Autorka skupia uwagę na artystycznym kształcie i funkcjach przenośnych obrazów żywiołów w wierszach Franciszka Dionizego Kniaźnina – jednego z najważniejszych poetów lirycznych polskiego oświecenia. Za pomocą omawianych w pracy środków wyrazu twórca ogarniał otaczającą go rzeczywistość trudnego czasu, a także potwierdzał więzi łączące go z konkretnymi osobami i wydarzeniami. Analiza przenośnych obrazów elementów natury w utworach Kniaźnina uzmysławia, że bardzo sugestywnie i celowo wykorzystał on te przedstawienia, głównie ognia i powietrza, w większości pozbawiając je znamion utartej frazeologii. Charakteryzowana metaforyka bardzo korzystnie zaświadcza o wyobraźni twórczej Kniaźnina, o jej kreacyjnych aspektach, a także o duchowej i emocjonalnej wrażliwości poety i dynamicznym charakterze rzeczywistości, jaką postrzegał on wokół siebie.
The author of the article focuses on the artistic shape and the functions of the elements’ metaphorical images in the poems by Franciszek Dionizy Kniaźnin, one of the most important lyrist of the Polish Enlightenment. Employing the means of expression discussed in the paper, the poet attempted to fathom the difficult reality he was surrounded by, but also confirmed his connections with specific people and occurrences. An analysis of the metaphorical images of the elements in Kniaźnin’s pieces reveals his deliberate and intentional use of the representations, mainly of fire and air, devoiding them of their ordinary phraseology. The analysed metaphors well support the view of Kniaźnin’s creative imagination, its creative aspects, as well as his spiritual and emotional sensitivity, alongside of the dynamic character of the reality he perceived around him.
The edition, which opens with a short introduction, comprises four letters from the Bernardine monk associated with Lviv (died 1783), preserved in the Radziwiłł archive. The correspondence was directed at Michał Kazimierz ‘Rybeńko’ Radziwiłł and his son, Karol Stanisław ‘Panie Kochanku’. The letters confirm a close relationship between the monk and the representatives of the powerful Lithuanian family. Upon reading the correspondence, one may conclude that the relations between Tyszkowski and the Radziwiłłs involved not only his attempts to secure support for the Order, but also mediating issues affecting the family or people associated with it. These issues included, inter alia, the scandal which reverberated throughout the country in 1764, after the wedding of Teofila Konstancja Radziwiłłówna (daughter of Rybeńko and the playwright, Franciszka Urszula) with Ignacy Feliks Morawski, an officer of the court militia, which was seen as a mésalliance.
Rozprawa prezentuje utrwalone w dziełach polskich autorów oświeceniowych, modne wówczas, wydumane choroby dam i kawalerów z towarzystwa, określane mianem spazmów i waporów. Pełne afektacji uzewnętrznianie tych dolegliwości było przejawem ówczesnego stylu życia przedstawicieli wyższych warstw, stanowiło znamienny rys obyczajowy epoki i kultury tego okresu. Autorka przybliża nacechowane żartobliwym, ironicznym lub krytycznym dystansem sposoby nawiązywania w utworach doby stanisławowskiej do modnych przypadłości, spopularyzowanych przez komedię Wojciecha Bogusławskiego „Spazmy modne” (1797). Śledzi żywotność wątku spazmów i waporów w literaturze XIX stulecia, wskazując na kontynuację tradycyjnych ujęć, a także na nowe rozwiązania artystyczne, które świadczą o przekształceniu pierwotnego zjawiska obyczajowego w obiegowy motyw literacki, służący wzmocnieniu zabiegów teatralizacji konkretnych scen i przerysowaniu zachowań bohaterów. Zwraca też uwagę na wykorzystanie spazmów w tekstach epickich w celu uwydatnienia dramatycznych rysów wewnętrznego portretu postaci, ich wizerunku emocjonalnego, psychologicznego i duchowego.
The study presents the then fashionable among the society’s imagined illnesses of ladies and cavaliers, referred to as spasms and vapours, recorded in the works of the Polish Enlightened authors. Rich in affectation manifestations of the complaints were symptoms of upper classes representative’s lifestyle, and were seen as distinctive customary trait of the epoch and culture of that time. The author gives a succinct description of the modes, stamped with humour, irony or critical distance, of referring to the stylish symptoms found in the pieces composed at the times of Stanisław August Poniatowski and popularised by Wojciech Bogusławski’s comedy “Spazmy modne” (“Stylish spasms,” 1797). She traces the vitality of the motif in question in the 19th century literature, pointing at a continuation of traditional approaches and at the new artistic solutions that provide for transformation of the initial customary phenomenon into a common literary motif that serves to strengthen the theatricalisation of given scenes and exaggeration of protagonists’ behaviours. She also pays attention to the ways spasms are employed to the epic texts to accentuate the dramatic traits of persons’ internal portrait, and their emotional, psychological, and spiritual image.
The source of discussion in the article are lists of errors, included in publications from the second half of the eighteenth century, detailing mistakes identified in print and the corrections, and addressed to the future readers of these statements, written by printers, publishers, and authors. These two interconnected elements are characterised in the article as contributing to the front matter and end matter of literary and scholarly works, as well as to the structure of a book, and as an important symptom of entering works into circulation. After a discussion of the formal traits of the errata in books of the bygone era, the types and frequency of printing mistakes collected in the errata are explored, in conjunction with an attempt at determining the likely consequences of those errors, which were not included, on the reading of the texts. In the next part of the article, the focus is on the statements made to the readers in relation to the printing errors. The article also explores the source material as one of the elements of publishing practice, changing with time and subject to modernisation, which should also be acknowledged in contemporary editions of historical works.
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