The aim of the paper is to examine the functional and formal features of the construction here’s hoping. Our analysis is informed by the frameworks of construction grammar (Fried, 2010, 2013), grammaticalization (Fried, 2009; Himmelmann, 2004), subjectification (Company, 2006) and impersonalization (Siewierska, 2008). The construction seems to have developed a novel subjectified function, i.e. to express the speaker’s positive expectation while retaining a degree of tentativeness and distance. The data for the analysis was excerpted from the corpus English Web 2021 (enTenTen21). The internal and external features of the construction (e.g. the (non-)deictic function of here, fixedness, syntactic isolation, initial position) together with the overall expansion of the semantic and pragmatic context and the gradual host-class expansion suggest that the process of grammaticalization/subjectification is currently under way (cf. Fried, 2010; Company, 2006).
The text focuses on the formal realization of the communicative function of exclamation in Czech. Since Czech exclamative sentences do not constitute a separate formally distinct sentence type, we apply a contrastive (English — Czech) corpus-assisted approach to identify the formal indicators of exclamations at various language levels. Following Michaelis (2001), exclamations are defined as expressions of the speaker’s affective response to a situation; they comprise two components, namely the speaker’s assessment of a situation as extreme or non-canonical and the recoverability of the propositional content. Although there is no unambiguous conventional pairing between the exclamative function and its formal expression in Czech, the analysis has shown that the exclamation is typically indicated by the accumulation of marked linguistic means pertaining to various language levels, such as intonation/punctuation, expressive lexis, intensifying adverbs and particles and deviations from the canonical word order.
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