Solid-state thermoelectric elements, such as thermoelectric (TE) modules, can be used as cooling devices. Small-sized TE modules, characterized by: lack of moving parts, no required refrigerants application as well as variable possible installation and operation positions, allow, in several specified cases, achieving the advantage in cooling process over the conventional refrigeration devices. This paper presents the results of the preliminary numerical determination of energetic efficiency of thermoelectric cooling system, applied for cooling a small-scale experimental room. The heat exchangers used in the cooling system consisted of heat sinks and radiators installed on the both sides of the TE module. The numerical assessment included in this paper, based on a 3D model reflecting the experimental room and thermoelectric cooling system, allowed determining the relation between TE module power supply characteristics and cooling effects, as well as time-related temperature distribution inside the modeled experimental room. The commercial modeling software FLUENT, ANSYS 12.0 by ANSYS Inc. was applied in numerical calculations. The results of the performed laboratory studies were used as a basis for model development, required input data, initial and boundary conditions. The results of laboratory tests showed the influence of amperage of power supply on the efficiency of cooling characteristics, as well as distribution of air temperature inside the experimental room. Calibration and validation of the developed model was also based on the results of laboratory experiment. The obtained results of numerical calculations showed the influence of amperage of power supply on efficiency of cooling characteristics as well as distribution of air temperature inside the experimental room.
This paper contains the attempt of numerical assessment of hydraulic efficiency of intensive green roof utilizing two different, commercially available substrates, additionally retrofitted with layer of fractioned sand 1.0-0.5 and 0.5-0.25 mm mixed in mass concentration of 0.1 % with hydrogel. The numerical modelling of green roof efficiency was performed by the means of the popular modelling software FEFLOW, Wasy-DHI. The developed model reflected the selected cross section of the tested green roof. The required input data for modelling covering the saturated hydraulic conductivity and water retention characteristics were determined under the laboratory conditions as well as were based on information available in technical descriptions of tested substrates. The applied boundary conditions were based on previously performed in-situ measurements. The obtained results of numerical modelling showed relation between porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, retention properties of substrate, rainfall characteristics, duration of dry period and presence of additional sand-hydrogel mixture layer and water retention efficiency of tested green roofs.
W pracy przedstawiono próbę numerycznej oceny efektywności hydraulicznej intensywnego zielonego dachu wykorzystującego dwa różne, dostępne komercyjnie, wypełnienia, dodatkowo wzbogacone warstwą frakcjonowanego piasku, 1,0-0,5 i 0,5-0,25 mm, zmieszanego w stężeniu masowym 0,1 % z hydrożelem. Obliczenia numeryczne efektywności badanego zielonego dachu zostały przeprowadzone za pomocą programu obliczeniowego FEFLOW, Wasy-DHI. Opracowany model odzwierciedlał wybrany przekrój poprzeczny przez badany zielony dach. Wymagane dane wejściowe do obliczeń modelowych, obejmujące współczynnik filtracji oraz charakterystykę retencyjną badanych materiałów porowatych, określono w czasie drogą badań laboratoryjnych oraz oparto o upublicznione opisy techniczne wykorzystanych wypełnień. Zastosowane warunki brzegowe wykorzystały poprzednio przeprowadzone pomiary terenowe. Wyniki obliczeń modelowych wykazały związek pomiędzy porowatością, współczynnikiem filtracji, właściwościami retencyjnymi wypełnienia oraz charakterystyką opadu, długością okresu suchego i obecnością dodatkowej warstwy mieszaniny piasku z hydrożelem a efektywności zielonego dachu.
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