A general characteristic of chemical risk on plant production farms in Poland is presented. The paper describes risk associated with the natural occurrence of chemical substances (such as ammonium and hydrogen sulfide) in the process of animal breeding and risk connected with the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Pesticides are briefly described taking into consideration toxicity classes and the toxic effect of individual compounds. Exposure to pesticides is presented for individual methods and related activities. Finally, the author discusses pesticide risk on fruit-growing farms and in greenhouses.
Przedstawiono najważniejsze problemy związane z przygotowaniem próbek wody do analizy chemicznych środków ochrony roślin. Omówiono zalety i wady poszczególnych technik, takich jak metoda LLE, SPE, SPME oraz SFE. Więcej uwagi poświęcono metodzie ekstrakcji na fazie stałej (SP E), która jest metodą najbardziej rozpowszechnioną. Podano również wyniki własnych badań dotyczących zastosowania różnych handlowych wypełnień kolumienek SPE.
The problems connected with the water samples preparation for analysis of pesticides is described. The advantages and disadvantages of different methodes (LLE, SPE, SPME, SFE) are presented.
W opracowaniu przedstawiono zasady opracowywania metod analitycznych oznaczania pestycydów w środowisku pracy oraz wytyczne dla opracowywania norm dotyczących oznaczania tych substancji. Zarówno zasady dotyczące metody analitycznej jaki wytyczne do opracowywania projektu Polskiej Normy, oparte są na badaniach autorki, która opracowała 10 Polskich Norm na oznaczanie tych substancji w powietrzu środowiska pracy podczas wykonywania czynności zawodowych przez pracowników. Zawarte w opracowaniu zasady dotyczące przygotowania metody analitycznej na oznaczanie tych substancji w powietrzu dotyczą metody chromatografii gazowej.
The report presents the principles for the development of an analytical method in determining pesticides in the work environment, and guidelines for standards concerning the determination of these substances. Both the principles concerning the analytical method, and the guidelines for a Polish Standard, are based on own studies by the author who has already developed 10 Polish Standards for the determination of these substances in the air of the work environment while performing occupational activities by the employees. The principles contained in the report pertaining to the preparation of the analytical method for the determination of these substances in the air concern the method of gas chromatography.
Przedstawiono zużywane ilości i formy użytkowe środków ochrony roślin (pestycydów) w Polsce. Omówiono metody stosowania tych środków w rolnictwiue oraz ukazano stopień zagrożenia pracowników wykonujących zabiegi ochony roślin. Uwzględniono głównie drogi narażenia: wziewną i przez skórę.
The use of chemical substances in agriculture, especially, in crop preservation has undesirable harmful effects on human health, the effects being the result of activities like producing, applying, storing and distributing pesticides. The application of pesticides creates the greatest probability of poisoning since the process of applying makes the contact between a man and a chemical. While applying pesticides a few different factors should be taken into account: their purpose and properties (varied toxicity and variety of forms), methods of application (a wide variety of equipment), various type of crops, changeable microclimatic conditions. The exposure to the risk of poisoning is dependant on the concentration of chemical substances in the air, the contamination of clothes and hands and the duration of the contact with pesticides. The most frequent methods of applying pesticides are: spraying, fogging, applying pesticides directly to soil for improving sowing material. The techniques of crop preservation can be divided into two groups: the ground techniques both outdoor and indoor ones, the air techniques using helicopters. The most frequently used techniques is crop spraying using various types of sprayers, mainly tractor sprayers but watering and granule sowing are quite often used. The paper presents the result of research on the contamination of the air as well as the clothes and the hands of the farmers applying pesticides taking into consideration the kind of crops the application technique. Futhermore, the degree of exposure to the risk of poisoning is specified. The result of the study showed that the lowest level of exposure to pesticides was observed during the application of granulates. The highest level of exposure, was noted for manual watering of hop and for the preparation of liquid for spraying.