Landscape may be described as a part of space characterized by a certain physiognomy, which is a dynamic system subject to evolution. An important factor influencing the type and condition of the landscape is human activity which shapes or rebuilds its structure. Interesting results may be obtained on comparison of archival cartographic materials with contemporary studies and zoning plans. The Upper Silesian Coal Basin is a region with a clearly transformed landscape. The determinant of the geographical environment transformation here is the anthropogenic factor. The study area includes the upper part of the Kłodnica catchment (229.6 sq km). The study is a review, and its aim is to systematize data sources used in the research on the transformation of landscape structure of a heavily industrialized area. In the first half of the nineteenth century created the "Urmesstischblätter" in the scale of 1:25 000. Afterwards preparations began to take new topographic images of the country (the "Messtischblätter"). In the 1990s initiated the development of a new topographic map (in the scale of 1:10 000). Recent data source is for example the project CORINE Land Cover 2006. There are many of various sources of data on land cover. An important aspect is the proper selection of documents and maps, and their proper interpretation.
The 90s of the twientieth century carried a restructuring of the industry which involved the adaptation of enterprises to operate in a market economy, the workforce reduction and privatization of industrial facilities. Economic transformation has contributed to the socio-economic changes in industrial and mining towns. It affected the changes in the employment structure, changes in the number of population, migration decisions, the quality of medical care and municipal institutions support. Ruda Śląska is a typical mining town, history of which for nearly 200 years has been a consecutive period associated with the mining and heavy industries. This work is based on statistical data and approximates the effects of restructuring evident in Ruda Śląska. The presented characterization indicates that the situation prevailing in the city refers to the conditions of life in the most traditional mining regions of Central and Eastern Europe. Despite the significant reconstruction in the employment structure, Ruda Śląska retains partly its mining character. Population of the town is trying to cope with the need to adapt to new economic realities, among others, by changing the sector of economy to work in. Employment reductions have contributed to the increase of population migration. In conjunction with the natural loss it resulted in a decrease of the number of population and population aging. The support of the cities and sanitary facilities offered, among others, by social assistance centers and employment has great importance in overcoming the negative effects of the economic transformation.
The issue of the concept of development and urban planning in an optimal manner is as old as cities. It has not yet been established which human activities are to be considered as conscious and planned space development. It is assumed that the beginnings of rational, thoughtful urban planning should be sought at a time when cities began to be treated as a single organism, which should function smoothly, guarantee the safety of its inhabitants through defence functions and provide a higher standard of living. The effect of these assumptions was the logical placement of buildings, transportation systems and infrastructure, as well as recreational areas so that life in the city was something more than just miserable existence. This article overlooks former planning theories such as the theories of location by J.H. von Thunen or A. Weber, as well as the projects of a garden city by E. Howard and Functional Warsaw by J. Chmielewski and S. Syrkus. Instead, it focuses on what is currently, at the beginning of the 21st century, up to date and combines contemporary concepts of sustainability and new technologies, and treats the city as a resource of limited space, buildings, infrastructure and people representing both purchasing power and the labour force. The article, apart from theoretical considerations, focused on realizations of ideas in practice, quoting both sectoral solutions related to the organization of transportation in the city, as well as to projects of entire cities.
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