W artykule poruszono problem tempa jako jednego z kilku elementów tekstu przygotowywanego do odczytania lub wygłoszenia, podkreślając związek tempa z wyrazistością mówienia. Wskazano na używane w literaturze z zakresu fonetyki i fonologii, ortofonii, logopedii artystycznej terminy określające szybkość mówienia i opisujące jego zróżnicowanie. Na podstawie analizy przykładowych nagrań tekstów, które są lub mogą być przedmiotem pracy w logopedii artystycznej i/lub medialnej, pokazano różnice tempa, wynikające z charakteru tekstu, typu i sytuacji wypowiedzi. Zwrócono także uwagę na czynniki, jakie powinny być brane pod uwagę przy pracy nad tempem mówienia.
The article discusses the problem of pace as one of several elements of the text prepared to be read or delivered, emphasizing the relationship between pace and clarity of speaking. The terms defining the speed of speaking and describing its diversity, used in the literature in the field of phonetics and phonology, orthophony and artistic speech therapy, are indicated. On the basis of the analysis of sample recordings of texts that are or may be the subject of work in artistic speech therapy and/or speech therapy for the mass-media, differences in pace, resulting from the nature of the text, type and situation of the speech, have been shown. The article also highlights the factors that should be taken into account when working on the pace of speaking.
Observed demographic changes mean that we are becoming a ‘greying society.’ This makes it necessary to introduce new curriculum content in the vocational training of speech therapists and creates a need for specialists in the area of therapy and functional assistance of seniors. At the same time, this indicates the need for conducting extensive studies in the field of gerontological linguistics, concerning the particularities of speech related to age as well as the specific features of communication with the elderly. In this speech the authors would like to discuss one of the directions of research on language phenomena related to old age, i.e. research on the particular manner of communication of those in the senior’s close environment (family, doctors, therapists, among others) with the senior. The style of communication with a person of senior age, being a result of social stereotypes of elderly people, may increase their discomfort and indicate paternalistic and condescending treatment of those in the highest age group. This may even be a sign of ageism, i.e. social discrimination based on people’s age.
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