Introduction. The importance of socio-economic factors in differentiating the physical activities of children and teenagers keeps changing. That is why the goal of this research was to identify certain social variables amongst those listed most often which differentiate the level of targeted physical activity of urban children and youths from the Bialskie district. Material and methods. The research was conducted on 1.084 students between the ages of 10 and 18. Three age groups were chosen: 10 to 12, 13 to 15, and 16 to 18. Information about the attendance of respondents in Physical Education classes and structured extra-curricular sport activities, as well as preferred forms of physical activities were collected via a diagnostic survey. The same method was used in the assessment of the socio-economic status of the families of the respondents. The relations between attendance in extra-curricular sports activities and socio-economic factors was assessed by a multifactoral logistic regression model, and the statistical relevance of the differences was calculated by the Wald test. Results. Attendance in structured extra-curricular physical activity depended mostly on income per family member. In the case of type of work performed by parents, the attendance rate in both boys and girls was higher if the parents performed intellectual work. Parents' education and number of children in the family did not have a high influence on the attendance of respondents in structured extra-curricular sport activities. Conclusions. Increasing disproportions in societal prosperity can be an important factor limiting the attendance of the poorest group of children and youths in structured physical activities. The lack of influence on physical activity of such socio-economic variables as parents' education and the number of children in the family can be connected with the change of meaning of those factors in modern society (depreciation of the importance of higher education, decreased fertility).
The aim of this study was to analyze the body posture and arches of the feet of rural boys with deficiency or excess of body fat, and to compare these parameters with those of participants with normal adiposity. The study was conducted in 2008 among rural children and adolescents from Biała Podlaska Province. Adiposity and body posture of 589 boys aged between 7 and 18 years were analyzed. Three groups of boys, with deficiency or excess of adipose tissue and normal adiposity, were identified on the basis of percentile charts of percentage body fat. Body posture was examined with Posturometr-S device and classified according to Wolański’s typology modified by Zeyland-Malawka. Arches of the feet were determined with podoscope, according to Weissflog. Analysis of the prevalence of various types of body posture revealed that the kyphotic type was most frequent among boys with normal percentage of body fat. Balanced type of body posture was more prevalent among the participants with deficiency of body fat, and the lordotic type among those with excessive adiposity. Scoliosis was documented most often among boys with low percentage of body fat, and flat feet among those characterized by high adiposity.
Celem pracy była ocena postawy ciała oraz wysklepienia stóp chłopców wiejskich z niedoborem i nadmiarem tkanki tłuszczowej na tle badanych o prawidłowej zawartości tej tkanki w organizmie. Badania przeprowadzono w 2008 roku wśród dzieci i młodzieży wiejskiej z powiatu bialskiego. Scharakteryzowano otłuszczenie i postawę ciała 589 chłopców w wieku 7-18 lat. Wykorzystując wartości centylowe tkanki tłuszczowej w procentach wydzielono 3 grupy chłopców: z niedoborem, z nadmiarem i o prawidłowej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej. Postawę ciała oceniono przy pomocy Posturometru-S, określając typ postawy ciała wg metody Wolańskiego z uwzględnieniem modyfikacji Zeyland-Malawki. Wysklepienie stóp badano podoskopem, przy zastosowaniu metody Wejsfloga. Analizując częstość występowania poszczególnych typów postawy ciała można stwierdzić, że najwięcej sylwetek kifotycznych zaobserwowano u chłopców o prawidłowej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej. Postawy równoważne dotyczyły w większym stopniu badanych z niedoborem, a postawy lordotyczne z nadmiarem tkanki tłuszczowej. Boczne skrzywienie kręgosłupa najczęściej stwierdzano u chłopców o niskim otłuszczeniu, natomiast płaskostopie u badanych o dużej zawartości tkanki tłuszczowej.
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Introduction. Given the unfavorable economic conditions prevailing in Poland at the turn of the century (system transformation), it seemed advisable to investigate whether parents' education, generally associated positively with the economic situation of the family, still plays an important role in somatic and motor development of their children. Material and methods. The study involved 715 boys, aged 10, 14 and 18, born in the years 1988-1996 and coming from one of the least economically developed region of the country (Lubelskie Vivodeship). Because of parents' education, respondents were divided into two groups: born in families with higher (A) and lower (B) education. Somatic development was assessed based on measurements of height, weight and BMI, and physical fitness on the basis of Eurofit test. Arithmetic means of the somatic and fitness features was normalized according to the arithmetic means and SD of the whole material. Results. Group A was characterized by higher values of the somatic parameters and lower values of motor parameters as compared to group B. Standardization of the results showed that the larger deviation from the average value for the whole material in most somatic and certain fitness features occurred in group B. Conclusions. Despite the unfavorable economic conditions, in which surveyed boys were born and grew up, there was a positive relationship between education of parents and somatic development. This dependency was not observed in the case study of the impact of education of parents on the physical fitness of boys.
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