Tematem artykułu jest prognozowanie wielkości przewozu ładunków transportem kolejowym w Polsce metodą wag harmonicznych w oparciu o przeprowadzone badania empiryczne. Celem głównym niniejszego artykułu jest obliczenie prognoz na kolejne kwartały roku 2019, na bazie danych statystycznych z lat 2015÷2019 oraz zademonstrowanie praktycznego wykorzystania opracowanego szczegółowego algorytmu prognozowania metodą wag harmonicznych, po uprzednim wygładzeniu szeregu czasowego metodą trendu pełzającego. Biorąc pod uwagę tendencje rozwojowe europejskiego transportu drogowego, kolejowego i wodnego zamieszczone w Białej Księdze Transportu, a w szczególności uwzględniając perspektywy rozwojowe transportu kolejowego, który jest konkurencyjnym i zasobooszczędnym systemem transportu, obliczono prognozę wielkości przewozu ładunków w Polsce tym transportem.
The subject of the article is the prediction of the volume of rail transport in Poland using the harmonic weight method based on empirical studies. The main goal of this article is to calculate predictions for subsequent quarters of 2019, based on statistical data from 2015÷2019, and to demonstrate the practical use of the developed detailed prediction algorithm using harmonic weights method, after smoothing the time series with the creeping trend method. Taking into account the development trends of European road, rail and water transport, included in the White Paper of Transport, and in particular considering the development prospects of rail transport, which is a competitive and resource efficient transport system, the prediction of the volume of freight in Poland was calculated.
Tematem artykułu jest predykcja wielkości sprzedaży w firmie informatycznej Comarch, obliczona metodą wyrównywania wykładniczego z wykorzystaniem jednoparametrowego modelu Browna na bazie przeprowadzonych badań teoretycznych i empirycznych. Głównym celem podjętych badań było obliczenie prognoz na kolejne dwa kwartały (trzeci i czwarty) 2020 r. na podstawie uzyskanych danych empirycznych z lat 2016–2020. Natomiast problem badawczy dotyczył właściwego wykorzystania modelu Browna do prognozowania wielkości sprzedaży z zamiarem otrzymania dokładniejszej prognozy. Ujęcie teoretyczne i praktyczne problemu badań pozwoliło na podjęcie próby uporządkowania obszaru wiedzy związanego z prognozowaniem modelem Browna, w tym głównie z wygładzaniem szeregu czasowego metodą wyrównywania wykładniczego.
The topic of the article is a prediction of sales volume in the IT company Comarch calculated with the method of exponential equalization using a one-parameter Brown model on the basis of conducted theoretical and empirical research. The main objective of the undertaken research was to calculate predictions for the next two quarters (third and fourth) of 2020, on the basis of obtained empirical data from 2016–2020. On the other side, the research problem concerned the proper use of the Brown model for predicting sales volumes, in order to obtain a more precise prediction. The theoretical and practical approach to the problem of research made it possible to attempt to organize the area of knowledge related to Brown's model prediction, including mainly the smoothing of the time series using the exponential equalization method.
This paper analyses the possibility of applying thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) onto a substrate made of the AlSi7Mg alloy, intended for, among other things, internal combustion engine components. Engine components made of aluminum-silicon alloys, especially pistons and valve heads, are exposed to high temperature, pressure and thermal shock resulting from the combustion of the fuel-air mixture. These factors cause degradation of these components and can lead to damage. To minimize the risk of damage to engine components caused by heat stress, one way is to apply TBCs. Applying TBCs coatings to engine components improves their durability, increases power output and reduces fuel consumption. The research scope includes the application of an Al2O3-TiO3 coating via the APS (Air Plasma Spraying or Atmospheric Plasma Spraying) method onto a substrate of the AlSi7Mg alloy, analysis of the microstructure and chemical composition of the substrate and coating material, and assessment of the quality of the coating's bond with the AlSi7Mg alloy substrate using the scratch test method.
The paper presents the assumptions and methodology for investigating equivalent heat load testing of hot aircraft engine components. The basic heat loads occurring in an aircraft engine during aircraft flight are characterised. Diagrams of the proposed heat loads are presented, together with the number of cycles, and a test bench is characterised and shown to enable equivalent heat load testing of aircraft engine components.
This paper presents the possibility of improving the scratch resistance of the AZ91 magnesium alloy by applying a WCCoCr coating using the Air Plasma Spraying (APS) method. The coating thickness ranged from 140 to 160 μm. Microstructural studies of the AZ91 magnesium alloy were performed. The chemical composition of the WCCoCr powder was investigated. The quality of the bond at the substrate–coating interface was assessed and a microanalysis of the chemical composition of the coating was conducted. The scratch resistance of the AZ91 alloy and the WCCoCr coating was determined. The scratch resistance of the WCCoCr powder-based coating is much higher than the AZ91 alloy, as confirmed by scratch geometry measurements. The scratch width in the coating was almost three times smaller compared to the scratch in the substrate. Observations of the substrate–coating interface in the scratch area indicate no discontinuities. The absence of microcracks and delamination at the transition of the scratch from the substrate to the coating indicates good adhesion. On the basis of the study, it was found that there was great potential to use the WCCoCr powder coating to improve the abrasion resistance of castings made from the AZ91 alloy.
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