The study verifies the thesis that the evaluation process of the public activities is an up–to–date effective tool of professional education which increases the level of knowledge on the realisation of the sustainable development concept among all social partners managing the development. An evaluation of the objectives and actions of the Regional Operation Programme of the Opole Voievodeship for the years 2007–2013 has been carried out using the criteria of the sustainability of orders and development capitals.
The unique properties of nanoparticles and nanoparticle clusters show high potential for nanomaterials to be formulated into numerous products. In this paper, nanosuspensions are formulated by braking up agglomerates in high-shear flows. The flows are generated in the specific equipment, and this paper serves as a guide for equipment selection based on mechanistic modelling. A general model based on the power input to the system is formulated to model agglomerate disintegration in different types of equipment including stirred tanks, the rotor-stator disintegrators, the high-pressure nozzle systems and bead mills. The results of computations based on the rate of energy dissipation are presented in terms of the specific energy input, which is typical of industrial applications. In the considered deagglomeration devices the stresses are generated due to various mechanisms including the effects of hydrodynamic stresses, cavitation and bead collisions. The model includes the effects of agglomerate structure on the suspension viscosity. The results of the simulations are compared with the experimental data.
In this paper, a novel approach to the problem of noise removal in color images is presented. The proposed filtering design is a modification of the bilateral denoising scheme, which takes into account the similarity of color pixels and their spatial distance. However, instead of direct calculation of the dissimilarity measure, the cost of a connection through a digital path joining the center of the filtering window with the remaining pixels is determined. The filter output, like in the standard bilateral filter, is calculated as a weighted average of the pixels surrounding the central pixel and the weights are functions of the minimal connection costs. Experimental results prove that the introduced design yields significantly better results than the standard bilateral filter in case of color images contaminated by strong mixed Gaussian and impulsive noise.
W niniejszej pracy zostało zaprezentowane nowatorskie podejście do problemu redukcji szumów w barwnych obrazach cyfrowych. Proponowany model filtracji jest modyfikacją filtru dwuczłonowego, który uwzględnia podobieństwo barwnych pikseli oraz ich odległości w dziedzinie obrazu, jednakże zamiast bezpośredniego obliczania miary podobieństwa, ustalany jest koszt połączenia środka okna filtracji z pozostałymi pikselami za pomocą cyfrowej ścieżki. Wynik filtracji, podobnie jak w przypadku standardowego filtru dwuczłonowego, jest obliczany jako średnia ważona pikseli wokół piksela centralnego, a wagi są funkcjami minimalnych kosztów połączeń. Wyniki przeprowadzonych doświadczeń dowodzą, że w przypadku barwnych obrazów zaszumionych mieszaniną szumu gaussowskiego i impulsowego o dużej intensywności, wprowadzona modyfikacja daje znacznie lepsze rezultaty niż standardowy filtr dwuczłonowy.
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