The tidal measurements at the Astro-Geodetic Observatory in Jozefoslaw began in 1993 with LaCoste&Romberg G model. Nowadays the Observatory is equipped with ET-26 spring gravimeter. The use of results depends on correct determination of the scale of tidal records which should have relatively high accuracy. The most frequently used method for calibration of tidal gravimeters with more or less regular drift is comparison to the absolute measurements. The repeated absolute gravity measurements with the FG5 No. 230 gravimeter at the Observatory in Jozefoslaw were used for computing calibration factors of the tidal gravimeters using least-squares fitting. The scales of the tidal gravimeters were determined from 8 2-day absolute campaigns performed between October 2006 and May 2007 with the accuracy of about 10%.
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Pollution of the air and the surface of Earth and also sewage sediments with heavy metals results in a heavy contamination of the storm run-off water. The use of retention-sedimentation basins (separators) is a novel approach to limitation of water pollution by urban run-off, preventing environmental water from degradation by drainage systems in receiving waters. Research was carried out in small, urban catchments in the south distinct of Cracow. Concentrations of heavy metals have been measured with the AAS in sediment samples from separators and water-courses above and below the outlets of the drainage systems. Estimation of the quantity of metals in samples was done based on sediment samples also from "Rudawa", "Dłubnia" and "Raba" drinking water plants and "Płaszo´w" and "Kujawy" sewage treatment plants.
Zanieczyszczenie metalami ciężkimi powietrza i powierzchni terenu, a także osadów w kanałach jest wywołane silnym skażeniem wód opadowych. Stosowanie zbiorników retencyjno-sedymentacyjnych (separatorów) stanowi nowoczesną metodę ograniczenia zanieczyszczenia wód ściekami opadowymi, gdyż zapobiega degradacji środowiska wodnego, bo zbiorniki tego typu stają się odbiornikami ścieków z systemów kanalizacyjnych. Badania prowadzono w małych, zurbanizowanych zlewniach w południowym regionie Krakowa. Stężenia metali ciężkich zmierzono, korzystając z metody AAS, w próbkach osadów z separatorów i cieków powyżej i poniżej ujścia systemów kanalizacyjnych. Oceny ilości metali w próbkach dokonano także na podstawie próbek z Zakładów Uzdatniania Wód "Rudawa", "Dłubnia", i "Raba", a także Oczyszczalni Ścieków "Płaszów" i "Kujawy".
Astrogedodetic Observatory Józefoslaw was joined to the IGS in 1991 and started to the permanent service in 1993. To day GPS stations JOZE and JOZE working in the frame IGS/EUREF. JOZ2 station participate in IGLOS an EUREF IP pilot projects. Results of tidal gravimetric observations; absolute gravity measurements; changes of the vertical, based on the gravimetric measurements and astrometric observations; hydrological and meteorological observations are the base for study of local deformations model. The results of practical test of RTK and DGPS measurements using mobile phone for data transmission performed since 1998 are also presented in the paper. WUT EUREF Local Analysis Centre, one of the 16 Local Analysis Centres acting in Europe, is a very important part of the Observatory. The Centre makes continuous service of one-week solution in the frame of EUREF network, processes national and international GPS campaigns, models ionosphere and troposphere parameters. The part of this Centre is automatic service for GPS data processing. The results of mentioned above work are presented in the paper.
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