Systemy Zarządzania Bezpieczeństwem (SMS) są usystematyzowanym zbiorem zasad, procedur i reguł postępowania przy wykonywaniu działalności przedsiębiorstwa kolejowego, mającym zapewnić wysoki poziom bezpieczeństwa świadczonych usług. Można tu wyróżnić genezę zagrożeń, diagnozę stanu i systemu bezpieczeństwa, programowanie działań zapobiegawczych, środki poprawy, monitoring podejmowanych działań oraz ocenę ich efektywności. W zakresie szacowania ryzyka wystąpienia działań niepożądanych istnieje wiele metod mających swoje odzwierciedlenie w literaturze przedmiotu. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zaprezentowanie faktu, że pomimo wykorzystywania szeregu zbieżnych metod szacowania ryzyka w działalności polskich przewoźników kolejowych, występują istotne różnice w szacowaniu ryzyka mające odzwierciedlenie w dokumentacji związanej z zarządzaniem bezpieczeństwem (SMS).
Ensuring a sense of security is a value not only for transport users, including rail transport, but also for the environment in which the transport operates. Thus, important aspects related to an efficient safety management system are a sense of no threat and a sense of security certainty for both transport customers and its environment. Safety Management Systems (SMS) are a systematic set of rules, procedures and rules of conduct in the performance of a railway undertaking’s activities, designed to ensure a high level of security of services rendered, where we can distinguish the genesis of threats, diagnosis of the state and security system, programming preventive measures, improvement measures, monitoring of actions taken and assessment of their effectiveness. In accordance with European Union standards, Polish rail carriers were required to implement Safety Management Systems (SMS) in their operations. The implementation of railway safety management systems in Poland had a positive effect on the decrease in the number of events (sum of serious accidents, accidents and incidents). This is evident in the statistics included in the annual reports published by the State Commission for the Investigation of Railway Accidents. However, in the last few years there has been a noticeable increase in the number of events in relation to transport performance. The analysis indicates that one of the reasons may be the fact that despite the use of a number of convergent methods for estimating the risk of transport activities in these documents (SMS), there are significant differences in the estimation of risk, which are reflected in the documentation related to safety management (SMS), which means that carriers achieve very different risk results for the same risks under the same conditions. One of the conclusions is the proposal to create a list of permanent threats for nomenclature uniform carriers that should be included in safety management systems, which will also facilitate the assessment of the efficiency of these systems by the authorities responsible for this area in Poland.
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