Rozpatrywany jest problem ustalonego przepływu ciepła wewnątrz termicznie anizotropowego ciała . Dla dowolnego termicznego funkcjonału jakości, określonego wewnątrz i na brzegu ciała , wyznaczana jest jego wrażliwość pierwszego rzędu ze względu na zmienny kształt zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych powierzchni ograniczających rozpatrywany obszar . Następnie zostaje sformułowany problem optymalnego kształtowania obszaru przy ograniczeniu nałożonym na koszt i wyznaczone są odpowiednie warunki optymalności.
A transient hat conduction problem within a thermal anisotropic solid body is formulated . Considering an arbitrary thermal functional defined over problem domain and its boundaries, its first-order sensitivities with respect to variation of shape of external boundary and internal interfaces are derived. Next the problem of optimal design of domain shape is formulated and relevant optimality conditions are derived.
The results of investigation in the area of designing of two-dimensional structures made of fibre-reinforced composite materials subjected to service loading are presented. The problem of optimal design of fibre layout in the multilayer composite so that the structure should satisfy assumed requirements in the range of material mechanical properties is discussed. The hybrid optimisation algorithm, consists of a sequence of evolution and gradient-oriented procedures, is applied during design process. The problem considered in the paper is illustrated by some numerical examples.
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The detection of defects as well as their location, orientation and size is performed using measurements of surface temperature either at some selected points or on selected surface areas or lines. The response temperature of a structure is caused by statically, quasi-statically or dynamically applied thermal load on some structural boundary parts or within its domain. On the basis of results of measurements, an inverse heat transfer problem is formulated for a model structure and next solved. The inverse solution is constructed by minimizing the properly defined distance norm of measured and model temperatures. The model temperature distribution is calculated using the finite element model of a structure, while in minimizing the distance norm functional the gradient-oriented methods are used. The proper sensitivities of introduced identification functional are also derived. Some simple examples illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach. Keywords: identification, sensitivity, thermographic methods, path-independent integrals
W pracy rozpatrywany jest problem optymalnej dystrybucji materiału wzmacniającego w konstrukcjach tarczowych. Założono, że rozkład materiału wzmacniającego następuje wzdłuż linii o dowolnym kształcie, które tworzą linie funkcjonalnie odpowiadające żebrom. W etapie analizy konstrukcji wykorzystano metodę elementów skończonych, a w etapie syntezy wykorzystano hybrydowy algorytm ewolucyjny, w którym zastosowano gradientowe metody uczenia się osobników populacji macierzystej.
In the paper the problem of reinforcing material distribution in disk like structures is considered. It was assumed that reinforcing material is distributed along lines of arbitrary shape corresponding functionally with ribs. In analysis step of the structure behaviour the finite element method was used. In synthesis step, based on optimization algorithm, hybrid evolutionary algorithm was used, in which gradient learning methods of parent population individuals were incorporated. The presented approach was illustrated with some examples of optimal design of reinforcements in disks loaded in their plane.
W pracy zaproponowano metodę obliczania zastępczych współczynników przewodności cieplnej w kierunku wzdłużnym i poprzecznym do włókien dla elementu konstrukcyjnego wykonanego z wielowarstwowego materiału kompozytowego wzmacnianego długimi włóknami o różnym kształcie przekroju poprzecznego.
A method of calculating of substitute heat conduction ratios in the alongside and crosswise direction to fibres for the constructional element made from the multi-layer composite material strengthened with the long, various crosssection shape fibres was proposed in the work.
An elastic structure subjected to thermal and mechanical loading with prescribed external boundary and varying internal interface is considered. The different thermal and mechanical nature of this interface is discussed, since the interface form and its properties affect strongly the structural response. The first-order sensitivities of an arbitrary thermal and mechanical behavioral functional with respect to shape and material properties of the interface are derived using the direct or adjoint approaches. Next the relevant optimality conditions are formulated. Some examples illustrate the applicability of proposed approach to control the structural response due to applied thermal and mechanical loads.
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