An agreement to disclaim inheritance concluded between a future testator and their potential legal heir constitutes an exception to the ban on concluding agreements concerning inheritance of a still living person. Inheritance is usually disclaimed in connection with the benefit received by a potential legal heir at the expense of the testator’s estate. This results in excluding the heir from statutory inheritance and depriving them of the right to the legitimate portion. The effects of this agreement also concern the descendants of the person disclaiming inheritance unless otherwise agreed by the parties. According to the Supreme Court disclaiming inheritance may only be limited to the legitimate portion. An agreement to disclaim inheritance can be declared invalid or changed. An agreement to disclaim inheritance has to meet the requirements of a notarial deed to declare it valid and invalid and to change it.
The Polish-Ukrainian Agreement of 1993 governs, among others, the terms of designating the law applicable to the form of certain legal acts. In that regard, its provisions exclude the application of national conflict of law rules (Polish and Ukrainian). Provisions of an international agreement containing conflict of law rules are leges speciales in relation to national rules applicable in the states parties to such agreement. For the above reason, in case of legal acts concluded with the involvement of Polish an Ukrainian citizens, the rules to be applied in the first place are the provisions of the 1993 Agreement, including specifically the rules on designating the law applicable to the form of legal acts set out in the Agreement. In matters involving Ukrainian citizens examined by Polish courts or other authorities, also Art. 15 of the Agreement can be essential. This provision lays down the terms of recognizing in Poland documents originating from Ukraine. Under that Article, documents executed or authenticated by a competent Ukrainian authority, affixed with an official seal and signed by an authorized person, have a binding force in Poland without a need for their legalisation.
Legal events relating to the establishment and operation of a family foundation will usually show a connection only with the territory of Poland and relate to persons being Polish citizens continuously resident in Poland. In such cases, there is no doubt about the application of Polish law to the assessment of legal acts and other events relating to a family foundation. However, it is not excluded that there may also arise, in the context of such foundations, a connection with other countries, persons being foreigners, persons resident abroad or assets situated abroad. The legislator did not introduce any major barriers against such situations. The above connections relate predominantly to parties involved in the establishment and operation of family foundations and to legal acts performer in relation to the creation of such entities and their property. In particular, it must be emphasised that the statutory requirement provided for the founding act, testament and constitution to comply with the form of notarial deed does not exclude a possibility of complying with that formality also abroad with the involvement of a foreign notary.
In the event of entering into a binding agreement requiring transfer of ownership of property in international transactions it is necessary to establish law applicable to such an agreement. Parties to this agreement can submit it to a selected law. Only if the law is not selected, this agreement is subject to the law of the place where the property is located. However, the governing law is established separately for the type of this agreement and for the capacity of the parties to enter into the agreement. The law of goods (the laws of the place where the property is located) decides on whether the binding agreement requiring transfer of ownership of property results in disposition. Pursuant to Art. 25 section 2 of Private International Law to evoke this disposition it is necessary for the agreement to be entered into in a way that is in accordance with the law applicable to the place where the property is located. If this requirement is not fulfilled, the agreement will only result in obligation. In the event of entering into the agreement with participation of a proxy evoking disposition does not depend on assuring a form for the power of attorney required by the law where the property is located. It is enough for the power of attorney to be given in a way applicable to the place where this action is performed.
More and more often, minors who cannot manage their property on their own are becoming owners of real estate. Their parents are usually not aware of the limitations related to the disposal of real estate owned by their children, which in practice requires them to be taken into account by legal protection authorities, including notaries. The article presents selected issues concerning the management of real estate owned by a minor. Particular attention was paid to the activities of the minor's property management involving the participation of a notary. At the same time, the basic issues related to granting permission for parents to perform activities exceeding the scope of day-to-day management of real estate and restrictions on the management of a child's real estate by their parents were discussed.
The aim of the paper is to present the research procedure to improve performing mechanical tests. The article shows the results from experiments carried out with the use of reference objects and inter-laboratory comparisons. Details of the research technique for determining the mechanical parameters of strength screws and testing technical springs, are presented. The tensile characteristics of the screw material are provided with the indication of all the necessary mechanical parameters important for engineering practice, i.e. within the elastic and elastic-plastic range. In the case of the spring, the values of its deflection are presented, resulting from multiple loading to a specific force value and subsequent unloading. The obtained results are compared with the properties of the reference object using mathematical statistics and the requirements of the standard on proficiency testing. As a result, the competences of the research teams in the scope of performing the mentioned types of mechanical tests are confirmed.
Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie postępowania badawczego dla doskonalenia wykonywania badań mechanicznych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań pochodzące z prób mechanicznych zrealizowanychz udziałem obiektów odniesienia oraz będących udziałem porównania międzylaboratoryjnego. Zaprezentowano szczegóły techniki badawczej, dotyczącej określania parametrów mechanicznych śrub wytrzymałościowych oraz badania sprężyn technicznych. Zamieszczono charakterystykę rozciągania materiału śruby ze wskazaniem wszystkich niezbędnych parametrów mechanicznych istotnych dla praktyki inżynierskiej, tj. z zakresu sprężystego oraz sprężysto-plastycznego. W przypadku sprężyny zaprezentowano wartości jej ugięcia, wynikające z kilkukrotnego obciążania do określonej wartości siły i następującego odciążania. Uzyskane wyniki badań odniesiono do cech własnych obiektu odniesienia oraz porównano wzajemnie z wykorzystaniem zagadnień statystyki matematycznej oraz wymagań normy dotyczącej badań biegłości. W efekcie potwierdzono kompetencje zespołów badawczych w zakresie wykonywania wymienionych rodzajów prób mechanicznych.
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