Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienia stanowiące problemy podczas projektowania drogowej sygnalizacji świetlnej. Mimo wielu zmian przepisów nadal pozostają one niejednoznaczne w przypadku stosowania sygnalizatora S-2. Artykuł prezentuje różne interpretacje oraz uzasadnienia zmian przepisów. Drugim poruszonym zagadnieniem jest stosowanie wyświetlaczy czasu w sygnalizacji świetlnej. Przedstawiono wymagania dotyczące tych urządzeń wynikające z przepisów oraz przeanalizowano problemy związane z ich stosowaniem. Opisano również wymagania dotyczące liczników czasu jako wyrobów budowlanych.
The article presents issues that are a problem during road traffic light signalling design. Despite many legislative changes, they still remain unclear in the scope of application of the right turn on red. The article presents various interpretations and justifications for changes in the regulations. The second issue raised is the use of countdown timers in traffic lights. The requirements of the regulations for these devices are presented and problems related to their application are analysed. It also describes the requirements for timers as construction products.
Artykuł porusza problem oznakowania dróg za pomocą znaków A-18b "dzikie zwierzęta". Opisano w nim dane statystyczne dotyczące zdarzeń ze zwierzętami na drogach, co pokazuje aktualność poruszanej problematyki. Następnie omówiono regulacje prawne dotyczące wprowadzania takiego oznakowania, wraz z przykładami problemów w ich stosowaniu oraz interpretacji. Następnie przeanalizowano dostępne publikacje dotyczące zdarzeń drogowych ze zwierzętami pod kątem pozyskiwania danych do analiz. W dalszej części artykułu przedstawiono analizy orzecznictwa sądowego, dotyczącego umieszczania znaków A-18b. Stwierdzono, że jest ono bardzo rozbieżne i w podobnym stanie faktycznym występują różne rozstrzygnięcia. Przedstawiono wybrane fragmenty wyroków i sformułowano wnioski, które mogą być wykorzystywane przez inżynierów ruchu drogowego. W dalszej części opisano sposób postępowania podczas projektowania organizacji ruchu zawierającej znaki A-18b, jak również podczas weryfikacji jej poprawności. Przedstawiono także wnioski pokazujące kierunki dalszych badań oraz prac legislacyjnych w tym zakresie.
The article discusses the problem of marking roads with signs A-18b "wild animals”. It describes statistical data on events with animals on the roads, which shows the topicality of the issues discussed. Then, the legal regulations concerning the introduction of such marking were discussed, along with examples of problems in their application and interpretation. Then, the available publications on traffic incidents with animals were analyzed in terms of obtaining data for analysis. The following part of the article presents analyzes of the judicial decisions regarding the placement of A-18b marks. It was found that it is very divergent and there are different decisions in a similar factual state. Selected fragments of judgments are presented and conclusions are formulated that can be used by road traffic engineers. The following describes the procedure for designing a traffic organization containing A-18b characters as well as for verifying its correctness. There were also presented conclusions showing the directions of further research and legislative work in this area.
The article describes proposed changes to the regulations concerning the technical specifications for road traffic signaling. It outlines the history of amendments to the existing regulations and then presents the results of work conducted by the Board operating within the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) during 2021 - 2022. The article presents proposed changes in the definitions and technical requirements for traffic signal devices. Subsequently, it presented the principles of using signal heads, proposed changes in traffic control methods, and proposed postulates regarding further legislative work.
W artykule opisano propozycje zmian w warunkach technicznych dotyczących drogowej sygnalizacji świetlnej. Opisano historię zmian w obowiązujących przepisach, a następnie przedstawiono wyniki prac Forum działającego w ramach GDDKiA w latach 2021 - 2022. Przedstawiono postulowane zmiany w zakresie definicji oraz wymagań technicznych dotyczących urządzeń sygnalizacji świetlnej. Ponadto zaprezentowano zasady stosowania sygnalizatorów, proponowane zmiany sposobu sterowania ruchem, jak również postulaty dotyczące dalszych prac legislacyjnych.
The article describes the problem of incorrect U-turns at intersections with traffic lights. Statistical data on road incidents related to U-turns are presented. Then, the international, Polish and foreign regulations concerning u-turning at intersections with traffic lights were analysed. The situations in which U-turns are allowed or prohibited are presented. The differences in design rules for junctions with U-turns in different countries have been taken into account. A literature review was also carried out that outlined various current U-turns around the world, including the design of turning places, the location of turning points, road safety when turning, and the impact of U-turns on traffic conditions. The further part of the article presents the results of field tests of the U-turn at 6 intersections located in Warsaw. The research was conducted by video observation. The results were broken down by age, gender, place of registration of the vehicle, type of vehicle, and the effect of incorrect turning. Data on road incidents at the examined intersections were also analysed. Data from the database kept by the Police were compared with the measurement data. A regression analysis was performed between the types of recorded incorrect manoeuvres and the number of accidents at the intersection. The results of statistical analysis carried out do not indicate the existence of a relationship between the number of identified incorrect U-turns and the number of road incidents at intersections. Based on the research, it was found that the phenomenon of incorrect U-turns at intersections with traffic lights is common, and the use of directional (protected) signals does not eliminate this phenomenon. The conclusions indicate practical solutions to reduce the number of illegally U-turning vehicles. The recommended actions are related to the stage of shaping the road network, designing the road geometry and organizing traffic and traffic lights, and auditing road safety, as well as the stage of road operation.
The article presents the relationship between the intensity of bicycle traffic volume and the development of bicycle infrastructure on the example of Warsaw. There has been a big increase in cycling over the last decade. At the same time, the linear and point bicycle infrastructure developed very strongly. Similar trends are also observed in other cities in Poland. The article presents the types of infrastructure available to cyclists. Then, the method of assessing the bicycle infrastructure is presented, taking into account the five features of good bicycle infrastructure: cohesion, directness, attractiveness, safety and comfort. In terms of coherence, the analysis covered the bicycle infrastructure network in the vicinity of the measurement site. The directness was tested by checking the accessibility of several dozen of the most important nodal points of the city's communication network. The attractiveness was examined by checking the availability of public bike stations, bicycle racks and bike-sharing stations. The infrastructure adjusted to the technical class of the road was adopted as a measure of safety. The comfort was checked by analyzing the quality of the road surface, which affects the driving comfort and energy expenditure. All the factors presented impact the cyclist's assessment of the infrastructure. To standardize the assessment rules, an aggregate index of the development of bicycle infrastructure was determined. The analysis was carried out for 10 sample points for four consecutive years. The points were characterized by different bicycle infrastructure, location in the city road network and different results of bicycle traffic measurements. The analysis showed a strong positive relationship between traffic and cycling infrastructure for most of the analyzed places. There was a negative dependence in the case of the construction of alternative routes in relation to the place of traffic measurements. The obtained results are the same as in the works of other authors. However, the effects of work do not allow to determine which of the examined factors is the cause and which is the effect but only show the existing relationship.
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