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Bone marrow (BM) was for many years primarily regarded as the source of hematopoietic stem cells. In this review we discuss current views of the BM stem cell compartment and present data showing that BM contains not only hematopoietic but also heterogeneous non-hematopoietic stem cells. It is likely that similar or overlapping populations of primitive non-hematopoietic stem cells in BM were detected by different investigators using different experimental strategies and hence were assigned different names (e.g., mesenchymal stem cells, multipotent adult progenitor cells, or marrow-isolated adult multilineage inducible cells). However, the search still continues for true pluripotent stem cells in adult BM, which would fulfill the required criteria (e.g. complementation of blastocyst development). Recently our group has identified in BM a population of very small embryonic-like stem cells (VSELs), which express several markers characteristic for pluripotent stem cells and are found during early embryogenesis in the epiblast of the cylinder-stage embryo.
W przedstawionej pracy opisano bioprzyswajalność, rozkład tkankowy i działanie antyoksydacyjne selenu oraz przypuszczalny mechanizm toksycznego działania seleninu. Selen należy do pierwiastków śladowych, uważanych za niezbędne do prawidłowego rozwoju zwierząt i ludzi. Przedział pomiędzy toksycznymi i dobrze tolerowanymi dawkami selenu jest bardzo niewielki.
The paper describes bioavailbility of selenium, its tissue deposition, antioxidative function and proposed mechanisms of selenite toxicity. Selenium is an essential trace element necessary for growth of animals and men. There is the pretty little difference between toxic and still well- tolerated dose of selenium.
The embryo develops from germ cell line (fertilized oocyte) and precursors of primordial germ cells (PGC) are the first population of stem cells that are specified in mice at the beginning of gastrulation in proximal primitive ectoderm (epiblast) – region adjacent to the extraembryonic ectoderm. These founder cells subsequently move through the primitive streak and give rise to several extra-embryonic mesodermal lineages and to germ cells. By day 7.25 of embryonic development, a cluster of PGC is visible at the basis of allantois. Subsequently PGC migrate through the embryo proper and colonize genital ridges, where they finally differentiate into sperm and oocytes. We hypothesize that during early development epiblast/germ line-derived cells including PGC become a founder populations of pluripotent stem cells (PSC). These cells are deposited during embryogenesis in various organs and may persist in these locations into adulthood – for example in bone marrow (BM). To support this, we recently identified in BM a population of very small embryonic-like (VSEL) stem cells that express epiblast/germ line-derived cells transcription factor Oct-4 and several other PGC markers. Similarly, cells expressing Oct-4 were also identified in several adult tissues by other investigators. Thus, pluripotent epiblast/PGC may persist beyond embryogenesis in neonatal and adult tissues. Their fate is defined by several mechanisms which regulate cell proliferation and affect status of somatic imprint on selected genes responsible for pluripotency. We hypothesize that these cells play an important role in tissue/organ regeneration and their presence in adult tissues may explain phenomenon of stem cell plasticity. In pathological situations, however they may undergo malignant transformation and give rise to tumors.
Tereny bytowania łosia europejskiego znajdują się w części Polski północno-wschodniej i wschodniej. Jest to obszar mało uprzemysłowiony o stosunkowo czystym środowisku naturalnym bez skażeń związkami fluoru. W badaniach naszych interesowała nas jaka jest zawartość fluoru w zębach tych zwierząt oraz kształtowanie się zależności pomiędzy wiekiem a zawartością fluoru w zębach. Stwierdziliśmy wzrost zawartości fluoru w zębach wraz z wiekiem.
In the North-West part od Poland, 55 elks' mandibles with teeth were collected. The teeth were tested for their fluorine concentration. The level of fluorine in the teeth was found to be comparable with that in the bones. There was a linear positive relationships between fluorine concentration in the teeth and animal age, given by the formula y = 63,5814x + 74,48.
Większość chorób narządu wzroku, które prowadzą do nieodwracalnej utraty widzenia, spowodowana jest degeneracją siatkówki. W ostatnich latach pojawiły się liczne doniesienia opisujące duży potencjał komórek macierzystych/ progenitorowych (KMP) szpiku kostnego wykorzystywany do odbudowy uszkodzonych tkanek i narządów. W tym nurcie podjęto również badania nad wykorzystaniem KMP w regeneracji uszkodzeń siatkówki oka. Cel: celem pracy jest ocena funkcji bioelektrycznej uszkodzonej siatkówki oka po zastosowaniu terapii komórkowej w modelu mysim. Materiał i metody: selektywne uszkodzenie chemiczne siatkówki oka myszy wywołano podaniem dożylnym jodanu sodu w jednorazowej, toksycznej dawce związku. Elektroretinogram błyskowy (ERG) wykonywano w kolejnych punktach czasowych po dożylnej infuzji syngenicznych liniowo ujemnych KMP izolowanych ze szpiku kostnego. Wyniki: zastosowanie terapii komórkowej prowadziło do stopniowego wzrostu amplitudy fali b, począwszy od trzeciej doby od powstania uszkodzenia, co wskazuje na wyraźną poprawę funkcji bioelektrycznej siatkówki w obserwacji długoterminowej. Wnioski: uzyskane przez nas wstępne wyniki świadczą o skuteczności zastosowanej terapii komórkowej jako procedury wspomagającej regenerację ostrego uszkodzenia siatkówki oka.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to appraise the functional response of damaged retina to the stem cell-based therapy in mice. The majority of disorders leading to the irreversible vision loss in the developed world is caused by retinal degeneration. Since, recent reports emphasized regenerative potential of bone marrow stem marrow stem/ progenitor cells (SPCs), we investigated here the beneficial effect of intravenously administrated SPCs on regeneration of acutely injured retina Material and methods: Selective chemical injury of murine retinas was induced by intravenous administration of sodium iodate (NaIO3) in its toxic dose. Flash electroretinogram (ERG), was performed in different time points after infusion of bone marrow-derived and negative for linage antigens population of SPCs. Results: Stem cell-based therapy resulted in gradual increase of b- wave amplitude in ERG recordings starting from the 3rd day after NaIO3 administration, what confirmed the improvement of retinal function in long-term observation. Conclusions: Our preliminary findings revealed that the selected stem cell-based therapy employed in the adjuvant mode has been shown to be effective in supporting the retinal function recovery after acute retinal damage.
Umbilical cord blood (UCB)-derived stem/progenitor cells (SPCs) have demonstrated the potential to improve neurologic function in different experimental models. SPCs can survive after transplantation in the neural microenvironment and induce neuroprotection, endogenous neurogenesis by secreting a broad repertoire of trophic and immunomodulatory cytokines. In this study, the influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) pre-treatment was comprehensively evaluated in a UCB-derived lineage-negative (Lin-) SPC population. UCB-derived Lin- cells were evaluated with respect to the expression of i) neuronal markers using immunofluorescence staining and ii) specific (TrkB) receptors for BDNF using flow cytometry. Next, after BDNF pre-treatment, Lin- cells were extensively assessed with respect to apoptosis using Western blotting and proliferation via BrdU incorporation. Furthermore, NT-3 expression levels in Lin- cells using RQ PCR and antioxidative enzyme activities were assessed. We demonstrated neuronal markers as well as TrkB expression in Lin- cells and the activation of the TrkB receptor by BDNF. BDNF pre-treatment diminished apoptosis in Lin- cells and influenced the proliferation of these cells. We observed significant changes in antioxidants as well as in the increased expression of NT-3 in Lin- cells following BDNF exposure. Complex global miRNA and mRNA profiling analyses using microarray technology and GSEA revealed the differential regulation of genes involved in the proliferation, gene expression, biosynthetic processes, translation, and protein targeting. Our results support the hypothesis that pre-treatment of stem/progenitor cells could be beneficial and may be used as an auxiliary strategy for improving the properties of SPCs.
The cellular mobilisation of mice with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) results in an egress of haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells from the bone marrow and an increase in their level in the peripheral blood. While the mobilisation process with different agents is widely studied, little is known about the morphology of the murine haematopoietic organs during the mobilisation. The purpose of this study was to examine the morphology of the bone marrow, spleen and liver in mice mobilised with G-CSF. To address this issue mice were injected subcutaneously with G-CSF for 6 consecutive days. Morphological analysis revealed an increase in the number of mature neutrophils close to the wall of sinusoids in the bone marrow as well as hypertrophy of the red pulp in the spleen. At the same time no morphological changes were noticed in the livers of G-CSF-mobilised mice. In conclusion, G-CSF induces discrete ultrastructural changes in the bone marrow, which intensify the transendothelial traverse of haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells from it. The changes in the spleen are related to repopulation of this organ by mobilised early haematopoietic cells circulating in the peripheral blood. We also noticed that the process of migration of haematopoietic cells from the bone marrow into the peripheral blood began on day 2 and was most pronounced on day 4 after stimulation with G-CSF.
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