This paper is devoted to the Polish leniency programme, including the conditions of obtaining lenient treatment and the applicable procedure. The type, scope and form of information that must be submitted are commented on as well as the marker system and summary applications. The intersection of the leniency scheme with private enforcement of antitrust rules is discussed in detail. Special attention is devoted to the possible ways in which private antitrust plaintiffs might access information submitted to the UOKiK by leniency applicants. Thoroughly analysed are the rules regulating the possibility of obtaining relevant documents from the UOKiK and from the defendant in the course of civil proceedings as well as the status of the administrative decision in subsequent civil litigation. The paper covers also the scope of the leniency recipient’s civil liability and touches upon the possible ways in which it could be limited to enhance the effectiveness of the leniency scheme. Some suggestions de lege ferenda are also provided concerning the means of increasing this effectiveness without prejudice to the private parties’ right to compensation.
The aim of the article is to define the boundaries of the legal notion of ‘municipal solid waste’ with respect to solid waste produced in uninhabited property, i.e. outside households. Setting of those boundaries has a significant meaning for tasks and competences of municipalities in the area of solid waste management. It determines, inter alia, the material scope of local legal acts concerning collection of solid waste from property owners, and in consequence, also the extent of tenders organised in this field by the municipal authorities. The authors advocate a broad understanding of the analysed notion, justified by the wording of the relevant legal provisions and the effectiveness of the solid waste management for which municipalities are responsible. The subjectmatter of the article is analysed in the light of both the Polish and EU legal regulations and jurisprudence.
Celem artykułu jest określenie granic pojęcia prawnego „odpady komunalne” w odniesieniu do odpadów powstających na nieruchomościach niezamieszkałych, tj. poza gospodarstwami domowymi. Wyznaczenie tych granic ma istotne znaczenie dla zadań i kompetencji gmin w zakresie gospodarki odpadami. Determinuje zakres przedmiotowy aktów prawa miejscowego w sprawie odbieraniu odpadów komunalnych od właścicieli nieruchomości, a w konsekwencji także zakres organizowanych w tej sferze przez organy gminy przetargów. Autorzy opowiadają się za szerokim ujęciem analizowanego pojęcia, uzasadnionym zarówno brzmieniem odnośnych przepisów, jak i wymogami efektywnej gospodarki odpadami, za którą odpowiedzialność ponosi gmina. Zagadnienie stanowiące przedmiot artykułu jest analizowane z uwzględnieniem zarówno polskich, jak i unijnych regulacji prawnych oraz orzecznictwa.
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