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Studia Pigoniana
tom 5
nr 5
Trauma is one of the key concepts of the analysis of the construction of the character in “The Hounding”, the novel published in 2016 by Belarusian and Russian writer, Sasha Filipenko. One of the main characters of this novel is Lev Smyslov, who should be considered as a certain type of a member of modern post-Soviet society, who had to meet the new, unstable reality being a result of socio-political changes in the last decades of the 20th century. Trauma becomes the base for the process of formation of Lev’s personality: painful tests he came through at the 1990s had a deforming effect on his consciousness, life aspirations and predetermined his future. His engrossing desire is to be a part of the upper class – and he is ready to pay any price for it. The traumatic experience changes the inner world of the character and becomes the cause of his incurable fears as well as his sophisticated cruelty, which let him destroy other people’s life.
Trauma jest jednym z kluczowych pojęć analizy konstrukcji postaci w powieści Nagonka, wydanej w 2016 roku przez białoruską i rosyjską pisarkę Sashę Filipenko. Jednym z głównych bohaterów powieści jest Lew Smysłow, którego należy uznać za pewien typ członka społeczeństwa postsowieckiego współczesnej Rosji, który musiał stawić czoła nowej, niestabilnej rzeczywistości będącej wynikiem przemian społeczno-politycznych w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu XX wieku. Trauma staję się podstawą procesu kształtowania się osobowości Lwa: bolesne testy, jakie przechodził w latach 90. XX wieku, deformowały jego świadomość, aspiracje życiowe i przesądzały o jego przyszłości. Jego największym pragnieniem jest zostanie częścią klasy wyższej – tzw. śmietanki towarzyskiej. Za osiągnięcie tego celu Lew jest gotów zapłacić każdą cenę. Traumatyczne przeżycia zmieniają świat wewnętrzny bohatera i stają się przyczyną jego nieuleczalnych lęków oraz wyrafinowanego okrucieństwa, które pozwala mu niszczyć życie innych ludzi.
The development of the Belarusian journalism in the mid of 1980s is closely related with the increasingly significant changes in the social life in Belarus. Journalists which were working with the most popular newspapers and magazines have made a significant contribution to the process of social evolution, enabling and urging change in social mood. Changes in the social life of Belarus in the mid of 1980s and the gradual departure from the tradition of an earlier era of journalism, which consists, inter alia, focus and the stigma of any problems anywhere in the world while avoiding any decisive conflict in their own society, indeed the creation of the wall of silence around the difficult issues - everything is allowed to appear in the second half of the 1980s in the press, including a literary journals, journalism exposing the radically different way of current problems of society, and especially the issue of radioactive contamination rainfall as a result of nuclear power plant explosion in Chernobyl and the consequences of this drastic event, ranging from the need for a massive displacement of population areas infected by the problem of rejection, or even social ostracism to the displaced and ending with the issue of ecology of the soul of the personality. One of the reasons of difference of post-Chernobyl’s journalism is, among other things, the authority of any effort to avoid a loud discussion about the use of nuclear energy and the consequences of technogenic catastrophe at Chernobyl in order to reduce tension in society. Speaking of “new wave” of the Belarusian journalism about ecology, it is worth noting the significant modifications to the article as a journalistic genre through the use of specific elements of literature - novels, short stories, etc.. The result is a harmonious blend of publicism and literary traditions, which makes more interesting and appealing to the reader the discussion topic which is at the center of attention of a publicist, and greater opportunities to influence the viewer through its impact on the reader’s emotional sphere. The philosophical content of articles which is approaching to understanding and trying to find himself in the reality and also diversity of species range of publications on the need to put this philosophical content were allowed to appear in journalism in Belarus in last two decades of the XX century literary works, which appear the relations between the ecological environment and the state of individual identity. In other words, the publicists have introduced into circulation the socio-literary concept of “human ecology”. The problem of “ecological unit” wasn’ present in belarusian’s journalism of soviet period, perhaps due to lack of greater attention to the individual as such. Therefore, the appearance of this theme is an absolute novelty for the period of post-soviet Belarusian journalism. It could be explained not so much realizing the need to find solutions in conjunction with the complications which occurred on the problem of environmental protection, as changes in social life, the overall democratization, the consequence is determined to raise public awareness, the authorities need to accelerate reforms.
Studia Pigoniana
tom 6
nr 6
‘Return to Ostrog’ by Sasha Filipenko: deformations and distortions of ‘behind the looking glass’ world in the novel contemplating «Russian longing» Return to Ostrog by Sasha Filipenko is an example of a contemplative novel in postmodern literature. This novel focuses on a comprehensive look at surrounding reality without judging it. The genre of Filipenko's novel is heterogeneous: though being based on real facts, it also has threads of detective novel, thriller and political satire. Staring at the eternal Russian longing on the physical, material, but, above all, mental and spiritual level becomes a key element of the narrative. In fact, this ubiquitous longing becomes one of the heroes of the novel. Ostrog's world could be percept as postmodern reminiscences to Shakespeare's Hamlet and Dostoyevsky's Notes from the House of the Dead. Ostrog is an inverted, deformed world and it becomes a mirror which reflects the mental and spiritual condition of modern Russian society. The theme of deformation and ‘behind the looking glass’ reality is realized in the Filipenko's work with many symbols. For example, the prison is a heart of Ostrog which made the city exist. And this prison has its reflection in the local orphanage. The semantic meaning of the word ‘return’ in the title of the novel becomes the epitome of the spiral movement of history – not only a history of Ostrog and its inhabitants, but, in fact, of the entire Russian society as well.        
Powrót do Ostroga Saszy Filipenko: deformacja i wykrzywienia świata po drugiej stronie lustra w powieści-kontemplacji «rosyjskiej tęsknoty» Powrót do Ostroga Saszy Filipenko – jeden z przykładów funkcjonowania w literaturze postmodernistycznej powieści kontemplacyjnej skupiającej się na wszechstronnym spojrzeniu na rzeczywistość bez jej oceniania. Powieść cechuje heterogeniczność gatunkowa: w opartym na realnych faktach Powrocie do Ostroga obecne są wątki powieści detektywistycznej, powieści grozy, satyry politycznej. Elementem kluczowym narracji staje się wpatrywanie w odwieczną rosyjską tęsknotę – na poziomie fizycznym, materialnym, ale przede wszystkim mentalnym i duchowym. Owa wszechobecna tęsknota staje się wręcz jednym z bohaterów powieści. Świat Ostroga – postmodernistyczne reminiscencje do Hamleta Shakespeare’a i Wspomnień z domu umarłych Dostojewskiego. Jest to świat wywrócony, zdeformowany – zwierciadło odbijające mentalną i duchową kondycję współczesnego społeczeństwa rosyjskiego. Motyw deformacji i rzeczywistości po drugiej stronie lustra jest realizowany w utworze za pomocą wielu symboli. Sercem Ostroga, wokół którego to miasto się rozrosło, jest więzienie, którego odbiciem właściwie staje się sierociniec. Z kolei semantyczne obciążenie obecnego w tytule wyrazu „powrót” jest uosobieniem ruchu spiralnego historii nie tylko Ostroga i jego mieszkańców, lecz, w gruncie rzeczy, całego społeczeństwa rosyjskiego.
Władze Białorusi demonstrują bardzo specyficzne podejście do kwestii pamięci historycznej oraz podejmują próby weryfikacji historii i wartościowania dziedzictwa narodowego. Oficjalna propaganda patrzy na historię Białorusi przez pryzmat zachodniorusizmu i idei trójjedności narodu rosyjskiego. Uładzimir Arłoŭ w swoich utworach koncentruje się na tworzeniu obrazu historii przez pryzmat ludzkich zachowań, zasad moralności oraz wyborów dokonywanych w określonych okolicznościach – zarówno przez bezpośrednich uczestników, jak i naoczynych świadków wydarzeń. W opowiadaniu Łaska księcia Hieronima (1987) centralną staje się kwestia zderzenia człowieka z władzą, konieczność dokonania wyboru w obliczu presji i zachowaniu własnej tożsamości – przynależności do „swoich” reprezentowanych przez Iwana Karpacza i wyraźnie przeciwstawionych pod kątem wyznawanych wartości „obcym” reprezentowanych przez księcia Hieronima Radziwiłła.
Беларускія ўлады дэманструюць спецыфічны падыход да праблематыкі гістарычнай памяці і актыўна спрабуюць змяніць вобраз нацыянальнай гісторыі і культурнай спадчыны. Афіцыйная прапаганда разглядае айчынную гісторыю праз прызму ідэалогіі заходнерусізму і ідэі трыадзінага рускага народа. Уладзімір Арлоў у сваіх літаратурных творах канцэнтруецца на стварэнні вобразу гістарычных падзей праз прызму паводзінаў людзей – непасрэдных удзельнікаў і сведкаў здарэнняў, іх маральна-этычных прынцыпаў, выбару, які яны робяць у тых ці іншых акалічнасцях. У аповесці Мілась княза Гераніма (1987) цэнтральнаю тэмаю з’яўляецца праблема сутыкнення чалавека з уладаю, неабходнасць выбару ў сітуацыі ціску з боку ўлады і захавання чалавечага аблічча – прыналежнасці да “сваіх”, якіх прадстаўляе ў аповесці Іван Карпач, і выразнае супрацьстаянне з пункту гледжання маральных каштоўнасцяў “чужым”, якіх сімвалізуе вобраз Гераніма Радзівіла.
Belarusian authorities have a very specific perception of historical memory and have made a number of attempts trying to verify national history and to question the value of some parts of the national heritage. Official propaganda looks at the history of Belarus through the prism of West Russianism and the idea of the trinity of the Russian nation. Uładzimir Arłoŭ in his literary works focuses on creating an image of history through the prism of human behavior, moral principles and choices which were made in specific circumstances – both by direct participants and eyewitnesses of history. In the novel Prince Hieronim's Grace (1987), the main theme is the clash between the individual and the authorities. It forces the individual to make a choice in the face of pressure and the desire to maintain one's own identity – belonging to "our own people" represented in the novel by Ivan Karpač and clearly contrasted in terms of their values with "outsiders", represented by prince Hieronim Radziwiłł.
Considering Belarusian culture and literature through the prism of history, the borderline category should be taken into account. A complicated situation with Belarusians identity, a constant search for their own way of development and struggle (sometimes in the form of passive resistance, sometimes in the form of uprisings) comes to a great extent from the worldview which was formed under the influence of dramatic and even tragic historical experiences. These experiences resulted in trauma, which was reflected and recorded in the historical memory, and the trauma is another important factor influencing identity shaping as well as national consciousness. Speaking about the situation observed in Belarus, one can speak about a particular Belarusians’ worldview coming from the situation which took place and was formed, except for other factors, due to the influence of traumatic historical expe- rience. The influence of traumatic experiences on the consciousness development of indivi- duals and society is discussed, basing on selected novels by Uladzimir Karatkievic, Natalka Babina and Vasil Bykau.
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