W Eurokodach wprowadzono nowe pojęcie - metodę obserwacyjną, w której projekt jest w sposób ciągły weryfikowany podczas budowy. Sygnały z owego procesu monitoringu mogą prowadzić do koniecznego przeprowadzenia analizy wstecznej w celu sprawdzenia lub regulowania wymiarów konstrukcji, wartości parametrów gruntowych itd. Wieloparametrowa budowa gruntu prowadzi do koniecznego uproszczenia powiązań "konstrukcja-grunt", nie-umożliwiającego uzyskanie satysfakcji z otrzymanych rozwiązań. W pracy przedstawiono nowe podejście pochodzące z mechaniki i biomechaniki do rozwiązywania tego problemu. Jest to sformułowanie zagadnienia odwrotnego oraz proces poszukiwania rozwiązań odwrotnych przestawiony przez Tichonowa. W zaproponowanej metodzie wykorzystuje się technikę obliczeń neuronowych.
As changes of the geo-systems are sometimes unpredictable, the local interactions underlying these complex systems may be continuously recombined revised and the behavior of systems tends to arise from the interactions among their agents. Then our ability to make significant statements about real geo-system behavior is limited. For this case, we can use back-analysis approach to find out an inverse solution, which gives us a full appreciation of the situations we are modeling (e.g. the identification of physical parameters from observations of the evolution of the system). It is concerned with determining causes for a desired or an observed effect. In this paper a logical base of the inverse problems, its solution based on inverse neural network for geo-technical problems has been presented.
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For man, possessing the ability to recognize the specific situation that has arisen at any instant of time and taking the appropriate decision without using a mathematical model is what 'adaptation' means. Adaptive principles are being extended to more complex systems in widely different areas, in which we need to replace the traditional metaphor of a fixed environment with a dynamic and constantly changing one. Each mechatronic system, for example, is usually, faced with a multiplicity of choices and objectives of the system change with it. Its modeling reąuires more than a mathematical model that is based on clear definitions and axioms using the rules of logic deduction theory. To solve this problem, the new concept of system integration by software control, such as real-time multi-tasking operating system using fuzzy logic, is emphasized in the education of modem mechatronics engineering. In this paper, I would like to return, firstly, to the fundamental element of truth measure, which we can use as basis for constructing a way to spread the binary philosophy rather than its rejecting and to increase our ability to describe the real world. Next, in order to explanation into details one aspect of real-time software using fuzzy logic, applied in control of mechatronic systems, we present a fuzzy control technology that combines artificial intelligence and control methodologies. It achieves control purposes based on expert knowledge and experience expressed in the form of IF-THEN rules (Sugeno-type) or neural networks using neuro-fuzzy based intelligent control scheme in order to create a real-time-adaptive control process. Application of this technology is presented in numerical example of trajectory control of PUMA 560 robot manipulators using Fuzzy Artificial Neural Network, FANN, rather than using Artificial Neural Network, ANN, only.
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To design foundations, embankments and other soil structures, geotechnical engineers require methods of assessing engineering properties of soils. Some of the more complex phenomena that occur in soils have often been difficult to recreate in a laboratory: seismic activity, vibration, unsaturated condition, control of principal stresses etc. are areas which have proven difficult to replicate, despite their importance of being understood. This was partly due to the lack of test systems capable of reproducing these effects and the complexity of test systems that were developed to carry out such work. A number of advanced computer/software controlled systems allow the geotechnical engineer to perform the most complex test regimes via a user-friendly software interface. However, it is difficult to determine firstly parameters needed, e.g. shear speed in soil triaxial testing. In this paper we represent a new approach to determine this shear speed by solving the inverse problem using testing results obtained by the forward procedure. Direct search method, i.e. Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), is developed and applied to soil triaxial shear tests. It allows us to use the advanced sensor and actuator technologies in order to change the traditional triaxial shear apparatus from a mechanical system to a mechatronics system in next work.
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Podstawy i rozwój logiki rozmytej. Idea podejmowania decyzji eksperckiej w świetle Eurokodu 7. Techniki obliczeń inteligentnych w projektowaniu geotechnicznym z wykorzystaniem sieci neuronowych, algorytmów genetycznych i zbiorów rozmytych do określania stanów zagęszczenia gruntów sypkich.
Fundamentals and development of fuzzy logic. Idea of expert decision taking in the light of Eurocode 7. Techniques of intelligent calculations in geotechnical design using neural networks, genetic algorithms and fuzzy sets for a determination of the density of non-cohesive soils.
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Opis modernizacji norweskiego aparatu trójosiowego ściskania - zastosowanie cyfrowego sterowania aparatem, zastąpienie mierników zegarowych czujnikami cyfrowymi i wprowadzenie procedury automatycznego gromadzenia danych. Zwiększenie czułości aparatu, zakresu mierzonych parametrów i zmniejszenie poziomu błędów pomiarowych. Wdrożenie zaawansowanych, cyfrowych metod pomiarowych i technik zwiększających jakość uzyskiwanych danych.
Description of modernization of triaxial apparatus of Norwegian type - implementation of digital control system, replacement of dial gauges by digital transducers and data acquisition. Increase of sensitivity of gauges, number of magnitudes measured with reduction of measurement errors. Implementation of advanced digital measurement techniques increasing quality of data.
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Metodyka określania parametrów geotechnicznych z badań trójosiowego ściskania. Procedury odszumiania danych pomiarowych (filtrowanie, skracanie, wygładzanie). Przykład i wyniki praktycznego zastosowania metody ruchomej średniej metody wielomianowej. Analiza rynków i wskazówki praktycznej przydatności obu metod.
Methodology of the determination of geotechnical parameters obtained from triaxial tests. Denoising procedures (filtration, reduction, smoothening) of measuring data. Example and the results of the application of moving average and polynomial methods. Market analysis of practical guidelines for application of both methods.
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Trójstopniowa metoda odszumiania danych. Opis stanowiska badawczego i procedury badawczej odszumiania danych pomiarowych. Wyniki i analiza wykorzystania aproksymacji i wielomianów metody ruchomej do wygładzania danych pomiarowych w badaniu trójosiowego ściskania próbki iłu.
Three-stage method of data de-noising. Description of lab stand and test procedure of de-nosing of measuring data. The results and analysis of the implementation of polynomials and moving average techniques for smoothing the data from triaxial test on clay sample.
The sharing of species of ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) among different co-occurring host plant species could allow the formation of common mycorrhizal networks, which can alter plant–plant interactions and succession. Such sharing of EMF among woody species is thought to be common in many forests, but very few herbaceous plants form EMF, so they are assumed to be excluded from EMF networks in forests. We studied the EMF on roots of a common coniferous tree, Pinus sylvestris, and a co-occurring rare herbaceous perennial plant, Pulsatilla patens (Ranunculaceae), in northeastern Poland. We examined roots from co-occuring P. sylvestris and P. patens, visually classified EMF into morphotypes, studied tissue sections of mycorrhizal structures using compound microscopy, and used DNA sequencing to identify the fungi. On both host plant species, we observed EMF colonization, with colonized root tips exhibiting a swollen appearance, as well as a variety of colors and textures of fungal mycelium covering and emanating from those swollen tips. Sectioning and microscopic examination of an EMF morphotype common on P. patens confirmed the presence of a mantle and Hartig net, indicating the likely presence of functional ectomycorrhizal structures. The two most frequent EMF were Cenococcum geophilum and Piloderma olivaceum, and the latter was found to associate with both host plant species. Several EMF found here only on P. patens, including C. geophilum and two Russula species, are known from previous studies to also associate with P. sylvestris and other tree species. The observation of shared EMF between a coniferous tree and an understory herb indicates the potential for common mycorrhizal networks to alter interactions between these two species and may also indicate a unique way in which the distribution and abundance of a rare herbaceous plant may be influenced by shared mutualisms with a common co-occurring woody plant.
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