Religious identity in the societies of Central and Eastern Europe is currently undergoing strong changes associated with the consequences of systemic transition, cultural changes and alterations within the churches. In the new democratic conditions in countries such as Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine, religious identity becomes one of the collective identities manifested in the public sphere and important not only in terms of public discourse but also of local contexts, i.e. local identity and identity of the place. In the article, the author presents some reflections on the meanings of collective religious identity in the local public space. These are insights that emerge from qualitative research. The article outlines three important contexts of meaning of religious identity in the local space of public life: 1) specificity of the role of religion and religiosity in public life in this part of Europe, 2) cultural and institutional significance of religious identification in relation to local identity, 3) issues of the narrative concerning the multireligious sacred heritage in local communities, which introduces a new way of perception of religious identity as a cultural resource associated with the place and memory.
Tożsamość religijna w społeczeństwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej ulega aktualnie silnym przemianom związanym zarówno z konsekwencjami transformacji systemowej, zmianami kulturowymi, jak i przemianami wewnątrz Kościołów. W nowych demokratycznych warunkach w państwach takich jak Polska, Słowacja i Ukraina tożsamość religijna staje się także jedną z tożsamości zbiorowych manifestowanych w sferze publicznej i istotnych nie tylko w kontekście dyskursu publicznego, ale także w kontekstach lokalnych, tj. tożsamości lokalnej i tożsamości miejsca. Autorka przedstawia w artykule refleksje dotyczące znaczeń religijnej tożsamości zbiorowej w lokalnej przestrzeni publicznej. Są to spostrzeżenia wyłaniające się z prowadzonych badań jakościowych. Zarysowują się tutaj trzy istotne konteksty znaczeń tożsamości religijnej w lokalnej przestrzeni życia publicznego: 1) specyfika roli religijności i religii w życiu publicznym w tej części Europy, 2) kulturowe i instytucjonalne znaczenia identyfikacji religijnej w odniesieniu do tożsamości lokalnej i tożsamości miejsca, 3) problematyka narracji wokół wieloreligijnego dziedzictwa sakralnego w społecznościach lokalnych, która wprowadza nowy sposób percepcji religijnej tożsamości jako kulturowego zasobu związanego z miejscem i pamięcią.
Religious heritage is an important cultural resource for a city. First, cities are at the crossroads of conflicting trends in globalisation. Urban communities are looking for that which makes them universal and unique at the same time. Second, reflection on identity in relation to the heritage and history of a city reveals the multicultural past of Central and Eastern Europe, and shows an image of social change and transformation. Religious heritage plays, therefore, various roles. Places connected with religious identities have symbolic, sacred and artistic meanings. They construct a local universe of meaning; they are an important factor of the local narrative and customs, and they place it in the context of national, regional and ethnic traditions. Churches, temples, and cemeteries are also a sign of memory, this shows not only history but also the contemporary processes of remembering and forgetting. The city of Bielsko-Biała was a cultural and religious mosaic until 1945. Jewish, German and Polish cultures were meeting here everyday with diverse religious belonging and boundaries. Today, the heritage of its religious identity is recognized mainly via monuments, tourist attractions, and cultural events. Only occasionally is the religious heritage of the city analysed in the context of collective identities. Urban space still reflects the complexity of the relationships between religious, national, and regional identities. The purpose of the paper is to describe the variety of functions of religious heritage in a contemporary city on the example of Bielsko-Biała in Poland. The analysis will be based on demographic data from the national census of population, religious community documents, available sociological research outcomes, and historical and contemporary images of the city such as maps and plans, postcards and tourist brochures.
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