The paper deals with the current challenge of population ageing. International organisations, institutions as well as national governments are looking for ways to solve this problem. Slovakia is also one of the countries that must take measures to mitigate the consequences of this process. Specific attention is paid to the so-called active ageing. It examines ways and forms of active ageing as the lifestyle of seniors (work, education, cultural, sports and other leisure activities). The paper brings the results of representative empirical research on the lives of Slovak households. It identifies seniors’ predominant ways of spending time in relation to their own family, intergenerational relationships, interest in the labor market, further education or the use of computer skills. The contribution also offers unique insights into senior well-being. Time allocation is identified at a national level through Time Use Survey (TUS). This type of survey has not been carried out in Slovakia yet. The empirical research, carried out for the first time, created space for studying time allocation and tested one of the methods of detecting positive emotional affectivity of the respondents. The originally processed results show what the seniors consider as the most pleasant activities at their age.
Artykuł dotyczy aktualnego wyzwania, jakim jest starzenie się populacji. Organizacje i instytucje międzynarodowe oraz krajowe rządy poszukują sposobów rozwiązania tego problemu. Słowacja jest jednym z krajów, które muszą podjąć działania w celu złagodze-nia skutków tego procesu. Szczególną uwagę zwraca się na tak zwane aktywne starzenie się. Analizuje się sposoby i formy aktywnego starzenia się traktowanego jako styl życia seniorów (praca, edukacja, kultura, sport i inne formy spędzania wolnego czasu). W artykule przedstawiono wyniki reprezentatywnych badań empirycznych dotyczących życia słowackich gospodarstw domowych. Ukazano dominujące sposoby spędzania czasu przez seniorów w kontekście życia rodzinnego, relacji międzypokoleniowych, zainteresowania rynkiem pracy, dalszej edukacji lub korzystania z umiejętności komputerowych. Zaproponowano również oryginalne spojrzenie na dobrostan seniorów. Dysponowanie czasem jest określone na poziomie krajowym za pomocą badań TUS (Time Use Survey). Ten rodzaj badań nie był wcześniej realizowany w Słowacji. Przeprowadzone po raz pierwszy badania empiryczne stworzyły przestrzeń do badania alokacji czasu i przetestowały jedną z metod wykrywania pozytywnej afektywności respondentów. Wstępnie opracowane wyniki pokazują, co seniorzy uważają w tej fazie życia za najprzyjemniejsze zajęcia.
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The primary aim of the paper is to present selected results of an original representative survey of the use of time in Slovak households, in which one of the methods of determining the affective component of subjective well-being was used for the first time in Slovakia. Based on the recommendations of the harmonized research on the use of time, we identified extremely positive emotion (happiness) by the means of 24-hour monitoring of the allocation and use of time for paid work, unpaid work and leisure time during the working day and free day. For this contribution, we selected those respondents who are private sector employees. We evaluated and processed the perception of the affective component of subjective well-being (SWB) in terms of age categories of employees, gender, and household category. The research has shown that the hedonic component of SWB, meaning an extremely positive emotion, is the most common among employees in the 25-49 age groups at performing unpaid work activities during the working day. Employed women perform more unpaid work and they feel more positive emotions during its performance than working men. Employees living in households with children up to 15 years of age feel more positive emotions at performing unpaid work activities than employees without young children. On the other hand, employees living in households without children (up to 15 years of age) experience more positive emotions during leisure time activities.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly paralyzed tour operators’ activities around the world. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the state of tour operators using the example of Slovakia and to point out its specifics that may affect its recovery. This paper identifies active tour operators, recognizing them in terms of selected criteria and uses cluster analysis to reveal consistent groups of enterprises. It is based mostly on content analysis of relevant websites. The results show a moderate level of concentration that characterizes Slovak tour operators with four large enterprises generating more than a third of all revenues. A typical tour operator in Slovakia is an outbound micro-enterprise with 3S mass product which intervenes in the activities of travel agency. The authors estimate that due to the Covid-19 pandemic measures, many tour operators will disappear, transform into pure travel agency or leave mass holiday product.
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