W artykule opisane zostały zasady wykonywania zawodu lekarza, które nie tylko opierają się na przestrzeganiu przepisów prawa, lecz także mają swoje umocowanie w deontologii zawodowej. Należy przyjąć, że jedną z najważniejszych zasad, o jakiej lekarz nigdy nie może zapominać na każdym etapie swojego profesjonalnego działania, jest zasada zachowania należytej staranności. Kwestia należytej staranności lekarza podlega ocenie zarówno sądów lekarskich, jak i sądów cywilnych. W opracowaniu wskazano prawne i faktyczne możliwości wykorzystania dowodów z postępowania przed sądem lekarskim w cywilnym procesie o błąd medyczny. Analizie poddano następujące dowody: dokumentację medyczną, opinię biegłego i orzeczenia wydane przez inne sądy.
The article presents the principles of practicing the medical profession, which are based not only on compliance with the law, but also have their basis in professional deontology. It should be assumed that one of the most important principles that a physician should never forget at every stage of his or her professional activity is the principle of due diligence. This issue of medical due diligence is assessed by both medical and civil courts. The study indicates the legal and actual possibilities of using evidence from proceedings before a medical court in a civil trial for a medical error. The following evidence was analyzed: medical records, expert opinion, and judgments issued by other courts.
Although the constitutional right to health care itself has not been subject to legislative changes, the emergence of some other legal regulations and their impact on the current state of the healthcare system justifies additional examination. The authors of the article indicate, among others, areas where the most significant changes to the Polish healthcare system took place in the recent years, and wherever possible, they also assess the current situation. The analysis of the current legal basis of the right to health protection focuses particularly on such important values as: equality in access to health and solidarity, human dignity and patient rights, and professional ethics of person providing benefits.
Objectives Monitoring tobacco use is one of the most important tobacco control interventions recommended by the World Health Organization. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of cigarette smoking, e-cigarette use, and heated tobacco use in a nationwide sample of adults in Poland, as well as to identify factors associated with smoking, e-cigarette use, and heated tobacco use. Material and Methods This nationwide crosssectional survey was carried out in February 2–4, 2024 using the computer-assisted web interviewing method. The study questionnaire included 17 closed questions on smoking, e-cigarette use, and heated tobacco use. A sample of 1080 adults was selected using a non-probability quota sampling method. Results Data were collected from 1080 adults, age M±SD 48.4±15.5 years, 53% females. Past 30-day smoking was declared by 30.4% of adults in Poland, including 24.5% of daily smokers. Ever e-cigarette use was declared by 33% of respondents, and 20.6% had ever tried heated tobacco. Past 30-day e-cigarette use was declared by 15.2% of adults, wherein 5.9% were daily e-cigarette users. Past 30-day heated tobacco use was declared by 10.9% of respondents, wherein 4.9% were daily heated tobacco users. One-tenth of adults were dual users (cigarette and e-cigarette or heated tobacco), and 6.5% were past 30-day triple users. Age 40–59 years, having less than higher education, and bad economic status were significantly associated with daily smoking (p < 0.05). Age 18–39 years, having less than higher education, and active occupational status (employment/ self-employment) were associated with daily e-cigarette use (p < 0.05). Age 18–39 years and active occupational status were associated with daily heated tobacco use (p < 0.05). Conclusions This study provides comprehensive epidemiological data on the current prevalence of smoking, e-cigarette use, and heated tobacco use. The introduction of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products evoked changes in social behaviors related to nicotine use.
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