In this publication the author discusses the following place of innovations in development of organization, essence of innovation, essence of innovation management and role of workers and clients in innovations creating process. The aim of this article is to analyze and evaluate the role of innovation in the process of enterprise management. The results of the research indicate the existence of numerous ideas and innovations in companies. Employees are usually creative and engaged. The study and review of literature shows that the role of innovation in management is very important.
Rachunek kosztów działań jest to system, którego wdrożenie i funkcjonowanie wymaga ponoszenia wysokich nakładów finansowych. Aby odpowiedzieć na pytanie, jak ograniczyć koszty i równocześnie nie zmniejszyć potencjału firmy, a co za tym idzie przychodów i zysków, kluczowe są dokładna informacja o rzeczywistym koszcie prowadzonych działań i wyodrębnienie procesów, które zużywają zbyt wiele zasobów, oraz tych, które najkorzystniej wpływają na wyniki firmy. Podejmując decyzję o wprowadzeniu rachunku kosztów działań do przedsiębiorstwa, wymagane jest zastosowanie dwóch głównych zasad: zasady wysokich kosztów pośrednich (gdzie założeniem jest to, aby rachunek kosztów działań wdrażać w tych przedsiębiorstwach, w których udział kosztów pośrednich jest wysoki) oraz zasady dużej różnorodności (wskazującej na wdrażanie koncepcji w przedsiębiorstwach, w których występuje duża różnorodność asortymentowa produkcji).
The activity cost account is a rather complex system whose implementation and operation requires high financial expenditure. To answer the question of how to limit costs and at the same time not to reduce the company's potential and thus revenue and profit, it is crucial to know exactly what the actual cost of operations is and to isolate processes that consume too much resources and which are most beneficial to the company's performance. Two main principles are required when deciding on cost accounting for an enterprise: the principle of high indirect costs (the assumption is that the cost accounting of operations is to be implemented in those companies where the share of indirect costs is high) and the principle of high diversity (Indicating the implementation of concepts in companies where there is a great variety of assortment of production).
In this paper, the problem of entering the labour market by young people, in particular graduates, will be discussed. Obstacles and problems relating to the transition from education to career will be presented. Using the Central Statistical Office (GUS) data concerning Poland, the Silesian Voivodeship and the city of Bielsko-Biała, an attempt will be made to give an insight into the notion of unemployment itself. The author has also explored the concept of unemployment, which is presented on the basis of the data obtained from the Central Statistical Office on Polish, Silesian province and the city of Bielsko-Biała. The main objective of this work is to present the concept and the level of unemployment in the city of Bielsko-Biała by comparing the situation in the Silesian Voivodeship with the whole country. Apart from that, the feasible assistance of state-run institutions, including job centres, will be showed as well as the present legal aspects of the problem. The methods used in this paper include statistical devices pertaining to the unemployment in Poland. The theory being substantiated is that those poorly educated are the high-risk group in the context of becoming unemployed.
Poland officially known as the Republic of Poland is a rapidly developing economy in Central Europe. Poland is also a parliamentary republic with a head of government – the prime minister - and the head of state - the president. The country is divided into 16 provinces and its governmental structure is centred on the council of ministers. Throughout this paper, key subheadings would be analysed in order to give the readers an insight into the situation in the Polish market. The applied research methods involve a review of legal acts and literature on the subject.
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