The time perspective has been the subject of various studies aimed at understanding human behavior.Our goal was to extend the growing literature in this field by studying the role of time perspectives in shaping online behavior among digital natives. 569 digital natives at the tertiary education level completed self-report forms assessing two major processes: time perspectives and online behavior. Adverse time-perspective biases were found to be related to rude, harsh, and distrustful online behavior. Present-oriented people displayed a high amount of online activity, while future-oriented ones showed a more functional approach to Internet use. Pastpositive and past-negative orientations occurred concomitantly with different levels of affability online. We discuss the findings and their limitations, along with suggestions for future research in this field. As it is possible to modify time perspectives, this study may contribute to the development of methods aimed at preventing undesirable online behavior and improving individuals’ well-being.
The term “problematic Internet use” (PIU) refers to excessive online activities and is a major social concern. Despite various sociological, psychological, and interdisciplinary studies, the risk factors related to PIU remain unclear. As psychological traits are associated with online behavior, they are often seen as potential risk factors of PIU. However, the dark personality traits (which include narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) and their relation to problematic Internet use are only partially recognized. These traits are commonly known as the Dark Triad, and even though they have been widely researched their structure is still under discussion. This study investigates both the structure of the Dark Triad and the triad’s relation to PIU. A total of 384 participants were surveyed by online questionnaire. Our results suggest that the 3-component structure of the dark traits may be more suitable for research into online activity than a dark dyad. Moreover, the Dark Triad traits are related to high PIU levels.
Objectives: In Poland, 95% of medical personnel had not received legal education before they completed their studies. Having been given these facts, we have started questioning legal awareness of people providing medical services. Aim of the study: The study aimed at evaluating the knowledge of allergists and pulmonologists. Material and Methods: The group consisting of 328 allergists and/or pulmonologist completed the questionnaire. Results: The participants possess the best knowledge in providing information to patients about their health status (CV1). Sixty nine % of responders replied correctly, and the difference was significant (p < 0.001) in comparison with next aspect referring to the principles of providing medical services following guidelines created by think-tanks and also possibilities to take autonomous decisions by physicians (CV2). The correct answers in relation to CV2 were given by 57% of responders. The third compared aspect was physicians' awareness of patients' right to giving a consent or refusal before undertaking the medical procedure CV3. Only 55% of physicians gave correct answers and the difference was significant compared to CV1 (p < 0.001) as well as CV2 (p < 0.05). Younger doctors showed to have better knowledge than their older colleagues (p < 0.05). Working in urban workplaces proved to be more associated with better knowledge than in rural ones (p < 0.05). Discussion: Insufficient knowledge results in a low quality of provided services and puts the doctors at risk of being liable. The rates indicate that doctors are not aware of the fact that only legal regulations are binding, while standards not published by the Minister of Health are not legally valid. Half of the respondents have the wrong belief that the opinions expressed by experts make the doctor feel exempt from liability. Probably there are specialities, like occupational medicine which are specially linked with awareness of valid legal rules.
Introduction: Legislation systems of most countries prohibited using the handheld mobile phone while driving due to the fact that it disturbs concentration and causes hand involvement. Every phone owner is accustomed to the ringtone of his phone and almost involuntarily endeavors to pick it up or check who calls. This engages one’s psychomotor skills, which in our opinion contributes to the attenuation of reaction time needed for performing other crucial functions. Objectives: The aim of the study was: (1) to evaluate the infl uence of the sound of a ringing mobile phone on the complex reaction time (RT) score in healthy subjects (owners), and (2) to check if there are any differences in RT when a landline phone and mobile phone ring. Methods: To assess RT we used our system and protocol of examination, previously validated. The examination conditions were standardized. All tests were performed in the same room with the same light and general acoustic conditions. The test group consisted of 23 women and 24 men, aged 19–24 years. The examination comprised 4 sessions: Training Session (TS) during which the subjects were accustomed with the application and sample stimuli, Control Session (CS) with no telephone ringing, Landline Session (LS) with landline phone ringing, Mobile Session (MS) with mobile phone ringing. Results: The median RT in the study population was signifi cantly elongated (p < 0.001) in MS. In women and in men RTs were signifi cantly longer in MS than in CS and non-signifi cantly longer than in LS. Reaction times in CS, LS and MS were longer in women, however the differences were not signifi cant (p > 0.05). Conclusions: We think that the specifi c ‘bond’ between a person and their private phone can signifi cantly disrupt their attention and thus affect the attention-demanding activities.
Celem poznawczym badań było rozpoznanie istniejącego stanu systemów zarządzania bezpieczeństwem informacji w podmiotach wykonujących działalność leczniczą. Przeprowadzono analizę i ocenę tych systemów oraz finansowania bezpieczeństwa informacji. Wszystkie organizacje opieki zdrowotnej przetwarzają „dane wrażliwe”, które wymagają specjalnej ochrony. W celu zapewnienia odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa tych danych, konieczne jest przeznaczenie odpowiednich środków finansowych. W literaturze opisano wiele incydentów związanych z bezpieczeństwem informacji, które miały miejsce w organizacjach opieki zdrowotnej. W badaniach wykorzystano następujące metody i techniki: wspomagany komputerowo wywiad telefoniczny, studia literaturowe i ankietę z wnioskiem o udostępnienie informacji publicznej. Przedmiotem badań były podmioty medyczne podległe samorządom trzech polskich województw. Wyniki badania zostały poddane analizie statystycznej i dostarczyły wiele interesujących danych na temat aktualnego stanu w zakresie zarządzania bezpieczeństwem informacji i jego finansowania w badanych podmiotach.
All healthcare organizations process “sensitive data” that needs special protection. To ensure an appropriate level of security for this data, it is necessary to allocate adequate financial resources for security measures. The exploratory aim of the research here is the recognition of the current state of information security management systems in selected entities performing medical activities. An analysis and evaluation of these systems and the financing of information security were conducted. The methods and techniques used in the research are Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews, literature studies, and a questionnaire survey with applications for access to public information. The subjects of the research were medical entities subordinate to the local governments of three Polish voivodeships (Łódź, Świętokrzyskie and Pomeranian). The research was conducted between 2017 and 2018. Research findings show that the surveyed entities did not properly manage information security and did not allocate adequate financial resources to ensure information security. The lack of efficient information security management in medical entities may entail negative consequences in the future.
A properly selected nutritional strategy is of key importance for training optimization and exercise capacity improvement. The diet with low carbohydrate content and high fat content is a controversial issue since its efficacy is questionable. It affects body mass, glycaemia control and the risk factors for cardiovascular conditions. The main reasons for using this diet include body ability to acquire energy from fats which allows weight and body fat content control. Increased fat consumption leads to the production of ketone bodies (KBs) in the liver, such as acetoacetic acid, acetone and β-hydrobutyric acid, which are alternative sources of energy for tissues, including the brain, the heart and the skeletal muscles. These compounds are used during exercise and their concentration is higher during the period of post-exercise regeneration. The increased speed of fat oxidation and the decreased use of glycogen can improve physical capacity. It is suggested that this strategy alters body metabolic response to exercise and improves exercise efficacy. The paper describes the effect of low carbohydrate and high fat diet on the human body and physical capacity, translated into athletic performance.
Odpowiednio dobrana strategia żywieniowa ma kluczowe znaczenie w optymalizacji treningu i poprawie zdolności wysiłkowych. Dieta o niskiej zwartości węglowodanów i wysokiej zawartości tłuszczu stanowi kontrowersyjne zagadnienie, gdyż skuteczność jej stosowania jest niejednoznaczna. Ma ona wpływ na masę ciała, kontrolę glikemii i czynniki ryzyka rozwoju choroby sercowo-naczyniowej. Jednym z głównych powodów jej stosowania jest zdolność organizmu do wykorzystania tłuszczów jako źródła energii, co pozwala na kontrolę wagi i poziomu tkanki tłuszczowej. Zwiększenie spożycia tłuszczów prowadzi do wytwarzania w wątrobie związków ketonowych, takich jak acetooctan, aceton i β-hydroksymaślan, które służą jako alternatywne źródło energii dla tkanek, w tym mózgu, serca i mięśni szkieletowych. Związki te wykorzystywane są podczas ćwiczeń, a ich stężenie jest podwyższone podczas okresu regeneracji powysiłkowej. Podwyższona szybkość utleniania tłuszczu i zmniejszone wykorzystanie glikogenu może poprawiać wydajność. Sugeruje się, że strategia ta zmienia odpowiedź metaboliczną organizmu na ćwiczenia i poprawia ich efektywność. W obecnej publikacji zajmiemy się zagadnieniem wpływu diety o niskiej zawartości węglowodanów i wysokiej zawartości tłuszczu na organizm oraz na wydolność fizyczną w przełożeniu na wyniki u sportowców.
Wstęp: Nowotwory głowy i szyi stanowią 6% wszystkich nowotworów złośliwych na całym świecie. Zastosowanie chemioterapii jest ograniczone ze względu na biologiczne właściwości guza (w większości przypadków umiarkowanie i słabo zróżnicowany rak płaskonabłonkowy). Podstawowymi związkami używanymi w leczeniu są cisplatyna i jej pochodne, które mogą być związane z fluorouracylem. Powszechnie nie stosuje się nowych środków chemioterapeutycznych w leczeniu nowotworów głowy i szyi. Jednak wydaje się, że użycie kompleksów o niskiej masie cząsteczkowej, jak Pd (II), może być bardziej skuteczne w terapii nowotworów. Materiały i metody: Badaniem objęto 55 pacjentów, w tym 30 mężczyzn i 21 kobiet (w wieku 52,9 ± 12,1 lat), ze zdiagnozowanym nowotworem głowy i szyi. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 51 zdrowych osób, w tym 31 mężczyzn i 20 kobiet (w wieku 54,1 ± 14,7 lat). Analizowano aktywność dysmutazy ponadtlenkowej oraz katalazy w erytrocytach. Wyniki: Zaobserwowano wzrost poziomu enzymów przeciwutleniających we krwi u pacjentów z nowotworem głowy i szyi po inkubacji z kompleksem Pd (II) w porównaniu z osobami zdrowymi (p = <0,001). Wnioski: Badania te mogą przyczynić się do opracowania nowych, skuteczniejszych strategii leczenia nowotworów głowy i szyi. Naszym zdaniem, w przyszłości otrzymane wyniki można wykorzystać do opracowania cennego markera prognostycznego choroby. To ważne, ponieważ początkowa faza raka jest bezobjawowa. Poszukiwanie czynników związanych z patogenezą przekłada się na korzyści ekonomiczne i zwiększa skuteczność terapii poprzez zmniejszenie kosztów leczenia.
Background: Head and neck neoplasms stand for 6% of all malignant neoplasms worldwide. Chemotherapy has limited use due to the biological properties of the tumor (in the majority of cases moderately and poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma). The fundamental molecule used in treatment is cisplatin and its derivates, that can be associated with fluorouracil. The new chemotherapeutic agents are not in common use during the treatment of head and neck malignancies. However, the use of low molecular weight complexes Pd (II) carries the potential of being more effective in therapy. Material and Methods: Fifty-one patients, 30 men and 21 women (aged 52.9 ± 12.1 years) with head and neck cancer were included in the study. Fifty-one healthy subjects, 31 men and 20 women, (aged 54.1 ± 14.7 years) years formed the control group. Antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase, and catalase activities in erythrocytes were examined. Results: An increased level of antioxidant enzymes was seen in the blood samples from patients with head and neck cancer after incubation with Pd (II) complex. In the group we obtained a statistically significant result p = <0.001. Discussion: That project may contribute to the development of new, more efficient head and neck cancer treatment strategies. In our opinion, the results can be used in the future to develop a valuable prognostic marker of the disease. This is important because the initial phase of cancer is asymptomatic. The search for factors involved in pathogenesis translates into economic benefits and makes therapy more effectiveness through the reduction of treatment expenses.
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