Wpływ na handel między państwami członkowskimi UE jest jednym z elementów definicyjnych pojęcia pomocy państwa w rozumieniu art. 107 ust. 1 TFUE. W toku rozwoju judykatury TSUE wykładnia tego warunku ewoluowała. Orzecznictwo stopniowo poświęca jej ocenie więcej uwagi, doprecyzowując znaczenie oraz (nieznacznie) zawężając jej zakres. Ocena spełnienia warunku wpływu na handel wewnątrzunijny stosowana przez TSUE opiera się na analizie podażowej strony rynku — otoczenia konkurencyjnego beneficjenta pomocy. W innym kierunku rozwija się praktyka decyzyjna Komisji. W licznych decyzjach uznawała ona, że środek wsparcia nie stanowi pomocy państwa, ponieważ nie wpływa na handel między państwami członkowskimi UE. Komisja kierowała się tu przede wszystkim argumentem lokalnego zakresu działalności beneficjenta pomocy. Takie podejście, odnoszące się do oceny popytowej strony rynku, choć wprost niesprzeczne z orzecznictwem TSUE, nie znajduje w nim oparcia.
The effect on trade between Member States is considered as one of the elements of the notion of State Aid within the meaning of art. 107 (1) TFEU. In the course of the development of the caselaw of the CJEU, the interpretation of this condition has evolved. The EU courts gradually devote more attention to its analysis, clarifying its meaning and even (slightly) narrowing its scope. Assessment of the condition on the effect on intra-EU trade, as applied by the CJEU, focuses on the supply side of the market — the competitive environment of the beneficiary of aid. The Commission’s decision-making practice develops in a different direction. In numerous cases the Commission held that a measure does not constitute State Aid due to lack of effect on intra-European trade. The Commission has based this approach on the argument of the local scope of the activity of a beneficiary. This approach, based on the assessment of the demand side of the market, though not directly contradictory to the case-law of the CJEU, finds no support in it.
The purpose of this paper is to verify the hypothesis that a debt write-off implemented recently by Polish authorities in favour of public hospitals constitutes State aid within the meaning of Article 107(1) of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union. The paper contains a detailed description of the nature of the measure – its historical background, regulatory context, as well as its construction. It presents an in-depth analysis of the fulfilment by the measure of the conditions stipulated in Article 107(1) TFEU. As a preliminary issue, the analysis addresses the problem whether Polish public hospitals can be considered as undertakings within the meaning of EU competition law, particularly, as to their activity financed by the sickness fund organized under the principle of social solidarity. The answer to this question seems to be affirmative and in line with the landmark Hoefner and Elser judgments where the ECJ held that the way in which an entity is financed is irrelevant for its classification as an undertaking. The paper argues in favour of the thesis that the debt write-off must be considered as affecting trade between Member States and competition. Consequently, and contrary to the official position of the Polish government, the measure in question is classified as State aid.
Le but de cet article est de vérifier l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’amortissement total des dettes effectué récemment par les autorités polonaises en faveur des hôpitaux publiques constitue une aide publique au sens de l’Article 107(1) TFUE. L’article contient une description détaillée de la nature de cette mesure – son histoire, contexte législatif aussi que sa construction. Il présent une analyse profonde de l’accomplissement par cette mesure des conditions indiquées par l’Article 107(1) TFUE. Comme question préliminaire, l’analyse a pour objectif de vérifier si les hôpitaux publiques polonais peuvent être considérés comme entreprises au sens de la loi de concurrence de l’EU par rapport à son activité financée par le fonds de maladie organisé en accord avec le príncipe de la solidarité sociale.
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