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W części I pracy sprawdzono terenową przydatność własnego programu zwalczania choroby Aujeszkyego /chA/. W zależności od sytuacji epizootycznej fermy podzielono na: wolne od wirusa chA (kat. A); kwalifikujące się do uzdrowienia (kat. B) oraz będące ogniskami chA (kat. C) . Wykazano skuteczność epizootyczną rygorystycznego stosowania przyjętych założeń w fermach kat. A i B. Uzdrowienie ferm kat. С wymaga długofalowego działania opartego na zwalczaniu choroby z urzędu. W części II potwierdzono, stosując nowe parametry techniczno-jakościowe, wysoką immunogenność i nieszkodliwość krajowej szczepionki Suivac A oraz amerykańskiego delecyjnego preparatu TOLVID. W odniesieniu do zestawu diagnostycznego typu ELISA pn. TOLVID TM Diagnostic wykazano jego przydatność do śledzenia dróg szerzenia się zakażeń w stadzie szczepionym.
В первой части исследований проверили пригодность разрабо­танной программы борьбы с болезнью Ауески (chA) на свиновод­ческих фермах. В зависимости от степени распространения болезни фермы разделили на благополучные по вирусу chA (А); пригодные для оздоровления (В); представлающие собой очаги cha (С). Отметили значительную эффективность ригористичного выполне­ния принятой программы на фермах типа А и В. Оздоровление ферм типа С требует долгосрочных действий сопряженных с администра­тивными мерами. Во второй части исследований подтвердили, на осцове новых качественных параметров, высокие иммуногенные свойства и без­вредность польской прививки Suivac А и американского генетичес­кого препарата TOLVID. Отметили также пригодность диагностического комплекта типа ТМ . ELISA pn.TOLVID TM Diagnostic для прослеживания путей распрос­транения инфекций в привитом стаде.
In the first part the field usefulness of own Aujeszky's disease /AD/ eradication program was examined. According to epizootic situation farms were divided into the categories: free from AD virus /cat. А/, qualified for heal /cat. В/ and farms being the foci of AD /cat. С/. The epizootic efficacy of rigorous application of accepted assumptions in the farms of cat. A and В was demonstrated. In the farms of cat. С the healing process requires longterm action based on official disease eradication. In the second part using the new technical and quality pa­rameters, high immunogenicity and innocuity of polish vaccine Suivac A and american deletion vaccine TOLVID was confirmed. Concerning the diagnostic ELISA kit called TOLVID™ Diagnostic its usefulness to investigate the spread roads of infections in vaccinated herd was shown.
nr 06
The article discusses the essence, purposes, methods of realizing and benefits of applying DIVA (Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals) strategy for the eradication of infectious diseases of animals. Various types of marker vaccines and compatible serological tests suitable for use in this strategy are characterized. The article presents possibilities, principles, results and perspectives of applying DIVA strategy to eradicate Aujeszky«s disease, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, classical swine fever, bovine viral diarrhoea and mucosal disease, foot and mouth disease, avian influenza, porcine parvovirus infection, bluetongue, equine influenza and African horse sickness. Through the application of marker vaccines which enable differentiation between infected and vaccinated animals as well as detection of asymptomatic carriers and shedders, DIVA strategy makes it possible to rid the population of many dangerous pathogens causing epizootics and panzootics. In appreciating the considerable importance of modern marker vaccines in the comprehensive eradication programmes for infectious diseases, this strategy not only considerably reduces economic losses and restores possibilities of international trade in animals and animal products, but also constitutes an alternative to the extremely expensive and sometimes strongly criticized administrative eradication method. That is why DIVA strategy should be more and more often applied for the eradication of infectious diseases in animals, but some of its elements, concerning mainly vaccine evaluation and the monitoring of infections in vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups of people, could also be utilized in public health protection.
tom 22
Celem badań było określenie występowania zmian histopatologicznych w układzie ner­wowym starszych świń, ich umiejscowienia, rodzaju i czasu utrzymywania się po szczepie­niu dwoma różnymi typami szczepionek przeciw chorobie Aujeszkyego (chA) i następnie zakażeniu zjadliwym wirusem chA. Do badań użyto 18 warchlaków rasy wbp w wieku 12 tyg., serologicznie ujemnych w kierunku chA. Świnie zaszczepiono delecyjną, TK- i gX-ujemną szczepionką TOLVID (Upjohn-USA) lub atenuowaną szczepionką Suivac A (Biowet-Puławy) i po 3 mies. zakażono donosowo 105.5 TCID50/ml zjadliwego szczepu NIA-3 wirusa chA, wkraplając po 1 ml zawiesiny wirusa w każde nozdrze. W 5. 8. i 23. dniu po zakażeniu, po padnięciu lub uśpieniu świń, pobierano do badań histopatologicznych wycinki z różnych części układu nerwowego: opuszki węchowe, hipokamp, ciała czworacze przednie, most, móżdżek, rdzeń przedłużony, odcinek lędźwiowo- krzyżowy rdzenia kręgowego. Opisano lokalizację, różnorodność i natężenie stwierdzonych zmian histopatologicznych, podkreślając ich mniejszą intensywność u świń szczepionych z jednoczesnym utrzymywaniem się do co najmniej 23 dnia po zakażeniu oraz możliwy hamujący wpływ na rozwój zwierząt i powstawanie trudnych do oszacowania strat ekonomicznych.
Research was aimed at determining histopathological changes - their position, type and duration - in nervous system of pigs immunized against Aujeszky's disease (AD) with two different vaccines and then infected with its virulent (ADV) virus. Studies concerned 18 piglets of Polish Large White breed, at the age of 12 weeks, serologically negative to AD. They were vaccinated with deleted, TK- and gX-negative TOLVID vaccine (Upjohn - USA) or with attenuated Suivac A vaccine (Biowet - Puławy), and after 3 months - infected with 105.5 TCID50/ml of NIA-3 virulent strain of ADV: 1 ml of its suspension was instilled into each nostril of a piglet. On 5th, 8th and 23rd day post infection (d.p.i), when piglets died or were anaesthetized, some segments of different nervous system parts, such as olfactory bulbs, cornu Ammonis, corpora quadrigemina, pons, cerebellum, bulb of spinal cord together with its lumbar and sacral parts, were analyzed. Position and diversity of histopathological changes that were found are described in the paper. Special emphasis is laid on the facts that intensity of the changes in question was lower in case of vaccinated piglets, but persistent at least 23rd d.p.i. Such changes may affect development of animals on a negative way, leading to certain economic losses.
tom 67
nr 12
Anaplasmosis is an infectious but non-contagious disease of cattle, sheep, goats and wild ruminants caused by Anaplasma sp. (Rickettsiales - Anaplasmataceae). In cattle Anaplasma marginale is the main etiological agent, transmitted by ticks. A worldwide disease, anaplasmosis is characterized by fever, anemia, icterus and body weight loss. It has great economic importance in cattle husbandry, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. In 2001 the taxonomy of the order Rickettsiales comprising Anaplasma sp. and other genera in the families Rickettsiaceae and Anaplasmataceae were significantly reorganized. Disease prevalence, etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, anatomopathological lesions, diagnosis, treatment, control methods and prophylaxis, especially specific immunoprophylaxis, are discussed in the paper.
Yersinia (Y.) enterocolitica is the third etiological agent of human diarrhea in terms of the number of confirmed clinical cases. One of the important virulence markers is the yst gene which encodes the production of enterotoxins Yst (Yersinia stable toxins). However, not all strains with yst genes produce enterotoxins, what seems to be caused by the ymoA gene encoding the production of the YmoA protein inhibiting the expression of various genes. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the distribution of the ymoA and ystA genes and Yst production by Y. enterocolitica isolated from humans and pigs. All the studied strains obtained from pigs had the ystA gene which indicates that they belong to the group of strains commonly regarded as pathogenic, but the ability to produce YstA was detected in only 14 out of 96 examined strains. The fragments of ystA gene were also detected in all Y.enterocolitica strains isolated from human cases of diarrhea. Amplification of a fragment of the ymoA gene was detected in all the studied strains, both from humans and pigs, based on the presence of a 330 bp band. Thus no correlation was identified between the occurrence of the ymoA and ystA genes and the production of a specific type of enterotoxin.
The aim of the study was to present the history of ichtyopathology in Poland and the main achievements of researchers who developed this discipline. The pioneer of ichtyopathological research in Poland was the ichtyologist prof. Teodor Spiczakov, founder of the first Fish Diseases Laboratory at the Jagiellonian University (JU) and initiator of fishery veterinary service. After the Second World War, dr Stanisław F. Śnieszko, a researcher from JU, established a laboratory in the United States, renamed the National Fisheries Center in 1977. In writing about the beginnings of ichthyopathology in Poland, one must also mention prof. Bronisław Kocyłowski, founder and head of the Department of Fish Diseases at PIW in Puławy and lecturer at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS) and Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin. Prof. Eugeniusz Grabda also contributed to the development of ichtyopathology. He headed the Inland Fisheries Institute (IFI), Fish Disease Laboratory and the Department of Ichthyology with the Department of Fish Diseases at the Fishery Department of the Academy of Agriculture and Technology (AAT) in Olsztyn and co-founded the Department of Marine Fisheries at the Agricultural Academy and the Department of Fish Diseases in Szczecin. In Żabieniec near Warsaw, IFI established a new Ichtiohygiene Division, renamed the Division of Pathology and Fish Immunology, formerly headed by prof. Maria Studnicka and now by prof. Andrzej K. Siwicki. Veterinary inspection in Poland is conducted by the Fish Diseases Laboratory at ZHW under the substantive supervision of the National Veterinary Research Institute & National Reference Laboratories at Fish Diseases Unit in Puławy, headed by prof. Jerzy Antychowicz. Currently the Unit is the National Reference Laboratory for the diagnostics of diseases of aquaculture animals, run by prof. Michal Reichert. Prof. J. Antychowicz and dr. Jan Żelazny taught for many years at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the WULS in Warsaw and at AAT in Olsztyn. The Polish Academy of Sciences has a Department of Ichtiopatology and Fishery Management in Gołysz, headed by prof. Andrzej Pilarczyk, who studies the biological basis of fish farming. “Fish diseases” is a mandatory subject at faculties of veterinary medicine in Poland, and every graduate of veterinary medicine possesses a basic knowledge in this field. The Division of Fish Diseases and Biology in Lublin has been operating since 1963 and for many years was headed by prof. Maria Prost, an authority on the parasitology of fish. The current head of the Division is prof. Antonina Sopińska. The Division of Hygiene Veterinary Laboratory and Fish Diseases Laboratory (later Division of Ichtyopathology) at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Wrocław University af Environmental and Life Sciences were previously headed by prof. Zbigniew Jara, and now by dr Wiktor Niemczuk. At the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, prof. Andrzej K. Siwicki and dr Elżbieta Terech-Majewska run the Fish Disease Laboratory and Veterinary Laboratory for Diagnostics of Fish, Amphibians and Reptiles, carry out scientific research, teach and cooperate with fish farmers.
Цель исследований состояла в оценке влияния разных периодов времени между I и II вакцинацией аттенюированной вакциной Suivac А против болезни Ауески (бА) на гуморальную устойчивость свиней и выбор наиболее оптимального периода. Исследования провели на ферме К, на которой от вспышки бА в 1977 г. ведутся систематически, дважды в год вакцинации свиней основного стада. Для исследований использовали 40 8-недельных подсвинков, разделенны х на 4 группы и вакцинированных в 1, 2, 3 и 4-недельеом интервале. Отметили слабую либо отсутствие гиморальной реакции у подсвинков после I вакцинации вакциной Suivac А. Показали, что 1- либо 2-недельный перерыв между I и II вакцинациями слишком краток для индукции хорошей гуморальной устойчивости. II вакцинация должна проводиться через по крайней мере 3 недели, а лучше — через 4 недели после I вакцинации. Подтвердили удерживание бессимптомного процесса инфекции вирусом бА в стаде, вакцинированном против бА.
The purpose of the work was to establish the optimal period between the first and second vaccination of pigs against Aujeszky’s disease. The examinations were carried out on a farm K in which the basic herd had been vaccinated twice a year since 1977, i.e. the outbreak of the disease. Forty boar’s cubs, age 8 weeks, were divided into 4 groups and vaccinated at intervals of 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks. A weak or even lack of immune response was found following the first administration of the vaccine. It was stated that 1—2 week intervals between vaccinations were too short to stimulate a good humoral response. According to the authors revaccination should be performed after 4 weeks and not earlier than after 3 weeks. There was confirmed an asymptomatic process of infection in the herd vaccinated against Aujeszky’s disease.
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