During our investigations of tunneling process in thin 7 nm thick GaAs/AlAs/GaAs vertical single-barrier tunneling structure with Si δ-doping inside the barrier we have observed fluctuations of the tunneling current which exhibited large Lorentzian noise with intensity depending on biasing voltage. We have shown that Lorentzian noise originates from multilevel random telegraph noise of the small number of fluctuators which influence the tunneling process. Time-domain analysis of the current noise measured for temperatures between 4.2 K and 50 K enabled to determine the thermal activation energies of these fluctuators lying between 0.8 and 3 meV.
Resonant tunnelling via single impurities placed in a single barrier was experimentally studied. The typically observed structures in the current-voltage characteristics seem to be paired. Such a pair can be interpreted as ground and excited states of an impurity, related to X_{xy} and X_z valleys, which is in agreement with the results obtained for big mesas. However, it is not clear why X_{xy} states can be seen without any phonon participation.
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