The research paper contains a review and analysis of common programming mistakes made by first and second year students of Computer Science. The data were collected during the courses entitled “Algorithmics and Data Structures” and “Numerical Methods”, where students have to write programs in the C++ language. The article includes examples of three selected mistake types. A comparison of mistakes made by first and second year students is presented. The analysis carried out shows that the percentage of mistakes made decreases when the students are in the second year, but three types of mistakes demonstrate the opposite trend. It can be concluded that those three types of mistakes are related to the course of Numerical Methods, where students have to deal with a significant amount of mathematical expressions. The results show that the students have the most significant problems with memory management.
Artykuł zawiera przegląd i analizę typowych błędów programistycznych popełnianych przez studentów pierwszego idrugiego roku Informatyki. Dane wykorzystane podczas analizy zostały zgromadzone w trakcie zajęć z przedmiotów: Algorytmy i Struktury Danych oraz Metody Numeryczne. Podczas zajęć studenci piszą programy w języku C++. Arty-kuł zawiera przykłady trzech wybranych typów błędów. W artykule przedstawione zostało porównanie błędów popeł-nianych przez studentów pierwszego oraz drugiego roku. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała, że liczba popełnianych błędów jest mniejsza dla studentów drugiego roku ale przy trzech rodzajach błędów można było zaobserwować od-wrotną tendencję. Błędy te powiązane są ze specyfiką przedmiotu Metody Numeryczne. Podczas tego przedmiotu studenci mają do czynienia w większym stopniu z wykonywaniem obliczeń matematycznych. Wyniki pokazują, że studenci mają największe problemy z zarządzaniem pamięcią.
In the modern world, fast and efficient processing of non-digital (handwritten or typed) texts is the task of extreme importance. Similar to many other fields, optical character recognition (OCR) benefits from the application of machine learning (ML) which allows developing effective and accurate methods. In order to achieve good performance, a machine learning algorithm requires great amount of data. Nowadays, a large database of handwritten characters prepared by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA, can be used for training an ML model. However, significant differences between the manners of handwriting exist in the US and Poland. That fact, along with the absence of Polish diacritical marks, causes the NIST database to be less useful for development of an OCR model for the Polish language. According to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no database with samples of Polish handwriting exists. The present research is focused at filling this gap, i.e. gathering and preparing an extensive database of Polish handwritten characters. The paper presents the very first database of Polish handwriting samples. The database is by far larger than all the datasets used in the previous attempts of implementing OCR for the Polish handwriting. It is also the first fully publicly accessible database of Polish handwriting of this scale. The same method and developed tools can be used to build handwritten characters databases of other languages.
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