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Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses stehen multikodale TV-Berichte aus der Ostukraine, mit denen versucht wird, ihre formale Spezifik und Wirkung auf potenzielle Rezipienten im breiten Gefüge der mediengestützten Kommunikation zu diskutieren. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auf die digitale Repräsentanz des Realen eingegangen, das nur die Zeichen und Formen der uns bekannten Realität trägt und kaum vom Digitalen zu unterscheiden ist. Erscheinende Explikationen und Generalisierungen stützen sich auf theoretische Konzeptionen von Jean Baudrillard (das Theorem der Simulation und der Simulakra) und Paul Virilio (das Theorem des verschwindenden Realen sowie die dromologische Metapher), die gut geeignet sind, diverse Phänomene der globalisierten Kommunikation formal zu identifizieren und kategorial zu beschreiben.
The authors came to a conclusion that in the now forgotten 'Dictionary of Language Errors', published in Vilnius in 1931 and compiled by a local Polish scholar Julian Szwed, lexical Germanisms (over 180 words) dominate. This is a surprising statement because, as it is proved by research of the Northern Borderlands Polish language, used till the present day in Vilnius and in the Vilnius area, thet loan words from German are rare. When writing his handbook, J. Szwed most probably used not only Borderland sources, but also materials (including the press) originating from the Malopolska and Slask Cieszynski territories - previously annexed by Austria and abound withn Germanisms. The Germanisms collected in the 'Dictionary of Language Errors' are noteworthy for researchers studying the influence of German on Polish language and they should be used as a basis for various specifications and comparisons more often. The authors presented those lexical Germanisms recorded by Julian Szwed which are mentioned in at least one of the most significant vocabulary dictionaries of Polish, i.e.- as one may presume - are well-known (over 130 words). Only 30 percent of the excerpt is widespread. They are words noted in all dictionaries (approx. 20 percent), for instance 'bryftreger', 'obstalunek', 'szaber' and words certified by three dictionaries (approx. 10 percent), for instance 'gurt', 'mantel', 'sznaps'.
After the October Revolution, over half of the citizens of the new Russian state were non-Russians. The historical homeland of some of them was outside the Soviet Union. The experiences of two largest national minorities: the Germans (1 238 000) and the Poles (782 000) were similar in many respects. Members of both nations were persecuted, suffered massive repression, and were deported to Siberia and Kazakhstan. The new cultural and political reality (separation from the historical homeland and national languages, influence of Russian and other languages of Soviet Union nations, necessity to use new Soviet lexis and technical/scientific terminology on a daily basis) forced changes in German and Polish used in the Soviet Union. Soviet dialects of national languages were reinforced in books, handbooks, the press, and propaganda materials etc. published in German and Polish in huge number of copies. The Soviet dialects of German and Polish were reflected on the right side of Russian- German and Russian-Polish dictionaries published in the 1930s by'Sovetskaya Entsyklopedia'. The analysis and comparison of the language material excerpted from the dictionaries show that Soviet dialects of both languages were characterized by the presence of orientalisms (result of the constant contact with the nations and nationalities of the Soviet Union and their culture) and unique lexis related to the Russian way of life (Russian culinary lexis, names of musical instruments, names of garments) and Sovietisms (i.e. new political terminology and words related to the Soviet way of life). The Germans found it more difficult to adapt their native code to life in the Soviet Union.
The area in the vicinity of Nowy Targ is located within the northern part of the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin and the southern slopes of the Gorce Mountains in the Polish sector of the Outer Carpathians. Geologically, the region is built of the Upper Cretaceous–Palaeogene turbiditic deposits representing sedimentary successions of the Krynica Subunit of the Magura Nappe and the Neogene–Quaternary fresh-water deposits filling the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin. The Magura Nappe in the described area is represented by the thick-bedded sandstones of the Magura Formation and thin-and medium-bedded sandstone-shale deposits of the Malcov Formation, which are well-exposed in numerous outcrops, especially in the Łopuszna stream valley. The Magura Nappe deposits were folded and cut by a fault system in the Miocene. The presented area displays varied geomorphological relief and picturesque landscapes. Moreover, rare species of fauna and flora occurring here, as well as the still-alive culture of the Podhale Highlanders and continuously improving tourist infrastructure additionally contribute to the development of geotourism in this area. In addition, this area is an increasingly popular place among cyclists, thanks to the development of a network of bicycle paths, therefore the proposed geotourist bicycle path will extend the offer for this group of tourists.
Prezentowane okolice Nowego Targu zlokalizowane są w obrębie północnego obrzeżenia Kotliny Orawsko-Nowotarskiej oraz na południowych zboczach Gorców w polskim sektorze Karpat Zewnętrznych. Obszar ten zbudowany jest z późnokredowo-paleogeńskich utworów turbidytowych reprezentujących sukcesję osadową podjednostki krynickiej płaszczowiny magurskiej oraz lądowe osady neogeńsko-czwartorzędowe wypełniające Kotlinę Orawsko-Nowotarską. Formacja magurska w opisywanym terenie reprezentowana jest przez gruboławicowe piaskowce formacji magurskiej oraz cienko- i średnioławicowe utwory piaskowcowo-łupkowe formacji malcowskiej, które odsłaniają się w licznych odkrywkach, w szczególności w obrębie doliny potoku Łopuszna. W miocenie utwory płaszczowiny magurskiej zostały sfałdowane i pocięte systemem uskoków. Obszar ten ma urozmaiconą rzeźbę i malownicze krajobrazy. Jednocześnie występujące tu rzadkie gatunki fauny i flory, wciąż żywa kultura górali podhalańskich oraz coraz lepsza infrastruktura turystyczna sprzyjają rozwojowi geoturystyki w tym obszarze. Dodatkowo obszar ten jest coraz bardziej popularnym miejscem wśród rowerzystów, dzięki rozwojowi sieci ścieżek rowerowych, dlatego też proponowana geoturystyczna trasa rowerowa będzie poszerzeniem oferty dla tej grupy turystów.
The Campanian-Paleocene Jaworzynka Formation, a part of the Magura Nappe succession in the Polish Outer Carpathians, is described in terms of its detailed litho- and biostratigraphy. The formation stretches along the marginal part of the Siary Unit, from the Jaworzynka stratotype area in the Silesian Beskid Mts up to the Mszana Dolna area in the Beskid Wyspowy Mts. Its equivalent in the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts of the Czech Republic is the Soláň Formation. In the stratotype area, the formation displays complex structure. We distinguish four lithological units, i.e., Biotite Sandstone and Shale (I), Shale (II), Mutne Sandstone Member (III) and Thin-bedded Turbidite (IV) and provide the first detailed biostratigraphy of particular units. The first unit forms the most prominent part of the formation. It was deposited in the Middle Campanian-earliest Maastrichtian within the upper part of Caudammina gigantea Zone up to the lower part of the Rzehakina inclusa Zone. The second unit occurs only locally and its age is limited to the Maastrichtian, to the Rzehakina inclusa Zone. The third unit is composed of thick-bedded sandstones that in some parts may form more than the half of the total thickness of the formation. It is Late Maastrichtian-Danian in age and is placed in the upper part of the Rzehakina inclusa Zone and the lower part of the Rzehakina fissistomata Zone. It is usually covered by a thin package of thin-bedded turbiditic sandstone and shales of Danian-Thanetian age with foraminifera of the Rzehakina fissistomata Zone.
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