Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia wpływ zastosowania rozwiązania G2V oraz V2G na Krajowy System Elektroenergetyczny. Przedstawiono zmiany, jakie mogą zachodzić w kształcie krzywej obciążenia dobowego w zależności od wybranego scenariusza. Strategia G2V pozwala przede wszystkim na zrealizowanie tzw. „wypełniania dolin” czyli zwiększenia obciążenia w okresie doliny nocnej poprzez proces ładowania większej liczby pojazdów w tym okresie. Strategia V2G zezwala zarówno na realizację „wypełniania dolin” oraz „ścinania szczytów”. Samochody elektryczne poprzez oddawanie części energii zmagazynowanej w swoich bateriach, spowodowałyby odciążenie systemu elektroenergetycznego w okresie szczytowych obciążeń. Wiąże się to z bardziej efektywnym zwiększeniem obciążenia w okresie doliny nocnej niż przy rozwiązaniu G2V.
In this article there were presented an impact of implementing Grid-to-Vehicle (G2V) and Vechicle-to-Grid (V2G) solutions on National Electric Power System. V2G strategy concerns bidirectional energy flow between electric power system and car battery whereas G2V strategy concerns unidirectional energy flow between energy power system and battery of electric car. Both strategies allow changing shape of daily curve of electric power demand in various ways. The changes that took place in the shape of daily electric power demand curve of the power system were shown. The changes were different and depended on the scenario that were applied – G2V or V2G. G2V solution allowed to realize so called „valley filling”. „Valley filling” were realized by increased the load during the night valley through the process of charging an larger amount of electric vehicles. There were also shown an problem, that is an increased load during peak loads of electric power system. This is caused by small amount of electric cars, that were charged during daytime. Increased load during peak loads could be a problem if there were larger amount of electric cars. This shown that, it is important to convince most of electric cars owners to charge their cars during nighttime. V2G solution allowed not only for realize „valley filling”, but also „peak clipping”. „Valley filling” in V2G solution were more effective. Electric cars would need more energy from the power system, to charge their batteries. It is a result of transfer a part of energy, that has been magazined in their batteries, to the power system during daytime. This allowed to reduce peak loads of power system and realized so called „peak clipping”. It also allowed to overcome a problem with increased load during peak loads, caused by small amount of charging vehicles.