The study deals with the presentation of folk culture expressions on stage and tries to answer the questions that arise in this context. They relate both to the genesis of the presentation of folk traditions and to the subsequent developments that formed demonstrations of folk culture into a staged genre with artistic ambitions. Based on examples of selected expressions of folk culture in the Czech environment − especially expressions of folklore, which, alongside customary traditions, were always the backbone of staged presentations − the study shows how the demonstration of folk culture expressions was approached, how the performances were accepted by audiences, and which functions (ideological, artistic, and entertainment) were attributed to them. Another important question is what image of folk culture was created on the stage and how this image could have influenced the “living” terrain of the countryside and the very tendencies to protect the values of folk culture, which began to pick up strength in Czech society at the end of the nineteenth century.
The contribution Folklore Festivals in Moravia in the Light of Social Development deals with the interest in folk culture, or rather folklore expressions and their presentation at ethnographic festivities and folklore festivals. It pays attention to the first impulses for these activities, the struggles of individuals and institutions and especially the social connections of the mentioned cultural stream. As to the territory, the study of this development focuses on Moravia where since the late-19th century the living folk culture blended with the efforts to safeguard it, and where currently ethno-cultural traditions develop, which many cases have their roots in the legacy of folk culture.
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