A palynological examination was applied to sediments of the last glaciation (Poozerie, Vistulian) in Belarus. Accompanied by geologic setting of deposits, as well as radiocarbon and thermoluminescence dating, the Poozerie sequence could be ascribed to three substages, i.e. Kulakovo, Dvina and Naroch. The Kulakovo substage (early Poozerie) corresponds to the oxygen isotope stage 5d-a, and comprises the West Dvina megastage with the short Black Shore interstage and the megainterstage (two stages of Mirogotshi and Sloboda, and three interstages of Chericov, Suraz and Polotsk). The Dvina substage (Pleniglacial), corresponding to the oxygen isotope stages 4 and 3, consists of the Mezin and Orsha megastages and the separating megainterstage with three middle Poozerie interstages (Turov, Shapurovo and Borisov) and two stages (Rogachevo and Michalinovo). The Naroch substage (oxygen isotope stage 2) represents the Late Glacial. There are several interstages during the Poozerie Glaciation: Chericov (Amersfoort), Suraz (Brörup), Polotsk (Odderade), Turov (Moershoofd), Shapurovo (Hengelo) and Borisov (Denekamp).
Na podstawie metod palinologicznych przedstawiono podział stratygraficzny osadów ostatniego zlodowacenia (poozierskiego, wisły) na Białorusi. Badania prowadzono równolegle z badaniami geologicznymi oraz datowaniem osadów metodami radiowęgla i termoluminescencji. Wyróżniono trzy podpoziomy: kułakowski, dźwiński i naroczski. Podpoziom kułakowski, odpowiadający stadium izotopów tlenu 5d-a, składa się z megastadiału zachodniodżwińskiego i megainterstadiału (w skład którego wchodzą stadiały mirogoski i slobodski) oraz trzech interstadiałów (czerikowskiego, surażskiego i połockiego). Podpoziom dźwiński (pleniglacjał, studia izotopowe 4 i 3) zawiera dwa megastadiały (mezyński i orszański), miedzy którymi jest megainterstadiał z trzema interstadiałami (turowskim, szapurowskim i borysowskim) i dwoma stadiałami (rogaczewskim i michalinowskim). Najmłodszy podpoziom, naroczski odpowiada późnemu glacjałowi zlodowacenia poozierskiego (stadium izotopowemu 2). Odpowiednikiem interstadiału czeńkowskiego jest amersfoort, suraźskiego-brörup, połockiego - odderade, turowskiego - moershooft, szapurowskiego hengelo i borysowskiego - denekamp.
26 units are described and correlated, representing the main climatic episodes during the Quaternary in Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. They comprise 13 cool and 13 warm intervals. The four oldest ones are Różcian (Olkhovskian, Siver), Ponurzycian (Grushevskian, Beregovo), Otwockian (Vselubskian, Berezan) and Celestynovian (Yelenynskian, Kryzhaniv); these correspond to Praetiglian, Tiglian, Eburonian and Menapian, respectively of the Early Pleistocene in the Netherlands. In Poland this part of the Quaternary is named the Pre-Glacial or the Pre-Pleistocene. The Mid and Late Quaternary (the glacial epoch in Europe) comprises 11 glaciations or global coolings, namely the Narevian in Poland (Zhlobynskian, Ilyichivsk), the younger pre-Augustovian (Rogachevian 1/2, Shirokino 1/2), Augustovian 1/2 (Rogachevian 2/3, Shirokino 2/3), Nidanian (Narevian in Belarus, Pryazovsk), Sanian 1 (Servetskian, Sula), Ferdynandovian 1/2 (Belovezhian 1/2, Lubny 1/2), Sanian 2 (Berezinian, Tiligul), Liviecian (Orel), Krznanian (Dnieper 1), Odranian+Wartanian (Dnieperian+Sozhian, Dnieper 2 = Tyasmyn), Vistulian (Poozerian, Valday); and 10 interglacials or global warmings: early pre-Augustovian (Rogachevian 1, Shirokino 1), Augustovian 1 (Rogachevian 2, Shirokino 2), Augustovian 2 (Rogachevian 3, Shirokino 3) ,Małopolanian (Korchevian,Martonosha), Ferdynandovian 1 (Belovezhian 1, Lubny 1), Ferdynandovian 2 (Belovezhian 2, Lubny 2), Mazovian (Alexandrian, Zavadivka), Zbójnian (Smolenskian, Potagaylivka), Lubavian (Shklovian, Kaydaky), Eemian (Muravian, Pryluky) and Holocene. All these units are correlated with oxygen isotope stages identified in deep-sea sediments, shown relative to the palaeomagnetic epochs and correlated with main cool and warm stratigraphic units of Western Europe. Particular attention was placed on correlation of glacial and lake deposits, loesses and palaeosols.
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