The present paper provides a detailed description of a new species of Monogenea-Dactylogyrus triappendixis, parasitic on gills of tench, Tinca tinca (L.) from the lakes of north-west Poland. The above-mentioned species differs from its congeners, parasitizing the tench, with details of the male copulatory organ and armament of the vagina. It is a frequent parasite of the tench in the water bodies studied, at the temperature of about 18°C.
Podano szczegółowy opis nowego gatunku Monogenea Daclylogyrus triappendixis pasożytującego na skrzelach lina, Tinea tinea (L.) z jezior północno-zachodniej Polski. Gatunek ten różni się elementami budowy męskiego narządu kopulacyjnego i uzbrojeniem pochwy od innych pasożytów rodzaju Dactylogyrus występujących u lina. D triappendixis sp. n. jest częstym pasożytem lina w badanych zbiornikach przy temperaturze wody około 18°C.
Polymorphic blood image of the horses was used to determine genetic distances between groups of horses of different colour. The study covered 1247 halfbred horses, for which the polymorphism of albumin (Al), transferrin (Tf), alkaline esterase (EspH 8.5), vitamin D binding protein (Gc) and Xk protein were determined. The analysis of genetic distance demonstrated that the studied groups of horses were considerably genetically separated depending on the colour. This allows concluding that there is an association between genetic polymorphism of some blood proteins and the coat colour of horses.
In the tench collected from three lakes of the north-western region of Poland, namely: lake Ińsko, lake Mielno, and lake Woświn, a total of 20 parasite species was recorded. Representatives of the following species were commonly found: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Dactylogyrus triappendixis, Asymphylodora tincae and Ergasilus sieboldi (the prevalence ranged from 34.37 to 65.62%). Trypanosoma sp., Myxobolus ellipsoides, Trichodina sp., Trichodinella epizootica, metacercariae of Tylodelphys clavata and Skrjabillanus tincae were recorded relatively often (18.75-28.12%). The presence of Thelohanellus pyriformis, Caryophyllaeus laticeps, egss of Sanguinicola sp., metacercariae of Diplostomum sp., and larvae of Raphidascaris acus (9.37% of infection) were recorded less frequently. The remaining parasites, namely: Philomerta ovata, Piscicola geometra, Acanthocephalus anguillae, A. lucii, and Argulus foliaceus occurred as single specimens (3.12% of infection). Protozoans T. epizootica and nematodes P. ovata were recorded for the first time in the tench in Poland, whereas 18 species of parasites have not been noted yet in the north-western region of the country.
W badanych linach z jezior: Ińsko, Woświn i Mielno, położonych w północno-zachodnim rejonie Polski, znaleziono 20 gatunków pasożytów. Pospolicie występującymi były: Ichlhyophthińus multifiliis, Dactylogyrus triappendixis, Asymphylodora tincae i Ergasilus sieboldi (ogólne zarażenie 34,37-65,62%). Do stosunkowo częstych należały: Trypanosoma sp., Myxobolus ellipsoides, Trichodina sp., Trichodinella epizoolica, metacerkarie Tylodelphys clavata i Skrjabillanus tincae (18,75-28,12% zarażenia). Rzadziej stwierdzano obecność Thelohanellus pyriformis, CaryophyUa- eus laliceps, jaja Sanguinicola sp., metacerkarie Diplostomum sp. i larwy Raphidascaris acus (9,37% zarażenia). Pozostałe pasożyty: Philomena ovata, Piscicola geometra, Acanthocephalus anguillae, A. lucii i Argulus foliaceus występowały pojedynczo (3,12% zarażenia). Pierwotniaki T. epizoolica i nicienie P. ovata stwierdzono po raz pierwszy u lina na terenie Polski, natomiast aż 18 gatunków pasożytów nie notowano w północno-zachodniej części kraju.