The paper constitutes an attempt to answer briefly the question how Russian religious philosophy (so called Russian Religious Renaissance) was influenced by the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. The author tries to sum up the Russian religious dialogue with Kant, describing its different levels and discordances, if not contradictions, among them. Kant became the inspiration for Russian moral thought, but in the Russian philosophy of history he was treated as a bête noir representing all vices of rational western civilization; for the metaphysics of all-unity he was an important polemical context, while he was, in fact, rather insignificant for the religious existentialism.
Defining a list of strategic deposits is an indispensable activity for preparing the mineral resources policy, a governmental programming and planning document serving to ensure long-term mineral security of the country. Some mineral deposits play a fundamental role in the functioning of the economy and therefore require special protection. Such deposits are referred to under various terms (strategic, key, deficit and critical mineral deposits). Until now, none of these terms has a normative character in Poland. As of 2019, the Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute is prepares a list of strategic deposits on behalf of the Chief Geologist of the Country. To accomplish this task, a special methodology was developed (using and modifying previously published studies and proposals and the EU approach to critical minerals). Special attention was paid to the issue of legal protection of deposits in the system of planning protection. Based on multi-criteria analysis, deposits of local and regional, national and supranational importance and a list of strategic deposits have been defined. Special plan protection (strategic deposits and those recognized as equivalent for spatial planning) should be extended to 266 deposits out of more than 14 000 documented deposits listed in MIDAS database.
Agresja Rosji wobec Ukrainy ponownie uzmysławia znaczenie i rolę surowców mineralnych w polityce państw. Działania militarne zakłócające łańcuch dostaw surowców wywołują globalny niepokój na rynkach surowcowych, powodując wzrost cen surowców na międzynarodowych rynkach i wahania kursów walut rozliczeniowych w obrocie surowcowym. Bieżąca sytuacja polityczno-militarna wymusza prowadzenie dodatkowych analiz o własnej bazie surowcowej znajdującej się w złożach krajowych i możliwościach jej wykorzystania. Choćby częściowe zamykanie się rynku surowcowego prowadzi do konieczności uwzględnienia działania gospodarki krajowej w warunkach ograniczonej autarkii surowcowej. Tym większą rolę należy obecnie przypisać prowadzeniu właściwej polityki surowcowej państwa. W ramach tej polityki należy rozważyć wprowadzenie instrumentów zachęcających inwestorów do podejmowania działań na rzecz zagospodarowania udokumentowanych zasobów złóż kopalin.
Russia’s aggression against Ukraine once again highlights the importance and role of mineral resources in the politics of countries. Military actions disrupting the raw material supply chain are causing global unrest in mineral commodities markets, driving up commodity prices in international markets and causing fluctuations in raw material settlement currencies. The current political and military situation makes it necessary to conduct additional analyses of mineral reserves in domestic deposits and the possibility of their exploitation. Even partial closure of the raw materials market leads to the necessity to take into account the operation of the national economy under conditions of limited raw materials autarky. This makes it all the more important to pursue an appropriate national minerals policy. As part of this policy, the introduction of instruments encouraging investors to undertake activities aimed at the development of documented mineral deposits should be considered
The importance and the role of minerals in the economy of a country or the world is highlighted by the use of the following terms: scarce mineral, critical mineral, and strategic mineral. The validity of the raw material in the economic processes and knowledge about the sources of its acquisition, access barriers, and the shaping of prices on the domestic and international market allow the development of an action strategy. The strategy must take into account the objective of the action, time horizon, the kind of the instruments that need to be used, and the scope of international cooperation. The importance of the raw material for the country is not only the volume of turnover and volume of production obtained thanks to its application. There are also historical, cultural and social reasons for its importance. The authors present arguments for another meaning of the term – mineral criticality. They also point out the linguistic differences between the term “criticality” in Polish and English. They propose to consider water, medicinal raw materials, some rock resources and amber as critical raw materials for various reasons.
Znaczenie i rola kopalin w gospodarce kraju lub świata przejawia się w stosowaniu różnych określeń: „kopalina deficytowa”, „kopalina krytyczna”, „kopalina strategiczna”. Ważność surowca w procesach gospodarczych oraz wiedza o źródłach jego pozyskiwania, barierach dostępu, kształtowaniu się cen na rynku krajowym i zagranicznym pozwalają na opracowanie strategii działania państwa. Strategia musi uwzględniać cel działania, horyzont czasowy, rodzaj instrumentów koniecznych do wprowadzenia i stosowania oraz zakres współpracy międzynarodowej. Znaczenie surowca dla kraju wynika nie tylko z wielkości obrotów surowcem i wielkość produkcji uzyskanej dzięki jego wykorzystaniu. Określa to również jego znaczenie ze względów historycznych, kulturowych i społecznych. Autorzy przedstawiają argumenty przemawiające za innym znaczeniem terminu „krytyczność surowców mineralnych”. Wskazują również na różnice językowe pomiędzy znaczeniem terminu „krytyczność” w języku polskim i angielskim. Proponują, aby za surowce krytyczne z różnych względów uznać wodę, surowce lecznicze, niektóre surowce skalne czy bursztyn.
The Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, acting as the Polish Geological Survey (PSG), is responsible for, among others, carrying out works of fundamental importance for the national economy, in particular for the renewal of the country's raw material base, determining the resources of mineral deposits, as well as for environmental protection. As part of this work and within the framework of the activities in the field of implementation of the State Raw Materials Policy, PGI-PIB undertook the valorization of documented mineral deposits of strategic, key and critical importance for the state economy. This valorization is also to include the determination of the spatial relationships of objects that hinder the operation or future commencement of the exploitation of deposits, in accordance with the requirements for the determination of functional areas set out in the National Spatial Development Concept 2030 (NSDC 2030 - repealed in 2020). In order to preserve the utility values of mineral deposits of strategic importance for the state economy, including the preservation of the energy security of the country in the perspective of 2030 and later years, the NSDC 2030 indicated the need to protect them against permanent buildings and line investments, among others by introducing restrictions on how these areas are managed.
For 60 years, the Polish Geological Institute as a geological survey has been preparing special studies on prospective mineral resources. During this time the title, form, content, model of presented data have been changed. Currently, the study is edited as “Balance of Prospective Mineral Resources of Poland”. The knowledge about mineral resources has a fundamental importance for the national mineral security and rational decisions concerning the country’s economic strategy. The authors present the evolution of methodology, scope and significance of the “Balance...”. The last edition of “Balance...” in 2020 is a comprehensive scientific monograph (citing over 1700 published and unpublished sources) containing information about over 50 major minerals, as well as marine minerals from Baltic Sea.
The Authors analyze the national deficit of mineral commodities (classified as strategic and critical mineral commodities) against the volume of mineral deposits in Poland, from which these commodities are obtained. The assignment of types and subtypes of minerals that are the source of extraction to the corresponding strategic and critical mineral commodities is presented. A comparison was made between the annual extraction of minerals-sources of mineral commodities and their reserves in documented deposits and the volume of exports and imports of strategic and critical mineral commodities. It was found that Poland does not have a number of mineral deposits useful as sources of mineral commodities (strategic and critical) or documented mineral reserves are not sufficient to cover the needs of the national economy for these mineral commodities. Therefore, most of the critical and strategic mineral raw materials are scarce for Poland. A new approach to the classification of critical and strategic mineral commodities and the definition of the scarcity of mineral commodities in the country was proposed. The task of the geological survey is to conduct research to increase the base of mineral resources, especially those of fundamental importance for the economy. Such works are carried out at the Polish Geological Institute for the benefit of the project of State Raw Materials Policy (still under consideration) and should be continued in subsequent years.
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