Fluid inclusions in halite from Miocene rock salt of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep Basin in locations where evaporites overlie oil and gas reservoir rocks are characterized by their high methane content and the presence of oil droplets in some of them. They are thus similar to fluid inclusions reported from geochemical aureoles around oil and gas accumulations in the Zechstein (Upper Permian) of western Poland (Kovalevych et al., 2008). Geochemical analyses of bitumen in bulk samples of rock salt (including content and distribution of n-alkanes and isoprenoids, carbon isotope ratios) suggest a varied origin: hydrocarbon extracted from halite from boreholes located in proximity (proved or assumed) of oil and gas deposits (Lopushna-7, Grynivka-525) are probably related to organic material dispersed within the rock salt itself, and those from the barren areas (Verkhniy Strutyn-29) are most probably cogenetic with oil accumulated in the deposits of the Boryslav-Pokuttya Nappe.
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Wyniki badań składu chemicznego pierwotnych inkluzji w halicie w poziomach soli Nal-Na4 świadczą o tym, iż pierwotne solanki reprezentowały typ Na-K~Mg-Cl-SO(4) i od współczesnej wody morskiej, zagęszczonej do początkowego stadium wytrącania halitu, różniły się nieco obniżoną zawartością jonu SO(4). Podczas sedymentacji soli zachodziły tylko niewielkie zmiany stosunku jonów K, Mg i SO(4) w składzie solanek. Badania składu izotopowego siarki i tlenu w anhydrycie, a także wcześniej opublikowane dane o zawartości bromu w halicie, potwierdzają koncepcję morskiej genezy badanych ewaporatów i nieznacznej roli wód niemorskich. W oparciu o powyższe fakty można przypuszczać, iż woda morska w późnym permie różniła się od wody współczesnej nieco obniżoną zawartością jonu SO(4). Skład solanek w inkluzjach w przekrystalizowanym halicie wykazuje znaczne wahania aż do zmiany typu chemicznego solanek, co świadczy o nieprzydatności tych inkluzji do rekonstrukcji składu macierzystych solanek w basenach ewaporatowych.
Study of chemical composition of primary inclusions in halite crystals from the Upper Permian (Zechstein) rock salt units (Na1-Na4) indicate the Na-K-Mg-Cl-SO(4) type of orginal brines. The brines had slightly decreased content of sulphate ion when compared to the recent seawater concentrated to the intial phase of halite precipitation. During halite precipitation only small changes in ratios of ions of K, Mg and SO(4) have occurred. Isotopic composition of sulphur and oxygen in anhydrite as well as earlier data on a bromine content in halites confirm the marine genesis of studied salts, with an occasional non-marine water input. Consequently, the Late Permian seawater differed with a slightly decreased content of sulphate ion from the recent counterpart. Brine composition in inclusionsfound within secondary halite crystals varies distinctly up to a change of brine type so such inclusions are useless in reconstruction of chemistry of primary brines in ancient evaporitic basins.
Published sulphur and oxygen isotope age curves for the late Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian time interval have been based on studies of sulphate intervals of the East Siberian salt giant. We report here on sulphur and oxygen measurements for sulphate dispersed in, or forming laminae in, the rock salt deposits in all Lower Cambrian basins of East Siberia. Sulphur isotope data for 26 samples of Lower Cambrian anhydrites from East Siberia range from +22.6 to +34.5‰. No difference was observed between different suites and between samples taken from anhydrite intercalations in rock salt and from water-insoluble residue in rock salt. Oxygen isotope data for 25 anhydrite samples range from +12.4 to +17.8‰, and thus δ18 O values have a smaller range of variation (5.5‰) than δ34 S (11.8‰) over the entire set of Lower Cambrian anhydrites. The great δ34 S variability observed in the Lower Cambrian of Siberia seems to reflect mixing of sulphates coming from the ocean and due to the riverine input. The lowest δ18 O values may indicate the input values from both the sources, whilst the highest value may result from isotope exchange between SO4 2- and water. Our results combined with data provided by previous workers could indicate a clear stratigraphic trend in δ34 S values, with a remarkable fall of ca. 9‰ in δ34 S value during the earliest Cambrian and then a slight rise in δ34 S values in the younger part of Early Cambrian. However, if only the highest values are taken, the measured values are compatible with seawater δ34 S 3 30‰ during the entire Early Cambrian. Sulphur isotopic composition of sulphate minerals did not be come heavier from the sulphate stage to ward the chloride stage.
Chemical composition of the brines of primary fluid inclusions in sedimentary halite (from the boreholes: P-2, P-3, P-6, P-7 and P-8) of the Badenian evaporite of the Zbudza Fm. from East Slovakian basin indicates that the basinal brines belong to the Na-K-Mg-Cl-SO4 type. The ratios of K+, Mg2+, and SO42- ions are practically the same as they were in the Badenian seawater. Taking into account the information on the chemical evolution of seawater in the Phanerozoic (Kovalevich et al., 1998) and the calculations of this evolution for the Cenozoic (Zimmermann, 2000) it is suggested that the Badenian seawater was characterized by the reduced contents of Mg (by approximately 20%) and SO42- (by approximately 40%) in comparison with the recent seawater. The postsedimentary recrystallization of salts occurred under the effect of buried brines, which inherited their composition from the primary basinal brines. The intensive recrystallization of salts occurred during the tectonic movements.
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