The aim of this study was to evaluate the significance of control serological examinations in maintaining a pig farm’s status as being free from Aujeszky’s disease virus - Herpesvirus suis type 1 (SHV-1), through realising a vaccination - eradication programme. The studies were carried out in the biggest large-scale pig farm in Poland - farm B., having over 2000 reproductive pigs, where SHV-1 was eliminated using the above programme and at which further procedures in preventing SHV-1 reintroduction to farm B. were explained. Blood samples for serological examinations were taken randomly from 5% reproductive pigs and 5 fattening pigs from every fattening house. Serological examinations using gE-ELISA - Pseudorabies Virus gpl Antibody Test Kit (Herd Chek Anti - PRV gpl), IDEXX Lab. Inc. USA were performed. In 1999, three control examinations 4 months apart were undertaken on 653 pigs. Serological examinations revealed that the pig herd in farm B. was free from SHV-1, which proved the efficacy of the vaccination - eradication programme. The article discusses the risk factors involved in the realisation of Aujeszky’s disease (AD) eradication programmes as well as stressing the need to continue pig vaccinations in herds free from SHV-1 where there exists the risk of reinfection. It also emphasises the necessity to start the realisation of national AD eradication programme as soon as possible in the light of the imminent acceptance of Poland into the European Union.
Цель работы состояла в проверке, влияют ли улучшение зоогигиеничских показателей (длина световых суток увеличение жизненной площади) и перемена корма у молодых свиноматок в последний период соматического развития на колличественное и качественное появление синдрома ММА. Оценку провели на основе биохимических определений сыворотки крови, взятой от молодых сивноматок в день родов, а также от свиноматок с симптомами синдрома через 3 дня после родов. Повышение активности энзимов AspAT, А1АТ и АР, а также высший и более выравненный уровень кальция и неорганического фосфора в группе I как в день родов, так и у свиноматок с синдромом ММА на 3 день после родов указывают на большее участие организма этой группы животных в акте родов и послеродовом периоде. Доказательством этого является уменьшение количества животных с болезненными симптомами на 31,25% и облегчение развития синдрома послеродовой безмолочности. Кроме того, получили в подопытной группе увеличение числа свиноматок с симптомами охоты на ок. 12,5%, больший эффект эффективности случки на 15,05%, сокращение родов на 65 минут.
The objective of the studies was to evaluate if an improvement of zoohygienic parameters (time of day and night light, increased living area) and change of a diet in the last period of a somatic development of sows affect quantitative and qualitative appearance of the MMA. The evaluation was based on biochemical parameters of blood plasma determined at a day of parturition and in sows with the MMA syndrom at day 3 after parturition. Increased activity of AspAT, A1AT and AP and a higher and more uniform concentration of calcium and inorganic P in group I in a day of parturition and in sows with the MMA syndorm at a day 3 after parturition point to a greater engage of this group of animals for parturition and post parturient period manifesting by a decreased percent of animals showing signs of the disease by 31.25% and atenuation of the course of the MMA. Moreover, in the experimental group increased a percent of sows with signs of oestrus by about 12.5%, increased effectivenees of mating by 15.05% and time parturition was shortened by 65 minutes.
Цель работы состояла в анализе избранных гематологических показателей у ремонтных молодых свиноматок во время развития синдрома ММА в день родов и 3 дня дозже, которым период конечного соматического развития поправили зоогигиенические параментры (длину световых суток, увеличение жизненной площади в клетках) и изменили вид корма с большим содержанием белка. Гематологические результаты показывают, что развитие самого процесса болезни было легче. Форма приема соматичского стресса была слабее выражена и, вероятно, процессы гуморального и клеточного иммунитета были развиты надлежащим образом. Последовала также усиленная активность полиморфонуклеарных клеток (нейтрофиллов).
The purpose of the studies was to analyse chosen haematological parameters in sows used to renovation of herds during a course of the MMA syndrom at a day of parturition, and at day 3 after parturition, which by the ned of thier somatic development had improved zoohygienic conditions (light, territory of life in cages) and were given food of a higher content of proteines. Hematological examinations ervealed that a course of the MMA syndrom itself was less severe. A from of reaction to a somatic stress was less severe and probably both humoral and cellular immune responses were well developed. It was also noted an increased activity of polimorphonuclear cells (neutrophils).
In young sows there have been assessed the influence of the change of some zoohygienic factors on weight gains and the clinical state in the perinatal period. In this aim young animale being at „meat point” were moved to the premises with boars, where a light day and night lasted at least for 10 hours and where the room of living increased from 0.8 to 1.6 m2, and feed CPT-II was replaced by PR. It was observed an increased number of heating sows and covered, a shortened time of pregnancy at 1.2 days, and a shortened time of parturition (at approximately 1 hour). The weight and number of piglets were also assessed at day 0, 10, 2il and 28. In all the mentioned times the values were better than those of controls. A lower morbity was also noted in the experimental group of sows and the course of the disease in this group of animals was milder.
Feeding is one of the main item in prophylaxis of the perinatal period diseases in sows. In the paper attention was paid to an extremely low level of crude fiber in a diet of sows in a perinatal period. The granulated feed containing 5.0% of buckweat hulls (Exocarpim fagopyri-Ef) was used in 60 sows from day 90 of pregnancy to day 28 of lactation. During the experiment productivity of sows and their progeny and some biochemical, haematological, ethological and clinical parameters were investigated. It was found that the diet containing 5.0% of Ef did not affect the number of the perinatal period diseases in sows but it facilitated defecation and reduced the percentage of sick piglets. On the other hand, using of Ef enabled to adopt its as a feed component and simultaneously reduced costs of animal feeding.
The first Aujeszky's disease (AD) vaccination - eradication programme in Poland was introduced in two different in size farrow-to-finish farms with a high percentage of latently infected pigs. All the pigs were vaccinated with gE- and TK-negative vaccine Nobi-Porvac Aujeszky Live Begonia (Intervet, Holland) according to the following schedule: breeding stock twice with a 4-week interval and then 3 times yearly, replacement gilts at 10-12 weeks of age, 4 weeks later and then together with sows and boars, fattening pigs twice at 10-12 weeks of age and 4 weeks later. In both herds clinical signs, postvaccinal humoral immune response as well as gE-seroprevalence were examined. After introduction of the vaccination programme no clinical signs of AD and neither local nor general adverse effects in pigs were observed. In the sows tested the vaccination schedule enabled high levels of neutralizing antibodies to be maintained. In the fattening pigs born to the vaccinated sows low antibody levels after the first and regular booster effect two weeks after the second vaccination were observed. An intensive vaccination programme is a good tool to minimize AD virus infections in pigs and, in conjunction with normal breeding stock turnover, strongly reduces the prevalence of gE-seropositive breeding and fattening pigs.
The development in the late 80-s of the deleted (marker) vaccines, which enable serological differentiation between pigs infected with Herpesvirus suis type 1 (SHV-1) and those vaccinated with these vaccines, was the turning point in Aujeszky’s disease (AD) eradication. A vaccination-eradication programme based on deleted, mainly gE-negative, vaccines is at present intensively implemented in several European countries and in the United States with planned completion in the year 2000. The objective of the study was to evaluate the results of SHV-1 elimination from pig farms after 5 years of implementing the vaccination-eradication programme. The study was carried out in two highly infected pig farms R. and B. located in the north-eastern region of Poland, in which implementation of this programme was the most advanced. In the years 1996-1998 intensive vaccinations of all the pigs in both farms using Porcilis Begonia vaccine (Intervet, Holland) were continued. To control the decrease of SHV-1 infection level, the serological examinations of reproductive pigs and pigs from other age groups using gE-ELISA - Pseudorabies Virus gp I Antibody Test Kit (Herd Chek Anti-PRV gp I), IDEXX Lab. Inc. USA were performed. In farm R. the study revealed a decrease of SHV-1 infection level in reproductive pigs from 100% to 10,7% after 3.5 years of pig vaccinations. Positive results were found in only 8 out of 72 sows, with no seropositives in boars and fatteners. In farm B. after 4.5 years of pig vaccinations and 1.5 years of culling SHV-1 infected reproductive pigs, only 3 doubtful results (1 boar, 2 sows) out of 1714 sows and gilts and 38 boars were found. There were no seropositives among piglets and fatteners. Farm B. is the first pig farm in Poland in which SHV-1 was eliminated using „vaccination-eradication programme” for about 5 years (62 months). It is proof that this programme can be effective in SHV-1 elimination even in very large and highly infected pig farms.
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