The paper outlines the method of evaluating thermodynamic losses in the regeneration systems of the extraction condensing type power unit in a combined heat and power plant. The exergy analysis principles were then utilised to compute the thermodynamic losses in heat exchangers of the high-pressure regeneration system in the heating and condensing mode of power unit operation. Finally, the thermodynamic losses are expressed in terms of increased fuel consumption in the boiler, which is of key importance for the calculations of overall costs of power and heat generation in a combined heat and power plant.
W artykule przedstawiono metodykę obliczenia strat termodynamicznych w układach regeneracji bloku upustowo--kondensacyjnego. Następnie w oparciu o zasady analizy egzergetycznej wyznaczono wartości strat termodynamicznych w wymiennikach regeneracji wysokoprężnej zarówno dla ciepłowniczego, jak i kondensacyjnego trybu pracy bloku. W części końcowej opracowania przeliczono wartości tych strat na koszty nadmiernego zużycia paliwa dostarczonego do kotła, które stanowią istotną pozycję w ogólnych kosztach produkcji energii elektrycznej i ciepła w elektrociepłowni.
Fundamental relationships defining the effectiveness of regeneration processes in steam power stations were precisely formulated. Characteristics of a extraction condensing type power unit with the regeneration systems at a combined heat and power plant were obtained experimentally for a wide range of operating loads. The energy analysis would yield the optimal range of performance parameters of the power unit for the heating and condensing working modes.
We wstępie artykułu uściślono podstawowe zależności w zakresie efektywności procesu regeneracji w siłowni parowej. Następnie na podstawie badań eksperymentalnych przeprowadzonych w szerokim zakresie obciążeń ruchowych zestawiono charakterystyki bloku upustowo-kondensacyjnego elektrociepłowni z funkcjonującym układem regeneracji. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy energetycznej określono zakres optymalnych parametrów pracy bloku zarówno dla ciepłowniczego, jak i dla kondensacyjnego trybu pracy.
The author raises the issue of the picture of the Russian which functioned in the writings of the Polish independence emigration. Initially negative attitudes were predominant. The Russian were blamed for the misgivings of Stalinism. Their cultural difference was indicated as the factor which made cooperation impossible. Those attitudes changed in time. The emigrants recognized the Russian nation as a potential ally against Soviet imperialism. Polish-Russian solidarity and cooperation was viewed as a chance to abolish communism and to regain freedom for both the nations.
The so-called 'Great Purge' taking place in the Soviet Union in 1936-1938 stirred great interest in the Polish press, which published assorted interpretations of the origin of Stalinist terror. One of its interpretation perceived Soviet terror as the outcome of Stalin's intentional steps towards the realisation of select targets. The majority of the journalists drew attention to the fact that the heart of the matter involved predominantly the organisation of an apparatus of power in order to safeguard the authority enjoyed by Stalin and to expand its range. This was the reason for the elimination of those who posed a threat to the dictator. Others indicated that repressions served as a tool for attaining further reaching objectives: the construction of a totalistic-bureaucratic centralised state ( perceived as a symptom of Thermidor, the end of the revolution) or a nationalisation or, more precisely, Russification of Bolshevism. According to the deterministic interpretations of the sources of terror it was to have been a product of the specific social, political and historical conditions prevailing in the Soviet Union. The Catholic press frequently indicated that Stalinist terror constituted a logical consequence of the implementation of the premises of Marxism-Leninism. On the other hand, the democratic press maintained that the bloody events in the Soviet Union sprung from the dictator-totalitarian nature of the local authorities. Another characteristic feature of the Polish press was interpreting the terror of 1936-1938 as an outcome of the impact exerted by Russian political tradition.
An algorithm is developed for computing thermodynamic losses in the regeneration systems of the back-pressure power unit in a combined heat and power plant. Thermal measurements taken under the typical working loads were utilised to compute and analyse variability of the thermodynamic losses in heat exchangers of the high-pressure and low-pressure regeneration systems in the heating and pseudo-condensing modes of operation.
W artykule opisano algorytm obliczania strat termodynamicznych w układach regeneracji bloku upustowo-przeciwprężnego elektrociepłowni. Następnie na podstawie wyników pomiarów cieplnych dla typowego zakresu obciążeń eksploatacyjnych bloku wyznaczono wartości tych strat w wymiennikach ciepła układów regeneracji: wysokoprężnej i niskoprężnej oraz dokonano analizy przebiegu ich zmienności zarówno dla ciepłowniczego, jak i pseudokondensacyjnego trybu pracy bloku.
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