Apart from contemporary natural and socio-economic hazards, which are sources of crises, risks associated with human activity, and therefore technical threats, also play an important role in the context of the overall level of national security. These include fires, construction disasters, transportation disasters, failures and contamination. For the article purposes the results of statistical surveys of national and international sources of information on threats and results of surveys conducted in selected local administration units (n = 101) were used. The study period covered the years 1999-2014. Due to the occurrence of technical hazards, the losses they generated were indicated as well. In addition, the ways of classifying technical threats and thus their taxonomy were specified. The cause-and-effect analysis was applied for the proper identification of technical hazards. Moreover, the main reasons for the emergence of technical hazards, their course and characteristics, as well as the effects by category of property, the environment and human life were identified.
In the article the most significant element of the logistics in the crisis management was presented, which is the distribution of information between the particular units which take part in the crisis situation. The appropriate information interchange allows to effective supervision under the incident, possibility of coordination under the whole actions connected with response to the threats, reliability in the documentation and also the continuity of threats service. In the aspect of the crisis management the significant element is the computer support of the information circulation. In the article the e-CZK computer application, which is used in the voivodship was shown.
W artykule przedstawiono jeden z istotnych elementów logistyki w zarządzaniu kryzysowym, jakim jest przepływ informacji pomiędzy poszczególnymi podmiotami biorącymi udział w danej sytuacji kryzysowej. Właściwa wymiana informacji pozwala na skuteczny nadzór nad danym zdarzeniem, możliwość koordynacji całości działań związanych z reagowaniem na zagrożenie, rzetelność w jego dokumentowaniu, a także ciągłość jego obsługi. W aspekcie zarządzania kryzysowego ważny element stanowi wsparcie informatyczne dla obiegu tych informacji. W niniejszym opracowaniu wskazano narzędzie komputerowe - aplikacja e-CZK (elektroniczne Centrum Zarządzania Kryzysowego), które wykorzystuje do tych celów szczebel wojewódzki administracji państwowej.
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