To remove flammable contaminations from submarine atmosphere, devices for their oxidation and chemical absorption of products resulting from the chemical reaction1, can be applied. In this paper a catalytic system designed for hydrogen and carbon monoxide oxidation and its tests are presented
Carrying capacity and creep of the „KONFIRMAT” type wall angle joints in a sustained static load test. The paper presents selected problems associated with the creep of a „konfirmat” type angle joint in cabinet furniture constructions. Stations used to investigate joint immediate load-carrying capacity and creeping were also presented. Selected results of experiments on creeping and creeping under load were reported, as well.
Nośność i pełzanie połączenia kątowego ściennego typu „konfirmant” w próbie długotrwałego obciążenia statycznego. W pracy omówiono niektóre problemy pełzania połączenia kątowego typu „konfirmant” w konstrukcjach mebli skrzyniowych. Przedstawiono stanowisko do badania nośności doraźnej oraz stanowisko do badań nad pełzaniem połączeń. Podano wybrane wyniki badań nad pełzaniem i pełzania z odciążeniem.
In this paper was presented, innovative in preparation of the diving apparatuses classificationmethod, depend on three criteria: the kind of the breathing gas, the operational depth range of the diving apparatus, and the principle of operation. The breathing gas used is the most important criterion. The other basic classification criteria follow from the first one;therefore it should be treated as the one criterion. Such approach to the problem has never been presented before, however it seems to be correct method of the diving apparatuses division
In the paper was presented introduction of Polish soda lime (produced by the Chemical Company Dwory SA) successfully used for filling the carbon dioxide scrubber of a regene-ration system built in KOBBEN class submarines for eliminating carbon dioxide from itsatmosphere without any additional construction changes. Research on the atmosphere re-generation was carried out on a KOBBEN class submarine. The initial CO2 concentrationwas achieved by releasing content of two cylinders filled with CO2/N2 gas mixture. Fur-ther CO2 emission adequate to its maximum production by the ship's crew during bre-athing, was simulated by means of a constant emission simulator.The time of the preventive operation amoun-ted to about 2 hours. The dynamic absorbing capacity of carbon dioxide was validated experimentally.
This paper is continuation the diving apparatuses classification method (Polish Maritime Research, No 1/2008), depend on three criteria: the kind of the breathing gas, the operational depth range of the diving apparatus, and the principle of operation. There are presented principle of work particular class of apparatuses