this point of view, applied to Modrzewski's treatise 'Libri tres', refuses, very popular in scholar literature, but intellectually barren temptation to treat the work as an opportunity to take by the theologian certain position in the doctrinal debate of the Polish Church. Alleged political inspiration of this treatise brings him to a conclusion that Modrzewski's opinions on human free will, more elaborated in this work, serve to document the thesis - opposing to the Calvinian as well as Lutheran orthodoxy - that a human being has a natural capacity to achieve moral perfection in his human dimension.
Referat przedstawia pakiet oprogramowania KOSMA, napisany w systemie MATHEMATICA i przeznaczony do analizy konfiguracji osobliwych manipulatorów redundantnych. Zadanie, którego rozwiązanie jest wspomagane przez program KOSMA polega na wyznaczeniu konfiguracji osobliwych możliwych i niemożliwych do uniknięcia w procesie planowania trajektorii w przestrzeni roboczej manipulatora. Dzięki zdolności do dostarczania wyników w postaci symbolicznej, program KOSMA znajduje zastosowanie nie tylko przy planowaniu trajektorii, lecz także przy projektowaniu manipulatorów posiadających własność zręczności.
On the basis of recently derived sufficient conditions for avoidability and unavoidability of singular configurations in redundant robot kinematics a computer programme KOSMA has been created within the MATHEMATICA package, able to make an automatic discrimination of avoidable and unavoidable singularities. The performance of KOSMA has been tested in a series of computational experiments reported in the paper.